diff --git a/docs/basic/divide-and-conquer.md b/docs/basic/divide-and-conquer.md index a54f4fff..d8eef29a 100644 --- a/docs/basic/divide-and-conquer.md +++ b/docs/basic/divide-and-conquer.md @@ -1,88 +1,163 @@ author: fudonglai, AngelKitty, labuladong -首先简单阐述一下递归,分治算法,动态规划,贪心算法这几个东西的区别和联系,心里有个印象就好。 +Last translated with upstream [08eb0c5](https://github.com/OI-wiki/OI-wiki/commit/08eb0c53b1ad55b518b0f5f7a569c25b8c1215b2#diff-f6f59ea091666854504b33243563a98ec55edf8f4c6a26dec1b2726479de41b4) -递归是一种编程技巧,一种解决问题的思维方式;分治算法和动态规划很大程度上是递归思想基础上的(虽然实现动态规划大都不是递归了,但是我们要注重过程和思想),解决更具体问题的两类算法思想;贪心算法是动态规划算法的一个子集,可以更高效解决一部分更特殊的问题。 +The article will introduce difference between recursive algorithm and divide-and-conquer algorithm, and how could they be used together. -分治算法将在这节讲解,以最经典的归并排序为例,它把待排序数组不断二分为规模更小的子问题处理,这就是“分而治之”这个词的由来。显然,排序问题分解出的子问题是不重复的,如果有的问题分解后的子问题有重复的(重叠子问题性质),那么这就交给动态规划算法去解决! +## Introduction -## 递归详解 +In computer science and math, recursion is method by using functions that call themselves from within their own definition. Additionally in computer science it also refers to a method of solving problem by repeatedly decomposing problem into sub-problems of the same type as the original. -介绍分治之前,首先要弄清楚递归这个概念。 +From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divide-and-conquer_algorithm): +> In computer science, divide and conquer is an algorithm design paradigm. A divide-and-conquer algorithm recursively breaks down a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same or related type, until these become simple enough to be solved directly. The solutions to the sub-problems are then combined to give a solution to the original problem. -递归的基本思想是某个函数直接或者间接地调用自身,这样就把原问题的求解转换为许多性质相同但是规模更小的子问题。我们只需要关注如何把原问题划分成符合条件的子问题,而不需要去研究这个子问题是如何被解决的。递归和枚举的区别在于:枚举是横向地把问题划分,然后依次求解子问题,而递归是把问题逐级分解,是纵向的拆分。 +## Detailed Introduction -以下会举例说明我对递归的一点理解, **如果你不想看下去了,请记住这几个问题怎么回答:** +### Recursion -1. 如何给一堆数字排序?答:分成两半,先排左半边再排右半边,最后合并就行了,至于怎么排左边和右边,请重新阅读这句话。 -2. 孙悟空身上有多少根毛?答:一根毛加剩下的毛。 -3. 你今年几岁?答:去年的岁数加一岁,1999 年我出生。 +> To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion. [^ref1] -递归代码最重要的两个特征:结束条件和自我调用。自我调用是在解决子问题,而结束条件定义了最简子问题的答案。 +The fundamental idea of recursion is a function calling itself directly or indirectly, so that the original problem transforms into many sub-problems with similar properties but smaller size. When solving problems, we only need to focus on how to decompose original problems to proper sub-problems, but not too much attention on how it is solved. + +Here are some examples that may be helpful for understanding recursion: + +1. [What is recursion?](./divide-and-conquer.md) +2. Q: How to sort a sequence of numbers? A: Decompose them into two halves. First sort left half and then right half, and finally merge them into one array. As for how to sort left and right halves, please read this example again. +3. Q: How old are you this year? A: My age in last year add one year, and I am born in 1999. +4. [Google's example to understand recursion](https://www.google.com/search?q=recursion) ![](images/divide-and-conquer-1.png) + +Recursion is very common in mathematics. For example, in set theory, we have the following definition of natural number[^ref2]: $1$ is a natural number, and every natural number has a successor which is also a natural number. + +Recursive codes have two most important features: terminating case and recursive case. The job of recursive case is to solve sub-problems, while terminating case defines result of smallest sub-problem. ```cpp -int func(传入数值) { - if (终止条件) return 最小子问题解; - return func(缩小规模); +int func(some_type input_value) { + if (is_terminating_case) return result_of_smallest_sub_problem; + return func(smaller_size); } ``` -其实仔细想想, **递归运用最成功的是什么?我认为是数学归纳法。** 我们高中都学过数学归纳法,使用场景大概是:我们推不出来某个求和公式,但是我们试了几个比较小的数,似乎发现了一点规律,然后猜想了一个公式,看起来应该是正确答案。但是数学是很严谨的,你哪怕穷举了一万个数都是正确的,但是第一万零一个数正确吗?这就要数学归纳法发挥神威了,可以假设我们猜想的这个公式在第 k 个数时成立,如果证明在第 k + 1 时也成立,那么我们猜想的这个公式就是正确的。 +#### Reasons to Write Recursion + +1. Code will be more readable with a more clear structure. E.g., different implementation of [merge sort](./merge-sort.md): + + ```cpp + // C++ Version + // Implementation without recursion + template + void merge_sort(vector a) { + int n = a.size(); + for (int seg = 1; seg < n; seg = seg + seg) + for (int start = 0; start < n - seg; start += seg + seg) + merge(a, start, start + seg - 1, std::min(start + seg + seg - 1, n - 1)); + } + + // Implementation with recursion + template + void merge_sort(vector a,3int front, int end) { + if (front >= end) return; + int mid = front + (end - front) / 2; + merge_sort(a, front, mid); + merge_sort(a, mid + 1, end); + merge(a, front, mid, end); + } + ``` + + ```python + # Python Version + # Implementation without recursion + def merge_sort(a): + n = len(a) + seg, start = 1, 0 + while seg < n: + while start < n - seg: + merge(a, start, start + seg - 1, min(start + seg + seg - 1, n - 1)) + start = start + seg + seg + seg = seg + seg + + #Implementation with recursion + def merge_sort(a, front, end): + if front >= end: + return + mid = front + (end - front) / 2 + merge_sort(a, front, mid) + merge_sort(a, mid + 1, end) + merge(a, front, mid, end) + ``` + + Obviously, the recursive code is easier to understand than the non-recursive version, being clear at a glance: sort left half first and then right half then finally merge two halves into one. However, the non-recursive version is unintelligible, full of incomprehensible details of edge computing and hard to debug. + +2. Learning how to analyze the structure of problem by exercising. If you are familiar with coding recursive programs, you will sharply find out the feature that a problem can be discomposed into similar sub-problem, and then solve it efficiently. + +#### Disadvantages of Recursion + +While executing programs, recursions are implemented by call stack. Every function call adds a frame in the stack, and every return does the opposite. However the size of call stack is, in some cases, not infinite. Too many of recursions may lead to stack overflow. + +Obviously sometimes recursion is efficient, such as merge sort. But **sometimes it is inefficient**, such as counting hairs: one hair plus the rest. Call stack will consume extra space, while simple iteration won't. For the example problem: You are given a head of link table, and you are asked to calculate the length of the link table. Here are two different implementations: -那么数学归纳法和递归有什么联系?我们刚才说了,递归代码必须要有结束条件,如果没有的话就会进入无穷无尽的自我调用,直到内存耗尽。而数学证明的难度在于,你可以尝试有穷种情况,但是难以将你的结论延伸到无穷大。这里就可以看出联系了——无穷。 +```cpp +// Typical iteration implementation +int size(Node *head) { + int size = 0; + for (Node *p = head; p != nullptr; p = p->next) size++; + return size; +} -递归代码的精髓在于调用自身去解决规模更小的子问题,直到到达结束条件;而数学归纳法之所以有用,就在于不断把我们的猜测向上加一,扩大结论的规模,没有结束条件,从而把结论延伸到无穷无尽,也就完成了猜测正确性的证明。 +// ... or recursion implementation +int size_recursion(Node *head) { + if (head == nullptr) return 0; + return size_recursion(head->next) + 1; +} +``` -### 为什么要写递归 +![\[Comparison between two implementation (with clang 10.0 and O1 optimization).\](https://quick-bench.com/q/rZ7jWPmSdltparOO5ndLgmS9BVc)](images/divide-and-conquer-2.png "[Comparison between two implementation (with clang 10.0 and O1 optimization).](https://quick-bench.com/q/rZ7jWPmSdltparOO5ndLgmS9BVc)") -首先为了训练逆向思考的能力。递推的思维是正常人的思维,总是看着眼前的问题思考对策,解决问题是将来时;递归的思维,逼迫我们倒着思考,看到问题的尽头,把解决问题的过程看做过去时。 +#### Optimization of Recursion -第二,练习分析问题的结构,当问题可以被分解成相同结构的小问题时,你能敏锐发现这个特点,进而高效解决问题。 +Main articles: [Optimization of searching](../search/opt.md) and [Memorized searching](../dp/memo.md) -第三,跳出细节,从整体上看问题。再说说归并排序,其实可以不用递归来划分左右区域的,但是代价就是代码极其难以理解,大概看一下代码(归并排序在后面讲,这里大致看懂意思就行,体会递归的妙处): +Straightforward recursion implementations may have too many recursions, which may lead to timeouts. This is when recursion implementations need to be optimized. [^ref3] -```java -void sort(Comparable[] a){ - int N = a.length; - // 这么复杂,是对排序的不尊重。我拒绝研究这样的代码。 - for (int sz = 1; sz < N; sz = sz + sz) - for (int lo = 0; lo < N - sz; lo += sz + sz) - merge(a, lo, lo + sz - 1, Math.min(lo + sz + sz - 1, N - 1)); -} +### Divide and Conquer -/* 我还是选择递归,简单,漂亮 */ -void sort(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi) { - if (lo >= hi) return; - int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; - sort(a, lo, mid); - sort(a, mid + 1, hi); - merge(a, lo, mid, hi); -} -``` +Divide and Conquer is an algorithm design paradigm. Process of algorithms based on it can be divided into three parts executed in sequence: divide, conquer, and combine. -看起来简洁漂亮是一方面,关键是 **可解释性很强** :把左半边排序,把右半边排序,最后合并两边。而非递归版本看起来不知所云,充斥着各种难以理解的边界计算细节,特别容易出 bug 且难以调试,人生苦短,我更倾向于递归版本。 +1. Divide: Decompose original problem into two or more similar sub-problems. +2. Conquer: After decomposing problems into some easily solvable bound, solve the sub-problem recursively until solved. +3. Combine: Combine results from sub-problems to obtain the final result of original problem. -显然有时候递归处理是高效的,比如归并排序, **有时候是低效的** ,比如数孙悟空身上的毛,因为堆栈会消耗额外空间,而简单的递推不会消耗空间。比如这个例子,给一个链表头,计算它的长度: +Generally, problems that can be solved with divide and conquer paradigm have these features: -```java -/* 典型的递推遍历框架 */ -public int size(Node head) { - int size = 0; - for (Node p = head; p != null; p = p.next) size++; - return size; -} -/* 我偏要递归,万物皆递归 */ -public int size(Node head) { - if (head == null) return 0; - return size(head.next) + 1; +- The problem can be easily solved when its size is small enough. +- The problem can be decomposed into several sub-problems with smaller size, i.e., the problem has the property of optimal substructure. Results of sub-problems decomposed from original problem can be used and combined into results of original problem. +- Sub-problems decomposed from original problem are independent to each other, i.e., Sub-problems do not contain common sub-problems between them. + +???+warning "Warning" + If sub-problems are not independent, then algorithms using divide-and-conquer paradigm need to solve common sub-problems repeatedly. Thus, unnecessary works would be done. Under such circumstances it is better to use [dynamic programming](../dp/basic.md) rather than divide-and-conquer paradigm. + +Let take merge sort as an example. Assume we have a function named `merge_sort` as an implementation of merge sort. The job of this function is **to sort an input array**. The problem is obviously can be decomposed. Sorting an array is equivalent to sorting two halves of this array, then combine them to one. + +```cpp +// Simplified code block +void merge_sort(type* an_array) { + if (is_easy_to_process) return; + merge_sort(left_half); + merge_sort(right_half); + merge(left_half, right_half); } ``` -### 写递归的技巧 +If we call the function with half of the array, then after processing this half of array will become sorted. We can notice that `merge_sort` is similar to the template of post-order traversal of binary tree. Like the three parts of divide and conquer mentioned before, firstly decompose left and right, then process their combination. Combining is unstacking, which is equivalent to post-order traversal. + +The implementation of function `merge` is same to implementation that combines two ordered linked lists into one. + +## Key points + +### Keys of Writing Recursion -我的一点心得是: **明白一个函数的作用并相信它能完成这个任务,千万不要试图跳进细节。** 千万不要跳进这个函数里面企图探究更多细节,否则就会陷入无穷的细节无法自拔,人脑能压几个栈啊。 +**Understand a function's purpose and believe it can do the jub. DO NOT jump into the function for discovering more details,** or you will may be unable to get out of the infinite details, since human is not so good at maintaining a stack in mind. -先举个最简单的例子:遍历二叉树。 +E.g. traverse a binary tree: ```cpp void traverse(TreeNode* root) { @@ -92,22 +167,39 @@ void traverse(TreeNode* root) { } ``` -这几行代码就足以扫荡任何一棵二叉树了。我想说的是,对于递归函数 `traverse(root)` ,我们只要相信:给它一个根节点 `root` ,它就能遍历这棵树,因为写这个函数不就是为了这个目的吗?所以我们只需要把这个节点的左右节点再甩给这个函数就行了,因为我相信它能完成任务的。那么遍历一棵 N 叉数呢?太简单了好吧,和二叉树一模一样啊。 +This code block is enough for traversing any binary tree. For the recursive function `traverse(root)`, you just need to believe that it can traverse the whole tree with the input of root node `root`. So, it only needs to pass the left and right child nodes of the node to the function again. + +The same code design can be extended for traversing any tree data structure. However, for the tree it is obviously that it doesn't have in-order traversal. ```cpp void traverse(TreeNode* root) { if (root == nullptr) return; - for (child : root->children) traverse(child); + for (auto child : root->children) traverse(child); } ``` -至于遍历的什么前、中、后序,那都是显而易见的,对于 N 叉树,显然没有中序遍历。 +## Difference + +### Recursion versus Enumeration + +The difference is, enumeration is decomposing the problem horizontally and solving them, while recursion is vertically by braking it down level-by-level. -以下 **详解 LeetCode 的一道题来说明** :给一棵二叉树,和一个目标值,节点上的值有正有负,返回树中和等于目标值的路径条数,让你编写 pathSum 函数: +### Recursion versus Divide and Conquer - /* 来源于 LeetCode PathSum III: https://leetcode.com/problems/path-sum-iii/ */ - root = [10,5,-3,3,2,null,11,3,-2,null,1], sum = 8 +Recursion is a coding trick, and a thinking method to solve problem. Divide and conquer is a algorithm design paradigm solving exact problem, mostly based on recursion. +## Example Problem + +???+note "[437. Path Sum III](https://leetcode.com/problems/path-sum-iii/)" + Given the `root` of a binary tree and an integer `targetSum`, return the number of paths where the sum of the values along the path equals `targetSum`. + + The path does not need to start or end at the root or a leaf, but it must go downwards (i.e., traveling only from parent nodes to child nodes). + + Example 1: + + ```text + Input: root = [10,5,-3,3,2,null,11,3,-2,null,1], targetSum = 8 + 10 / \ 5 -3 @@ -115,91 +207,89 @@ void traverse(TreeNode* root) { 3 2 11 / \ \ 3 -2 1 - - Return 3. The paths that sum to 8 are: - + + Output: 3 + Explanation: The paths that sum to 8 are shown. + 1. 5 -> 3 2. 5 -> 2 -> 1 3. -3 -> 11 - -```cpp -/* 看不懂没关系,底下有更详细的分析版本,这里突出体现递归的简洁优美 */ -int pathSum(TreeNode root, int sum) { - if (root == null) return 0; - return count(root, sum) + pathSum(root.left, sum) + pathSum(root.right, sum); -} -int count(TreeNode node, int sum) { - if (node == null) return 0; - return (node.val == sum) + count(node.left, sum - node.val) + - count(node.right, sum - node.val); -} -``` - -题目看起来很复杂吧,不过代码却极其简洁,这就是递归的魅力。我来简单总结这个问题的 **解决过程** : - -首先明确,递归求解树的问题必然是要遍历整棵树的,所以 **二叉树的遍历框架** (分别对左右孩子递归调用函数本身)必然要出现在主函数 pathSum 中。那么对于每个节点,它们应该干什么呢?它们应该看看,自己和脚底下的小弟们包含多少条符合条件的路径。好了,这道题就结束了。 - -按照前面说的技巧,根据刚才的分析来定义清楚每个递归函数应该做的事: - -PathSum 函数:给它一个节点和一个目标值,它返回以这个节点为根的树中,和为目标值的路径总数。 - -count 函数:给它一个节点和一个目标值,它返回以这个节点为根的树中,能凑出几个以该节点为路径开头,和为目标值的路径总数。 - -```cpp -/* 有了以上铺垫,详细注释一下代码 */ -int pathSum(TreeNode root, int sum) { - if (root == null) return 0; - int pathImLeading = count(root, sum); // 自己为开头的路径数 - int leftPathSum = pathSum(root.left, sum); // 左边路径总数(相信他能算出来) - int rightPathSum = - pathSum(root.right, sum); // 右边路径总数(相信他能算出来) - return leftPathSum + rightPathSum + pathImLeading; -} -int count(TreeNode node, int sum) { - if (node == null) return 0; - // 我自己能不能独当一面,作为一条单独的路径呢? - int isMe = (node.val == sum) ? 1 : 0; - // 左边的小老弟,你那边能凑几个 sum - node.val 呀? - int leftBrother = count(node.left, sum - node.val); - // 右边的小老弟,你那边能凑几个 sum - node.val 呀? - int rightBrother = count(node.right, sum - node.val); - return isMe + leftBrother + rightBrother; // 我这能凑这么多个 -} -``` - -还是那句话, **明白每个函数能做的事,并相信它们能够完成。** - -总结下,PathSum 函数提供的二叉树遍历框架,在遍历中对每个节点调用 count 函数,看出先序遍历了吗(这道题什么序都是一样的);count 函数也是一个二叉树遍历,用于寻找以该节点开头的目标值路径。好好体会吧! - -LeetCode 有递归专题练习, [点这里去做题](https://leetcode.com/explore/learn/card/recursion-i/) - -### 递归优化 - -比较 naive 的递归实现可能递归次数太多,容易超时。 - -怎么优化呢?详见 [搜索优化](../search/opt.md) 和 [记忆化搜索](../dp/memo.md) 。 - -## 分治算法 - - **归并排序** ,典型的分治算法;分治,典型的递归结构。 - -分治算法可以分三步走:分解 -> 解决 -> 合并 - -1. 分解原问题为结构相同的子问题。 -2. 分解到某个容易求解的边界之后,进行递归求解。 -3. 将子问题的解合并成原问题的解。 - -归并排序,我们就叫这个函数 `merge_sort` 吧,按照我们上面说的,要明确该函数的职责,即 **对传入的一个数组排序** 。OK,那么这个问题能不能分解呢?当然可以!给一个数组排序,不就等于给该数组的两半分别排序,然后合并就完事了。 - -```cpp -void merge_sort(一个数组) { - if (可以很容易处理) return; - merge_sort(左半个数组); - merge_sort(右半个数组); - merge(左半个数组, 右半个数组); -} -``` - -好了,这个算法也就这样了,完全没有任何难度。记住之前说的,相信函数的能力,传给它半个数组,那么这半个数组就已经被排好了。而且你会发现这不就是个二叉树遍历模板吗?为什么是后序遍历?因为我们分治算法的套路是 **分解 -> 解决(触底)-> 合并(回溯)** 啊,先左右分解,再处理合并,回溯就是在退栈,就相当于后序遍历了。至于 `merge` 函数,参考两个有序链表的合并,简直一模一样。 - -LeetCode 上有分治算法的专项练习, [点这里去做题](https://leetcode.com/tag/divide-and-conquer/) + ``` + + ```cpp + /** + * Definition for a binary tree node. + * struct TreeNode { + * int val; + * TreeNode *left; + * TreeNode *right; + * TreeNode() : val(0), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {} + * TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {} + * TreeNode(int x, TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right) : val(x), left(left), right(right) {} + * }; + */ + ``` + +??? note "Example solution" + ```cpp + int pathSum(TreeNode *root, int sum) { + if (root == nullptr) return 0; + return count(root, sum) + pathSum(root->left, sum) + + pathSum(root->right, sum); + } + + int count(TreeNode *node, int sum) { + if (node == nullptr) return 0; + return (node->val == sum) + count(node->left, sum - node->val) + + count(node->right, sum - node->val); + } + ``` + +??? note "Explanation" + The problem itself seems to be complex, but the code is very simple. + + First of all, to recursively solve a problem of tree data structure, it is required to traverse the whole tree. So the template of tree traversal, which is separately recursively call the function with left and right sub-tree, should appear in the given main function `pathSum`. So, for each nodes, what should they do? They should count how many eligible path for itself and it's sub-tree. Then, the problem is solved. + + According to the tricks mentioned before, we have a clear definition for the job of each recursive function based on the analysis. + + Function `pathSum`: Give a node and a target value and return the number of paths whose the sum is target value in the tree with given node as root + + Function `count`: Give a node and a target value and return the number of paths with the node as the beginning of path, whose the sum is target value, in the tree rooted at this given node. + + ??? note "Example solution (with comments)" + ```cpp + int pathSum(TreeNode *root, int sum) { + if (root == nullptr) return 0; + int pathImLeading = count(root, sum); // Paths with the node itself as beginning node. + int leftPathSum = pathSum(root->left, sum); // Total number of paths on the left. (Believe it can return expected results.) + int rightPathSum = + pathSum(root->right, sum); // Total number of paths on the right. (Believe it can return expected results.) + return leftPathSum + rightPathSum + pathImLeading; + } + int count(TreeNode *node, int sum) { + if (node == nullptr) return 0; + // Does this node itself be treated as an independent path? + int isMe = (node->val == sum) ? 1 : 0; + // How many paths on the left with the argument `sum` as `sum - node.val`? + int leftNode = count(node->left, sum - node->val); + // How many paths on the right with the argument `sum` as `sum - node.val`? + int rightNode = count(node->right, sum - node->val); + return isMe + leftNode + rightNode; // Return the total number. + } + ``` + + As we mentioned before: **Understand a function's purpose and believe it can do the job.** + + In summary, the function `pathSum` offers a template of traversing a binary tree. While traversing it calls the function `count` on every node. The function `count` is also a traversal of binary tree. Its job is to find the path whose the sum is target value with the node itself as beginning.[^ref4] + +## Exercise + +- [LeetCode's Introduction to Algorithms Recursion I](https://leetcode.com/explore/learn/card/recursion-i/) +- [LeetCode's problems with the tag divide and conquer](https://leetcode.com/tag/divide-and-conquer/) + +## References and Footnotes + +[^ref1]: [recursion explained](https://medium.com/@leog7one/to-understand-recursion-you-must-first-understand-recursion-recursion-explained-c574245cf788) +[^ref2]: Assume natural numbers count from $1$. +[^ref3]: [Recursion Explained by labuladong](https://labuladong.gitbook.io/algo/suan-fa-si-wei-xi-lie/di-gui-xiang-jie) (Chinese) +[^ref4]: This example uses pre-order traversal as implementation. In-order, post-order traversal will do the same. diff --git a/docs/basic/images/divide-and-conquer-1.png b/docs/basic/images/divide-and-conquer-1.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4232e7a8 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/basic/images/divide-and-conquer-1.png differ diff --git a/docs/basic/images/divide-and-conquer-2.png b/docs/basic/images/divide-and-conquer-2.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..151e8e04 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/basic/images/divide-and-conquer-2.png differ diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml index 0ca94569..cc06ece0 100644 --- a/mkdocs.yml +++ b/mkdocs.yml @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ nav: - Introduction to Algorithm: basic/index.md - Enumerate: basic/enumerate.md - Simulate: basic/simulate.md #似乎又叫Implementation Problem - - 递归 & 分治: basic/divide-and-conquer.md #Recursion? + - Recursion & Divide and Conquer: basic/divide-and-conquer.md #Recursion? - Greddy: basic/greedy.md - Sorting: - Introduction of Sorting: basic/sort-intro.md