Data Model Project:
- Installed postgresql database adapter for Python psycopg2.
- Created a connection to database
- Get cursor to execute queries
- Setted automatic commit
- Created database inside cursor execute (my_db)
- Connected the database that created after closed previous one (postgres)
- Created table for students includes columns according to their type
- Insert into these table some rows
- Validating data if its working and columns with rows inserted properly
- Closing cursor and connection
Data Engineer Project:
- Imported libraries for dataframe creating and for database usage
- Defined create database function to create a sparkify database with utf8 encoding where we can use wide range of characters
- Defined drop, create functions with execution and commiting
- Reading .csv files and checking column head and types
- Cleaning datas and creating necessary dataframes (also according to the business schema ERD(Entity Relationship Diagram) design)
- Called create database function and executed Table creating for accountscountry, accountsdata and accountseries.
- Inserted value types and then inserted every row cleaned dataframes (such as AccountsCountry_clean)
- Dropped NA and noticed '..' in year so replaced with nan also in AccountsData_clean