Conflux Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE), making developing Conflux smart contracts faster and easier.
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Download Conflux Studio install-package in Github Release according to the computer system type (.dmg/.zip for macOS, .AppImage for Linux, .exe for Windows).
You can also download the latest the installation packages through the links (Mac, Windows, Linux).
- macOS: Double click to open
and dragConflux Studio
to the application folder.- For Apple silicon, use
, for Intel core, useConfluxStudio-x.x.x-x64.dmg
- For Apple silicon, use
- Linux: Double-click to open
, select Properties => Permissions => Execute, and tick the Allow executing file as progrom option. Close the properties window and double-click to open the application (different Linux distributions may have different installation methods). - Windows: Double click to run the
Learn how to use Conflux Studio to completely develop a token DApp in the Conflux DApp Tutorial.
When Conflux Studio is properly installed and started for the first time, users will see a welcome page, where the dependencies for Conflux are displayed, including Docker, Conflux Node and Conflux Truffle.
- Docker is used to to start the Conflux Node and compile projects in Conflux Studio. If Docker is not installed yet, users can click the Install Docker button to visit the official Docker website and download and install it.
- Conflux Node is the Conflux node image officially provided by Conflux. Conflux Studio uses the image to run the Conflux node and compile projects.
- Conflux Truffle is a Conflux version of truffle used to create and compile projects.
When all the dependencies are properly installed and run, the gray Skip button will change into a green Get Started button. Click the button to enter the main interface of Conflux Studio.
After entering the main interface, users need to create some keypairs by opening the keypair manager by clicking the key icon at the bottom left on any interface of Conflux Studio.
Users can create, import and manage keypairs in the keypair manager. When creating and editing a keypair, users can set an alias for the keypair to facilitate identification in later use. Besides storing and managing keypairs, the keypair manager will also provide a genesis address for the genesis block. When creating a new Conflux node instance, all addresses in the keypair manager will be regarded as genesis addresses, and each address will get a total of 10,000 initial CFX tokens.
Before the following steps, users need to create some keypairs in the key manager as the genesis address for creating node instances.
Click the Network tab at the top to switch the main interface to the network manager. In the network manager, users can manage Conflux node versions and node instances, including downloading and deleting Conflux node versions, and creating, deleting and running node instances in line with different versions.
Click the New Instance button in the upper right corner of the main interface to open the pop-up window for creating a new instance. Fill in the instance name and select the appropriate Conflux version, and click the Create button to complete the creation of a node instance.
When a node instance is created, the instance list will show the newly created instance. Click the green Start button of the instance to start the Conflux node. After starting, users can check the node running log in the log viewer below.
After the node is started, click the Explorer tab at the top to switch the main interface to the block explorer. In the block explorer, users can query the information of a given address. This module is still under development, so users can only check the balance in the explorer currently.
Copy the address generated from the keypair manager, paste the address in the address bar and click Enter, then the balance of the address will be visible.
Click the Project tab at the top to switch the main interface to the project manager. Click the New button in the upper right corner of the page to open the Create a New Project pop-up window, enter the project name and select an appropriate template. Currently Conflux Studio provides two templates:
:the coin smart contract provided by the Conflux instance[Truffle] metacoin
:a contract created using Conflux Truffle; the project cannot be deployed to the Conflux node at present
After the project is created, the main interface will switch to the project editor. The project editor consists of several commonly used development modules, including a file browser, code editor, toolbar, log viewer, etc.
Click the compile button (hammer-shaped) on the toolbar, Conflux Studio will compile the project, and you can view the compilation result through the log viewer below. After compilation, a json file will be generated in the build
folder under the project directory.
Click the deploy button (boat-shaped) on the toolbar to open the Deploy modal. You can enter constructor parameters, signer, gas limit and gas price for the deployment.
Click the Deploy button, Conflux Studio will deploy the project, and the deployment result will be displayed in a pop-up window.
After successfully deploying the smart contract, click the blue contract button in the pop-up window, the main interface will switch to the contract explorer, and Conflux Studio will automatically open the smart contract just deployed.
The contract explorer interface includes two parts:
- On the left is the calling method of the contract. Click the blue button in the upper left of the left column, the drop-down box displays the methods defined by the current contract. Users can click the method name to select the calling method.
- On the right is the data reading of the contract. Click the blue button in the upper left of the right column, the drop-down box shows the data table of the current contract. Users can click the table name to view the data in different tables.
Conflux Studio will automatically read the functions in the contract ABI and generate a parameter table for each function. Select the function to be called, enter the parameters, select the signer (the signer should be an existing address in the keypair manager; the read operation does not need to be selected), and click the run button to call the contract. The call result (success or failure) will be displayed in the result viewer below.
Next, create coins using the deployed contract. Select the mint method, enter the receiver address (which can be copied from the keypair manager) and an appropriate amount in the Parameters part, enter the genesis address in the Authorization part, and click the execution button above. After completing the transaction, users can see the result of successful execution in the Result viewer in the lower left column. Now we have created new coins.
In the balance table on the right, enter the receiver address just filled in in the Parameters Part, click the execution button, and users can see the total number of coins minted just now.
After the contract is deployed, click the contract address in the Transaction Details popup and user will be redirected to Contract Inspector. Users may also click Contract tab to switch to Contract Inspector and type in the address to open a contract. Conflux Studio's contract inspector allows users to open and debug multiple contracts at the same time.
Contract Inspector is mainly divided into three parts:
- Write methods on the left: Invoke write methods in the contract by selecting from the violet drop-down list;
- Read data in the middle: Read data as predefined data types in the contract by selecting from the violet drop-down list;
- Query event logs on the right: Query event logs as defined in the contract by selecting from the violet drop-down list.
Conflux Studio automatically stores contract ABI after deployment and generates above lists of write methods, data retrieval, event query and their corresponding parameter forms. For more information on ABI, please refer to ABI Storage.
Now, let's open the GLDToken
contract we deployed moments ago to demo how to access the contract with Contract Inspector.
First, select transfer method from the drop-down list on the left column. Transfer method moves a specified amount of tokens from one address to another. We need to populate the parameter form to complete the transaction:
- Select
from the drop-down list as the recipient (manual key-in address is also accepted) and type in 100 for amount as we wish to transfer 100 token in this example; - Leave all forms in the Gas section to Conflux Studio to estimate.
- Select
from the drop-down list in the Signer column. This also designateskeypair01
as the sender in this transaction.
Then click Execute (Play) button next to transfer to push and execute the transaction. Moments later, Ethereum Network will prompt messages stating transaction status and fee information.
Let's proceed by verifying the outcome of last transaction. Select balanceOf from the drop-down list of data types, then select keypair02
from the drop-down list in the account column. And finally hit Execute (Play) button to read the data. The result will be shown below, which in our example, is 100. This verifies that the above transfer transaction of 100 tokens to keypair02
has been successfully carried out.
Finally, we pick Transfer from the drop-down list of contract events and click Get event logs (Play) button to query all transfer-related events. Results are shown below in the Event Logs section. Conflux Studio supports a customized range for events query, but can only return maximum 10,000 queries when connecting to local nodes or testnets, and by default the most recent 10,000 records. Therefore, users should keep the custom range within the aforementioned number. When connecting to Ethereum mainnet, the maximum number of event log queries goes down to 1,000.
When working with Code Inspector, Conflux Studio relies on contract ABI to generate lists of methods, data types and event types. ABI Storage at the bottom is the place where these ABIs are stored. Upon successful deployment of contract, Conflux Studio automatically stores contract ABI(s). Users may view the raw ABI data by moving the cursor onto the ABI record and click Edit (pencil) icon, or click Delete button to remove the ABI record.
In case when users need to access other contracts (an online contract, for example), he/she needs to add the contract ABI to ABI Storage. Click New button in the ABI Storage popup to start the process. For users' convenience, Conflux Studio also reads ABI from all compiled contracts in the current project. Click Select from the current project and select to import ABI from the drop-down list.
Conflux Studio records every transaction pushed to the network. To view recent transactions, click Transactions tab to pull up the list of transactions. Users may single click on a transaction to pull up Transaction Details popup and review information such as Basics, Parameters, Tx and Receipt.
There is a network icon on the bottom bar, which shows the network status. The icon is dark when network disconnected and light when networ connected. Click the network button can toggle the connection status.
Conflux Studio also comes with an RPC client allowing users to interact with Ethereum nodes on the low level and examine the raw data. Click the network name tab at the bottom and select RPC Client from the drop-down list to pull up RPC Client popup. RPC Clients supports all Ethereum RPC methods. Select from the drop-down list to start, and Conflux Studio will generate the corresponding parameter form automatically. Fill out necessary parameters and hit Execute button to call the method and view the response in the Result section.