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Charon Relay

Version: 0.1.8 Type: application AppVersion: 1.0.0

Charon is an open-source Ethereum Distributed validator middleware written in golang. This chart deploys a libp2p relay server.


Source Code


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Affinity for pod assignment # ref: # # Example: # affinity: # podAntiAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # - labelSelector: # matchExpressions: # - key: # operator: In # values: # - charon # topologyKey: #
centralMonitoring object {"enabled":false,"promEndpoint":"","token":""} Central Monitoring
centralMonitoring.enabled bool false Specifies whether central monitoring should be enabled
centralMonitoring.promEndpoint string "" https endpoint to obol central prometheus
centralMonitoring.token string "" The authentication token to the central prometheus
clusterSize int 3 The number of nodes in the relay cluster
config.autoP2pKey string "true" Automatically create a p2pkey (secp256k1 private key used for p2p authentication and ENR) if none found in data directory. (default true)
config.httpAddress string "" Listening address (ip and port) for the relay http server serving runtime ENR. (default "")
config.logFormat string "json" Log format; console, logfmt or json (default "console")
config.logLevel string "debug" Log level; debug, info, warn or error (default "info")
config.lokiAddresses string "" Enables sending of logfmt structured logs to these Loki log aggregation server addresses. This is in addition to normal stderr logs.
config.lokiService string "" Service label sent with logs to Loki.
config.monitoringAddress string "" Listening address (ip and port) for the monitoring API (prometheus, pprof). (default "")
config.p2pAllowlist string "" Comma-separated list of CIDR subnets for allowing only certain peer connections. Example: would permit connections to peers on your local network only. The default is to accept all connections.
config.p2pDenylist string "" Comma-separated list of CIDR subnets for disallowing certain peer connections. Example: would disallow connections to peers on your local network. The default is to accept all connections.
config.p2pDisableReuseport string "" Disables TCP port reuse for outgoing libp2p connections.
config.p2pMaxConnections string "16384" Libp2p maximum number of peers that can connect to this relay. (default 16384)
config.p2pMaxReservatoins string "512" Updates max circuit reservations per peer (each valid for 30min) (default 512)
config.p2pRelayLogLevel string "debug"
config.p2pRelays string "" Comma-separated list of libp2p relay URLs or multiaddrs. (default [])
config.p2pTcpAddress string "" Comma-separated list of listening TCP addresses (ip and port) for libP2P traffic. Empty default doesn't bind to local port therefore only supports outgoing connections.
containerSecurityContext object See values.yaml The security context for containers
fullnameOverride string "" Provide a name to substitute for the full names of resources
image object {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"obolnetwork/charon","tag":"v1.0.0"} Charon image ropsitory, pull policy, and tag version
imagePullSecrets list [] Credentials to fetch images from private registry # ref:
initContainerImage string "bitnami/kubectl:latest" Init container image
livenessProbe object {"enabled":true,"httpGet":{"path":"/livez"},"initialDelaySeconds":10,"periodSeconds":5} Configure liveness probes # ref:
nameOverride string "" Provide a name in place of lighthouse for app: labels
nodeSelector object {} Node labels for pod assignment # ref:
podAnnotations object {} Pod annotations
podDisruptionBudget object {"enabled":true,"maxUnavailable":1,"minAvailable":0} Enable pod disruption budget # ref:
priorityClassName string "" Used to assign priority to pods # ref:
rbac object {"clusterRules":[{"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["nodes"],"verbs":["get","list","watch"]}],"enabled":true,"name":"","rules":[{"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["services"],"verbs":["get","list","watch"]}]} RBAC configuration. # ref:
rbac.clusterRules list [{"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["nodes"],"verbs":["get","list","watch"]}] Required ClusterRole rules
rbac.clusterRules[0] object {"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["nodes"],"verbs":["get","list","watch"]} Required to obtain the nodes external IP
rbac.enabled bool true Specifies whether RBAC resources are to be created string "" The name of the cluster role to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
rbac.rules list [{"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["services"],"verbs":["get","list","watch"]}] Required Role rules
rbac.rules[0] object {"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["services"],"verbs":["get","list","watch"]} Required to get information about the serices nodePort.
readinessProbe object {"enabled":true,"httpGet":{"path":"/readyz"},"initialDelaySeconds":5,"periodSeconds":3} Configure readiness probes # ref:
resources object {} Pod resources limits and requests
securityContext object See values.yaml The security context for pods
service object {"ports":{"http":{"name":"relay-http","port":3640,"protocol":"TCP","targetPort":3640},"monitoring":{"name":"monitoring","port":3620,"protocol":"TCP","targetPort":3620},"p2pTcp":{"name":"p2p-tcp","port":3610,"protocol":"TCP","targetPort":3610}},"type":"LoadBalancer"} Charon service ports
serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"enabled":true,"name":""} Service account # ref:
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.enabled bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the default template
serviceMonitor object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"1m","labels":{},"namespace":null,"path":"/metrics","relabelings":[],"scheme":"http","scrapeTimeout":"30s","tlsConfig":{}} Prometheus Service Monitor # ref:
serviceMonitor.annotations object {} Additional ServiceMonitor annotations
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false If true, a ServiceMonitor CRD is created for a prometheus operator.
serviceMonitor.interval string "1m" ServiceMonitor scrape interval
serviceMonitor.labels object {} Additional ServiceMonitor labels
serviceMonitor.namespace string nil Alternative namespace for ServiceMonitor
serviceMonitor.path string "/metrics" Path to scrape
serviceMonitor.relabelings list [] ServiceMonitor relabelings
serviceMonitor.scheme string "http" ServiceMonitor scheme
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout string "30s" ServiceMonitor scrape timeout
serviceMonitor.tlsConfig object {} ServiceMonitor TLS configuration
storageClassName string "standard" Persistent volume storage class (default "standard")
tolerations object {} Tolerations for pod assignment # ref:
updateStrategy string "RollingUpdate" Allows you to configure and disable automated rolling updates for containers, labels, resource request/limits, and annotations for the Pods in a StatefulSet.


  • An operational Kubernetes GKE cluster with these add-ons, nginx-ingress, external-dns, and cert-manager with let'sEncrypt issuer
  • A valid public domain name (i.e

Deployment Architecture

  • HAProxy, to establish a header-base sticky session between the charon DV nodes and the relay server
  • Charon nodes, running in relay mode and deployed as statefulsets

How to use this chart

Add Obol's Helm Charts

helm repo add obol
helm repo update

Install the Chart

To install the chart with the release name charon-relay

helm upgrade --install charon-relay obol/charon-relay \
  --set='clusterSize=3' \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace charon-relay

Cluster health check

Ensure the relay node is up and healthy

kubectl -n charon-relay get pods

Deploy HAProxy

Retrieve the relay nodes public IPs then update the backend relays section in the haproxy values.yaml

kubectl -n charon-relay get svc --no-headers=true -o ",IP:.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip" | awk '/relay/{print $2}'

Create custom values.yaml to override haproxy configuration with the relay nodes public IPs

replicaCount: 3
  type: ClusterIP
  externalTrafficPolicy: Local
configuration: |-
      log stdout format raw local0
      maxconn 1024
      log global
      timeout client 60s
      timeout connect 60s
      timeout server 60s
  frontend fe_main
      bind :8080
      default_backend relays
  backend relays
      mode http
      balance hdr(Charon-Cluster)
      server charon-relay-0 {charon-relay-0-IP}:3640 check inter 10s fall 12 rise 2
      server charon-relay-1 {charon-relay-1-IP}:3640 check inter 10s fall 12 rise 2
      server charon-relay-2 {charon-relay-2-IP}:3640 check inter 10s fall 12 rise 2
  enabled: true
  ingressClassName: nginx
  annotations: "true" "letsencrypt" /enr "true" "true"
  tls: true

Deploy the haproxy helm chart

helm upgrade --install haproxy bitnami/haproxy \
  --set='' \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace charon-relay \
  -f values.yaml

Uninstall the Chart

To uninstall and delete the charon-relay and haproxy charts

helm uninstall charon-relay haproxy

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the releases.