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Build command with autocomplete for .csproj files

rene-descartes2021 edited this page Sep 20, 2021 · 21 revisions


I needed a way to make a specific .csproj instead of every project in the .sln.

So I made it so the <tab> key should autocomplete to a .csproj.

E.g. typing :Make <tab> will result in a menu of options, or only one option if only one .csproj was found in the search space:

:Make Content.Shared/Content.Shared.csproj
BuildChecker/BuildChecker.csproj                          Content.Shared/Content.Shared.csproj

See :help wildmenu.

The only plugin this approach depends on is something which defines asyncdo#run(), either hauleth/asyncdo.vim or an alternative like skywind3000/asyncrun.vim which features real-time population of the QuickFix list.

Vim configuration files


"First a generalized way to have the makeprg be called async, not just C#.
"I think I found this on ThePrimeagen YouTube channel or other YouTube video.
"Not necessary for C# but is a generalized approach to calling make Async within Vim with args.

"Display status of :AsyncDo (asyncdo#run) in status line:
let &statusline .= "%{exists('g:asyncdo')?'runing':''}"
"Make makeprg (:make) run async
command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file Make call asyncdo#run(<bang>0, &makeprg, <f-args>)
"Make :grep run async
command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=dir Grep call asyncdo#run(
	\ <bang>0,
	\ { 'job': &grepprg, 'errorformat': &grepformat  },
	\ <f-args>)


compiler dotnet

" automatically open quickfix window after build is completed
	autocmd QuickFixCmdPost [^l]* nested cwindow
	autocmd QuickFixCmdPost    l* nested lwindow
augroup END


if exists("current_compiler")
let current_compiler = "dotnet"
setlocal makeprg=dotnet\ build\ /v:q\ /property:GenerateFullPaths=true\ /clp:ErrorsOnly
setlocal errorformat=\ %#%f(%l\\\,%c):\ %m

set wildmenu

let s:omnisharp_ready=0
	autocmd User OmniSharpReady let s:omnisharp_ready=1
augroup END

"Redefines earlier :Make command for .cs files.
command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,DotNetFileComplete Make call asyncdo#run(<bang>0, &makeprg, <f-args>)
":help command-completion-custom
fun DotNetFileComplete(A,L,P)
	"First try to find match from curent file's folder and search up to . (cwd), to get relevant .csproj
	let searchdir=expand('%:.:h')
	let matches=split(globpath(searchdir,'*.csproj'),'\n')
	while '.' !=# searchdir && empty(matches)
		let searchdir=fnamemodify(searchdir,':h')
		let matches=split(globpath(searchdir,'*.csproj'),'\n')
	if empty(matches)
		if s:omnisharp_ready
			"Query for all .csproj files associated with OmniSharp sln
			let csprojs=deepcopy(OmniSharp#proc#GetJob(OmniSharp#GetHost().sln_or_dir).projects)
			let matches=map(csprojs, {index, value -> fnamemodify(value['path'],':.')})
			"Omnisharp-vim not ready, try solution directory subdirectories:
			let matches=split(globpath('**','*.csproj'),'\n')
	return matches


If you have many .csproj files in your .sln, then maybe setting the vertical option in :help wildmode may help navigation.

The DotNetFileComplete function above could use generalized refinement:

  • Maybe some caching of the result/selection and any other args for a given directory in a tempfile(). So :Make no args would prefer the cached choice. Such caching the argument to build to a custom directory "-o /tmp/build/bin/"
  • Infinite loop on calling :Make when in a doc (no parent dir traversal goes to getcwd())
  • s:omnisharp_ready scope problems maybe