Please submit any feature requests or bugs as an issue in GitHub.
The easier your PRs are to review and merge, the more likely your contribution will be accepted. :-)
If you wish to contribute code, please consider the guidelines below:
- Create an issue detailing the motivation for the change.
- Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
- Create a branch to work on your changes.
- Try to commit changes in a logical manner. Messy histories will be squashed if merged.
- Please follow the existing code style and EditorConfig formatting settings so that your file touches are consistent with ours and the diff is reduced.
- If fixing a bug or adding new functionality, add any tests you deem appropriate.
- Test coverage should not go down.
- Note any breaking changes in your PR description.
- Ensure
runs with no errors or warnings and all the tests pass. - Open a pull request against the
branch, referencing your issue, if appropriate.
Once your pull request is opened, the project maintainers will assess it for validity and an appropriate level of quality. For example, the Pull Request status checks should all be green.
If the project maintainers are satisfied that your contribution is appropriate it will be merged into the master branch when appropriate and it will then be released when the library is next published to NuGet.
- AppVeyor and Travis CI should be green on the master branch.
- Check the version number has been updated since the last release - follow SemVer rules
- Bump the version in
if neccessary.
- Bump the version in
- Update the
- Create a new release in GitHub with appropriate release notes and tagged version number.
- Wait for the tag build to push the package to NuGet and for the pushed version to be indexed.
- Share the news! 🎉