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91 lines (74 loc) · 4.67 KB

Test Cases - Erik Vaně

File metadata and controls

91 lines (74 loc) · 4.67 KB

[!ERROR] Header

  • Tester is Ondřej Kulhavý
  • Tests are combination of the tester and author of the app
  • Everything was tested on school computer PC956

Test cases

[!INFO] Info Test Case ID: TC_001 Test Designed by: Ondřej Kulhavý Test Name: App Execution with Missing MySQL in XAMPP Workbench Brief description: Verify the behavior of the app when attempting to run it based on the instructions in the README with MySQL missing in XAMPP Workbench. Pre-conditions: XAMPP installed on school PCs according to the README instructions. Dependencies and Requirements: XAMPP, App as per README instructions.

Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Result Passed Notes
1 Follow the instructions in the README to run App execution command executed as per README
2 Check the XAMPP Workbench for MySQL presence MySQL is NOT missing in XAMPP Workbench

[!INFO] Info Test Case ID: TC_002 Test Designed by: Ondřej Kulhavý Test Name: Manual Database Import Error Resolution Brief description: Verify the behavior when attempting to manually import the database through MySQL Workbench to resolve the issue mentioned in TC_001, and encountering an error in the SQL dump file. Pre-conditions: XAMPP installed on school PCs according to the README instructions. Dependencies and Requirements: XAMPP, MySQL Workbench, SQL dump file.

Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Result Passed Notes
1 Open MySQL Workbench SQL dump MySQL Workbench application launched
2 Attempt to import the SQL dump file SQL dump Successful import of database
3 Running app based on readme Successful start of app

[!INFO] Info Test Case ID: TC_003 Test Designed by: Ondřej Kulhavý Test Name: Manual Database Import Error Resolution Brief description: Verify the behavior when attempting to manually import the database through MySQL Workbench to resolve the issue mentioned in TC_001, and encountering an error in the SQL dump file. Pre-conditions: XAMPP installed on school PCs according to the README instructions. Dependencies and Requirements: XAMPP, MySQL Workbench, SQL dump file.

Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Result Passed Notes
1 Open MySQL Workbench MySQL Workbench application launched
2 Navigate to line 29 of the SQL dump file SQL Dump file Line 29 of the SQL dump file located
3 Identify and analyze the error at line 29 Error in the SQL dump file at line 29 identified Attempting to add privileges to user
4 Attempt to resolve the error (e.g., correct syntax) Error in the SQL dump file resolved By removing this call
5 Retry importing the SQL dump file SQL dump file imported successfully after error resolution
6 Verify the database imported successfully Database imported without errors
7 Attempt to execute the app again App executed successfully after database import Unsupported version of SQL


[!INFO] Info Test Case ID: TCO_001 Test Designed by: Erik Vaněk Test Name: Edit Řidiči Data Brief description: Verify the behavior when editing Řidiči data by clicking on the pencil icon, modifying the data, and submitting the changes. Pre-conditions: Řidiči page accessible with editable data. Dependencies and Requirements: Access to Řidiči page, existing data in the table.

Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Result Passed Notes
1 Click on link Řidiči You'll be redirected to page Řidiči. Bug I001
2 Pick any of the shown Řidiči in the table data table. Bug I001
3 Click on the little pencil ✏ The editing window will be shown. Bug I001
4 Edit data in input however you want Bug I001
5 Click on submit The data will be submitted and successfully edited in the database. Bug I001

Summery table

Test Case Id Test Results Bugs
TC_001 I001
TC_002 I001
TC_003 I001
TCO_001 I001


Incident ID Summary Expected Result Test result Repro steps Note
I001 Error when loading databases by app Successfully loaded database and initialized app TC_001, TC_002, TC_003