Releases: ObjectVision/GeoDMS
GeoDms 8.7.2
Changes/New function:
- FenceContainer(sourceContainer, msg: string) that helps to group and log calculation progression
- Noto Sans font in TableView and MapView, as well as in the new ImGui, in order to arrive at a unified cross-platform look.
- point_in_all_polygons now also works with ID(gridset) as pointset.
The following issues have been addressed after the release of 8.7.1:
- Github v8.7.2 issues
- Fixes in the startup and resources of the alpha version of GeoDmsImGui.exe
Full Changelog: v8.7.1...v8.7.2
GeoDms 8.7.1
GeoDms 8.7 contains the alpha presentation of GeoDmsImGui.exe, a new App written in C++ that provides a User Interface for interactive modelling with the GeoDms. This App is intended to replace the existing GeoDmsGui.exe once written in Delphi. This alpha version is made available as preview and for collecting feedback; for interactive modelling and account tracing we still provide the known GeoDmsGui.exe, which is therefore not depreciated yet.
Features of GeoDmsImGui.exe:
- DataViews appear as tabs in client area and can be dragged outside the app-main window.
- The logged events can be filtered
- Icons used to indicate if data items are read from or written to a storage
Known issues of GeoDmsImGui.exe:
- Detail Pages
- Hyperlinks and Formatting require further work
- ExplainValue (a.k.a the Value Info tab) is not yet implemented.
- EditPalette View doesn't work yet.
Other GeoDms v8.7 features:
- Formattting of value-info has been improved for combinations of terms, factors, and logical operations and in case of results of union_data, mantis issue 330.
- Github v8.7.0 issues
Full Changelog: v8.6.5...v8.7.1
Removed functions:
- poly2grid with 3 arguments: providing a third argument has been depreciated for long enough now and is now obsolete. Use poly2grid(polygon_attribute, raster_domain) and discard the third argument.
- GeoDmsPlatform. GeoDms hasn't been available in a 32 bit version as x64 can be assumed.
8.7.1 fixes a few issues of 8.7.0 related to
- new Explain Value functions
- #151: ZoomIn ZoomOut:
- Github v8.7.1 issues
GeoDms 8.7.0
This GeoDms setup contains the alpha version of GeoDmsImGui.exe, a new App written in C++ that provides a User Interface for interactive modelling with the GeoDms. This App is intended to replace the existing GeoDmsGui.exe once written in Delphi. This alpha version is made available as preview and for collecting feedback; for interactive modelling and account tracing we still provide the known GeoDmsGui.exe, which is therefore not depreciated yet.
Features of GeoDmsImGui:
- DataViews appear as tabs in client area and can be dragged outside the app-main window.
- The logged events can be filtered
Known issues:
- Detail Pages
- Hyperlinks and Formatting require further work
- ExplainValue (a.k.a the Value Info tab) is not yet implemented.
- Docking DataViews into dragged-out windows crashes.
- EditPalette View doesn't work yet.
Other GeoDms v8.7.0 features:
- Formattting of value-info has been improved for combinations of terms, factors, and logical operations and in case of results of union_data, mantis issue 330.
- Github v8.7.0 issues
Full Changelog: v8.6.5...v8.7.0
Removed functions:
- poly2grid with 3 arguments: providing a third argument has been depreciated for long enough now and is now obsolete. Use poly2grid(polygon_attribute, raster_domain) and discard the third argument.
- GeoDmsPlatform. GeoDms hasn't been available in a 32 bit version as x64 can be assumed.
GeoDms 8.6.5
Breaking changes:
The new variants of argmin, argmax, min_elem, and max_elem, introduced in 8.6.0, have been renamed as following:
- certain_arg[min|max][|_uint8|_uint16] -> arg[min|max]_alldefined[|_uint8|_uint16]
- known_arg[min|max][|_uint8|_uint16] -> arg[min|max]_ifdefined[|_uint8|_uint16]
- certain_[min|max]_elem -> [min|max]_elem_alldefined
- known_[min|max]_elem -> [min|max]_elem_ifdefined
The alldefined variants result in null if any given values are null.
The ifdefined variants result in null if all given values are null.
Hotfix #109 of GeoDms 8.6.4 (withdrawn).
Fixes and improvements:
GeoDms 8.6.3
- SelectRect and SelectCircle now works on ArcLayers and PolygonLayers. They select all arcs or polygons that are completeny inside the given Rectangle or Circle. Use the Shift key for additional selections and Ctrl to toggle a selection.
- github issues
- mantis issues
Full Changelog: v8.6.2...v8.6.3
GeoDms 8.6.2
new function
- relate_attr(container, domain, org_rel), similar to select_afew and select_many.
Fixed mapview crash related mantis issues 314, 333
GeoDms 8.6.1
8.6.1 brings two significant performance improvements over 8.6.0:
- better management of data-tiles of intermediate resuls with /S3, avoiding repeated calculations, issue 329
- faster unique sequence implementation eantis see mantis issue 194
Furthermore, it contains a clean-up of the Generic Detail Page, see mantis issue 322
GeoDms 8.6.0
This release extends two families of functions:
- select_many(container, condition); select_afew(container, condition) result in tables with all container's attributes with the same domain as condition taken by select_data (seldomain, condition, attr) respectively lookup(org_rel, attr) to support table selection with either a dense or a sparse representation of the selection condition. see PblTrello#69
- certain_argmin, certain_argmax, known_argmin, known_argmax with optional suffices _uint16 and _uint8 that result in null if any respectively all given values are null, and similarly certain_max_elem, certain_min_elem, known_max_elem, and known_min_elem that result in null if any respectively all given values are null. Note that from v8.6.4 these functions have been renamed to:
- certain_arg[min|max][|_uint8|_uint16] -> arg[min|max]_alldefined[|_uint8|_uint16]
- known_arg[min|max][|_uint8|_uint16] -> arg[min|max]_ifdefined[|_uint8|_uint16]
- certain_[min|max]_elem -> [min|max]_elem_alldefined
- known_[min|max]_elem -> [min|max]_elem_ifdefined
- Drawing issue in palette editor, see mantis issues 101 and 146.
- poly2grid now works again filling raster tile-by-tile (with faster throughput, but more total processing time)
GeoDms 8.5.2
This release improves diagnostics and has stricter checks on the usage of calculated values as indices to domains by checking for matching calculation rules.
improved diagnostics:
- v8.5.1 checks that a non-default formal values unit of a data item with a calculation rule with a categorical result matches with the derived values unit. The results of the following operations are considered as categorical:
-- rlookup, classify, invert
-- id
-- subset, select: nr_OrgEntity, org_rel
-- combine_unit: first_rel, second_rel
-- point_in_polygon, point_in_all_polygons, point_in_ranked_polygon
-- connect_info
-- dyna_point: SequenceNr
-- discr_alloc: landuse
-- dijkstra: OrgZone_rel , DstZone_rel, etc.
-- sequence2points: segment_rel, - v8.5.2:
-- when data-items are compared or presented as comparable in the iif operation, their values units are checked for having matching calculation rules.
-- the results of a lookup of categorical values is also considered categorical. - TrelloPBl129: when units don't match, diagnostic info will now indicate better what was compared with what.
- F2 mantis issue 326
- Shift-F2: usage of F2 transitively to search for an ultimate source of a failure.
- eventlog now contains fail reasons as they apppear.
Fixed mantis issues :
- 320 non-zero JenksFischer issue with 2 classes
- 324 FutureTileFunctor were sometimes constructed without m_ValueRangeDataPtr because source data could be read without the range of the values unit being determined first.
- 325 TableView tool show only selected rows
- 327 crash on indirect expressions with 'null' result.
GeoDms 8.5.1
- mantis issue 47: values that result from calculation rules that produce categorical values, i.e. referring to an entity, are now required to indicate the same domain as the formal values unit of an attribute with such calculation rule.
- mantis issue 321