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Simplify geometry

mtbeek32 edited this page Jan 27, 2023 · 10 revisions

Configuration examples Simplify geometry


The script presents an example how you can simplify the geometry of a polygon. It will delete convex points from the geometry. Compare it with putting a rubber band around the shape, see also convex hull

To what extent the simplifying is executed depends on the amount of iterations implemented.

Tip: use the sequence2points function and take the maximum value for ordinal, you'll get the maximum amount of points for a single polygon. This is the theoretical maximum amount of iterations necessary.

Since GeoDMS version 7.408 you can use the bg_simplify_polygon function to simplify a polygon and since 8.031 the bg_simplify_linestring function to simplify an arc.

We advice to use these functions, the following example can still be used but is not advised.


container Simplified := Simplify(iter_domain, 50);  // domain and number of iterations    template Simplify {    // begin case parameters    unit<uint32> iter_domain;    parameter<uint32> nrIterations;    // end case parameters        unit<uint32> iter := range(uint32, 0, nrIterations)    {       attribute<string> name     := 'I' + string(id(.));       attribute<string> PrevName := MakeDefined(name[id(.)-1], 'StartingState');    }

   container StartingState     {       unit<uint32> NextValue := sequence2points(iter_domain/geometry_rd);    }

   container Iters     := for_each_ne(Iter/name, 'IterT('+Iter/PrevName+', iter_domain)');    container LastIterI := =last('Iters/'+Iter/name);               template IterT    {        <I>//  begin case parameters</I>        container PrevIterator;        unit<uint32> domain;        <I>//  end case parameters</I>

       unit<uint32>  PrevValue   := PrevIterator/NextValue;        container     ConvexHullT := MakeConvexHullT(domain, PrevValue);        unit<uint32>  NextValue   := ConvexHullT/sequence/Convex_hull_points;   }

  container MakeFinal     {       unit <uint32> domain_with_endpoints := union_unit(iter_domain, LastIter/NextValue)       {          attribute<geometries/rdc> point      := union_data(., LastIter/NextValue/point, first(LastIter/NextValue/point, LastIter/NextValue/SequenceNr));          attribute<uint32>         SequenceNr := union_data(., LastIter/NextValue/SequenceNr, ID(Iteratie_domain));        }       attribute<geometries/rdc> convex_hull (iter_domain, poly) := points2sequence(domain_with_endpoints /point, domain_with_endpoints /SequenceNr);     }       template MakeConvexHullT    {        <I>//  begin case parameters</I>         unit<uint32> domain;         unit<uint32> seq;        <I>//  end case parameters</I>

        unit<uint32> sequence := seq         {            attribute<geometries/rdc>  point              := seq/point;            attribute<uint32>          SequenceNr         := seq/SequenceNr;

           attribute<uint32>          min_index (domain) := min_index(id(.), SequenceNr);            attribute<uint32>          max_index (domain) := max_index(id(.), SequenceNr);

           attribute<bool>            IsFirst  := id(.) == min_index[SequenceNr];            attribute<bool>            IsLast   := id(.) == max_index[SequenceNr];            attribute<uint32>          prev_id  := IsFirst ? rjoin(SequenceNr, id(domain), max_index) : ID(.)-1;            attribute<uint32>          next_id  := Islast  ? rjoin(SequenceNr, id(domain), min_index) : ID(.)+1;            attribute<geometries/rdc>  A        := point[prev_id];            attribute<geometries/rdc>  B        := point;            attribute<geometries/rdc>  C        := point[next_id];            attribute<geometries/rdc>  p        := B - A;            attribute<geometries/rdc>  q        := C - B;

           attribute<float32>         Px       := pointcol(P);            attribute<float32>         Py       := pointrow(P);            attribute<float32>         Qx       := pointcol(Q);            attribute<float32>         Qy       := pointrow(Q);                        attribute<float32>         det      := PxQy - PyQx;                        unit<uint32> Convex_hull_points := subset(det <= 0f && (point != rjoin(prev_id, id(.), point)))            {               attribute<geometries/rdc> point       := ../point[nr_OrgEntity];               attribute<uint32>         SequenceNr  := ../SequenceNr[nr_OrgEntity];            }       }    } }

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