Constructs a new Core instance with optional initial configuration.
config: Partial<CoreConfig>Optional partial configuration to override default settings.
+// Create a Core instance with custom configuration for HTTP and P2P downloads.
const core = new Core({
simultaneousHttpDownloads: 5,
simultaneousP2PDownloads: 5,
httpErrorRetries: 5,
p2pErrorRetries: 5
+// Create a Core instance using the default configuration.
const core = new Core();
DEFAULT_Default configuration for common core settings.
DEFAULT_Default configuration for stream settings.
+Retrieves the current configuration for the core instance, ensuring immutability.
+A deep readonly version of the core configuration.
+Applies a set of dynamic configuration updates to the core, merging with the existing configuration.
+A set of configuration changes to apply.
+// Example of dynamically updating the download time windows and timeout settings.
const dynamicConfig = {
httpDownloadTimeWindowMs: 60, // Set HTTP download time window to 60 seconds
p2pDownloadTimeWindowMs: 60, // Set P2P download time window to 60 seconds
httpNotReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: 1500, // Set HTTP timeout to 1500 milliseconds
p2pNotReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: 1500 // Set P2P timeout to 1500 milliseconds
+Adds an event listener for the specified event type on the core event target.
+The name of the event to listen for.
+The callback function to invoke when the event is fired.
+Removes an event listener for the specified event type on the core event target.
+The name of the event to listen for.
+The callback function to be removed.
+Retrieves a specific stream by its runtime identifier, if it exists.
+The runtime identifier of the stream to retrieve.
+The stream with its segments, or undefined
if not found.
Ensures a stream exists in the map; adds it if it does not.
+The stream to potentially add to the map.
+Updates the segments associated with a specific stream.
+The runtime identifier of the stream to update.
addSegments: Iterable<Segment>Optional segments to add to the stream.
removeSegmentIds: Iterable<string>Optional segment IDs to remove from the stream.
+Loads a segment given its runtime identifier and invokes the provided callbacks during the process. +Initializes segment storage if it has not been initialized yet.
+The runtime identifier of the segment to load.
+The callbacks to be invoked during segment loading.
+Identify if a segment is loadable by the P2P core based on the segment's stream type and configuration.
+Segment runtime identifier to check.
if the segment is loadable by the P2P core, otherwise false
Custom error class for errors that occur during core network requests.
+Constructs a new CoreRequestError.
+The type of the error, either 'failed' or 'aborted'.
typeThe type of the error, either 'failed' or 'aborted'.
+Represents an error that can occur during the request process, with a timestamp for when the error occurred.
+The specific type of request error.
+Constructs a new RequestError.
+The specific error type.
message: stringOptional message describing the error.
timestampError timestamp.
typeThe specific error type.
+Represents a P2P (peer-to-peer) engine for HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) to enhance media streaming efficiency. +This class integrates P2P technologies into HLS.js, enabling the distribution of media segments via a peer network +alongside traditional HTTP fetching. It reduces server bandwidth costs and improves scalability by sharing the load +across multiple clients.
+The engine manages core functionalities such as segment fetching, segment management, peer connection management, +and event handling related to the P2P and HLS processes.
+// Creating an instance of HlsJsP2PEngine with custom configuration
const hlsP2PEngine = new HlsJsP2PEngine({
core: {
highDemandTimeWindow: 30, // 30 seconds
simultaneousHttpDownloads: 3,
webRtcMaxMessageSize: 64 * 1024, // 64 KB
p2pNotReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: 10000, // 10 seconds
p2pInactiveLoaderDestroyTimeoutMs: 15000, // 15 seconds
httpNotReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: 8000, // 8 seconds
httpErrorRetries: 2,
p2pErrorRetries: 2,
announceTrackers: ["wss://"],
rtcConfig: {
iceServers: [{ urls: "" }]
swarmId: "example-swarm-id"
+Constructs an instance of HlsJsP2PEngine.
config: PartialHlsJsP2PEngineConfigOptional configuration for P2P engine setup.
injectEnhances a given Hls.js class by injecting additional P2P (peer-to-peer) functionalities.
config: Partial<HlsConfig> & { const HlsWithP2P = HlsJsP2PEngine.injectMixin(Hls);
const hls = new HlsWithP2P({
p2p: {
core: {
// P2P configuration
onHlsJsCreated(hls) {
// Do something with the Hls.js instance
+Adds an event listener for the specified event.
+The name of the event to listen for.
+The callback function to be invoked when the event is triggered.
+// Listening for a segment being successfully loaded
p2pEngine.addEventListener('onSegmentLoaded', (details) => {
console.log('Segment Loaded:', details);
+// Handling segment load errors
p2pEngine.addEventListener('onSegmentError', (errorDetails) => {
console.error('Error loading segment:', errorDetails);
+// Tracking data downloaded from peers
p2pEngine.addEventListener('onChunkDownloaded', (bytesLength, downloadSource, peerId) => {
console.log(`Downloaded ${bytesLength} bytes from ${downloadSource} ${peerId ? 'from peer ' + peerId : 'from server'}`);
+Removes an event listener for the specified event.
+The name of the event.
+The callback function that was previously added.
+Returns the configuration of the HLS.js P2P engine.
+A readonly version of the HlsJsP2PEngineConfig.
+Applies dynamic configuration updates to the P2P engine.
+Configuration changes to apply.
+// Assuming `hlsP2PEngine` is an instance of HlsJsP2PEngine
const newDynamicConfig = {
core: {
// Increase the number of cached segments to 1000
cachedSegmentsCount: 1000,
// 50 minutes of segments will be downloaded further through HTTP connections if P2P fails
httpDownloadTimeWindow: 3000,
// 100 minutes of segments will be downloaded further through P2P connections
p2pDownloadTimeWindow: 6000,
+Sets the HLS instance for handling media.
+Represents a P2P (peer-to-peer) engine for HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) to enhance media streaming efficiency. +This class integrates P2P technologies into Shaka Player, enabling the distribution of media segments via a peer network +alongside traditional HTTP fetching. It reduces server bandwidth costs and improves scalability by sharing the load +across multiple clients.
+The engine manages core functionalities such as segment fetching, segment management, peer connection management, +and event handling related to the P2P and HLS processes.
+// Initializing the ShakaP2PEngine with custom configuration
const shakaP2PEngine = new ShakaP2PEngine({
core: {
highDemandTimeWindow: 30, // 30 seconds
simultaneousHttpDownloads: 3,
webRtcMaxMessageSize: 64 * 1024, // 64 KB
p2pNotReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: 10000, // 10 seconds
p2pInactiveLoaderDestroyTimeoutMs: 15000, // 15 seconds
httpNotReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: 8000, // 8 seconds
httpErrorRetries: 2,
p2pErrorRetries: 2,
announceTrackers: ["wss://"],
rtcConfig: {
iceServers: [{ urls: "" }]
swarmId: "example-swarm-id"
+Constructs an instance of ShakaP2PEngine.
config: PartialShakaEngineConfigOptional configuration for customizing the P2P engine's behavior.
+The Shaka Player library instance.
+Applies dynamic configuration updates to the P2P engine.
+Configuration changes to apply.
+// Assuming `shakaP2PEngine` is an instance of ShakaP2PEngine
const newDynamicConfig = {
core: {
// Increase the number of cached segments to 1000
cachedSegmentsCount: 1000,
// 50 minutes of segments will be downloaded further through HTTP connections if P2P fails
httpDownloadTimeWindow: 3000,
// 100 minutes of segments will be downloaded further through P2P connections
p2pDownloadTimeWindow: 6000,
+Retrieves the current configuration of the ShakaP2PEngine.
+The configuration as a readonly object.
+Adds an event listener for the specified event.
+The name of the event to listen for.
+The callback function to be invoked when the event is triggered.
+// Listening for a segment being successfully loaded
shakaP2PEngine.addEventListener('onSegmentLoaded', (details) => {
console.log('Segment Loaded:', details);
+// Handling segment load errors
shakaP2PEngine.addEventListener('onSegmentError', (errorDetails) => {
console.error('Error loading segment:', errorDetails);
+// Tracking data downloaded from peers
shakaP2PEngine.addEventListener('onChunkDownloaded', (bytesLength, downloadSource, peerId) => {
console.log(`Downloaded ${bytesLength} bytes from ${downloadSource} ${peerId ? 'from peer ' + peerId : 'from server'}`);
+Removes an event listener for the specified event.
+The name of the event.
+The callback function that was previously added.
registerRegisters plugins related to P2P functionality into the Shaka Player. +Plugins must be registered before initializing the player to ensure proper integration.
+The Shaka Player library. Defaults to the global Shaka Player instance if not provided.
unregisterP2P Media Loader is an open-source JavaScript library that leverages modern web browser features, such as HTML5 video and WebRTC, to enable media delivery over peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. It integrates smoothly with many popular HTML5 video players and works entirely without browser plugins or add-ons. Experience it in action with the demo.
+P2P Media Loader can be bundled in your project as an npm package or used through a CDN. Below are examples of both methods.
+To include P2P Media Loader in your project using npm, follow these steps:
+Install the package via npm:
+For HLS.js integration:
+npm install p2p-media-loader-hlsjs
+For Shaka Player integration:
+npm install p2p-media-loader-shaka
+Import and use it in your project:
+HLS.js integration:
+import Hls from "hls.js";
import { HlsJsP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-hlsjs";
const HlsWithP2P = HlsJsP2PEngine.injectMixin(Hls);
+Shaka Player integration:
+import shaka from "shaka-player/dist/shaka-player.ui";
import { ShakaP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-shaka";
+For more examples with npm packages, you may check our React demo
+P2P Media Loader supports many players that use Hls.js as media engine. Lets pick Vidstack player for extended hlsjs example:
+<!doctype html>
<!-- Include Hls.js library from CDN -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Import map for P2P Media Loader modules -->
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"p2p-media-loader-core": "^1/dist/",
"p2p-media-loader-hlsjs": "^1/dist/"
<!-- Include Vidstack player stylesheets -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- Include Vidstack player library from CDN -->
<script src="" type="module"></script>
<!-- Module script to initialize Vidstack player with P2P Media Loader -->
<script type="module">
import { HlsJsP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-hlsjs";
const player = document.querySelector("media-player");
// Inject P2P capabilities into Hls.js
const HlsWithP2P = HlsJsP2PEngine.injectMixin(window.Hls);
player.addEventListener("provider-change", (event) => {
const provider = event.detail;
// Check if the provider is HLS
if (provider?.type === "hls") {
provider.library = HlsWithP2P;
provider.config = {
p2p: {
core: {
swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
// other P2P engine config parameters go here
onHlsJsCreated: (hls) => {
hls.p2pEngine.addEventListener("onPeerConnect", (params) => {
console.log("Peer connected:", params.peerId);
// Subscribe to P2P engine and Hls.js events here
<div style="width: 800px">
<!-- Vidstack media player with HLS stream -->
<media-player src="streamUrl">
+<script type="module">
import { HlsJsP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-hlsjs";
const videoElement = document.querySelector("#video");
const HlsWithP2P = HlsJsP2PEngine.injectMixin(window.Hls);
const hls = new HlsWithP2P({
p2p: {
core: {
swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
// Other P2P engine config parameters go here
onHlsJsCreated(hls) {
hls.p2pEngine.addEventListener("onPeerConnect", (params) => {
console.log("Peer connected:", params.peerId);
// Subscribe to P2P engine and Hls.js events here
+<script type="module">
import { HlsJsP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-hlsjs";
const videoContainer = document.querySelector("#player");
const player = new DPlayer({
container: videoContainer,
video: {
url: "",
type: "customHls",
customType: {
customHls: (video) => {
const HlsWithP2P = HlsJsP2PEngine.injectMixin(window.Hls);
const hls = new HlsWithP2P({
p2p: {
core: {
swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
// Other P2P engine config parameters go here
+<script type="module">
import { HlsJsP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-hlsjs";
const engine = new HlsJsP2PEngine({
p2p: {
core: {
swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
// Other P2P engine config parameters go here
const player = new Clappr.Player({
source: streamUrl,
plugins: [LevelSelector], //
height: "100%",
width: "100%",
parentId: `#player`,
hlsjsConfig: {
engine.bindHls(() => clapprPlayer.core.getCurrentPlayback()?._hls);
+<script type="module">
import { HlsJsP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-hlsjs";
const videoElement = document.querySelector("#video");
window.Hls = HlsJsP2PEngine.injectMixin(window.Hls);
const player = new MediaElementPlayer(, {
videoHeight: "100%",
hls: {
p2p: {
core: {
swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
// Other P2P engine config parameters go here
onHlsJsCreated: (hls) => {
// Subscribe to P2P engine and Hls.js events here
+<script type="module">
import { HlsJsP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-hlsjs";
const videoElement = document.querySelector("#video");
const HlsWithP2P = HlsJsP2PEngine.injectMixin(window.Hls);
const hls = new HlsWithP2P({
p2p: {
core: {
swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
// Other P2P engine config parameters go here
onHlsJsCreated(hls) {
// Subscribe to P2P engine and Hls.js events here
hls.on(Hls.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, () => {
const levels = hls.levels;
const quality = {
default: levels[levels.length - 1].height,
options: => level.height),
forced: true,
onChange: (newQuality) => {
levels.forEach((level, levelIndex) => {
if (level.height === newQuality) {
hls.currentLevel = levelIndex;
player = new Plyr(videoElement, {
autoplay: true,
muted: true,
+<script type="module">
import { HlsJsP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-hlsjs";
const videoElement = document.querySelector("#video");
const HlsWithP2P = HlsJsP2PEngine.injectMixin(window.Hls);
const player = new OpenPlayerJS(videoElement, {
hls: {
p2p: {
core: {
swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
// Other P2P engine config parameters go here
onHlsJsCreated: (hls) => {
// Subscribe to P2P engine and Hls.js events here
controls: {
layers: {
left: ["play", "time", "volume"],
right: ["settings", "fullscreen", "levels"],
middle: ["progress"],
player.src = [
src: streamUrl,
type: "application/x-mpegURL",
+Shaka player is used for an extended example:
+<!doctype html>
<!-- Link to Shaka Player's CSS for controls -->
<!-- Link to Shaka Player's compiled UI script -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Import map for P2P Media Loader modules -->
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"p2p-media-loader-core": "^1/dist/",
"p2p-media-loader-shaka": "^1/dist/"
<!-- Module script to initialize Shaka Player with P2P Media Loader -->
<script type="module">
import { ShakaP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-shaka";
// Register P2P Media Loader plugins with Shaka
async function init() {
// Get the video element by its ID
const video = document.getElementById("video");
// Get Shaka UI controls and player
const ui = video["ui"];
const controls = ui.getControls();
const player = controls.getPlayer();
// Initialize P2P Media Loader with custom config
const shakaP2PEngine = new ShakaP2PEngine(
core: {
swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
// Other P2P engine config parameters go here
//Subscribe to P2P engine events here
shakaP2PEngine.addEventListener("onPeerConnect", (params) => {
console.log("Peer connected:", params.peerId);
// Configure and initialize Shaka Player with P2P Media Loader
// Load the stream URL into the player
// Add event listener for Shaka UI loaded event to trigger initialization
document.addEventListener("shaka-ui-loaded", init);
<div data-shaka-player-container style="max-width:40em">
<!-- Video element with Shaka Player UI -->
+<script type="module">
import { ShakaP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-shaka";
const container = document.getElementById("container");
const shakaP2PEngine = new ShakaP2PEngine(
core: {
swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
// Other P2P Media Loader Core options
const player = new Clappr.Player({
parentId: `#${}`,
source: streamUrl,
plugins: [window.DashShakaPlayback, window.LevelSelector],
shakaOnBeforeLoad: (shakaPlayerInstance) => {
engine: shakaP2PEngine,
+<script type="module">
import { ShakaP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-shaka";
const container = document.getElementById("container");
const shakaP2PEngine = new ShakaP2PEngine(
core: {
swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
// Other P2P Media Loader Core options
const player = new DPlayer({
video: {
url: "",
type: "customHlsOrDash",
customType: {
customHlsOrDash: (video) => {
const shakaPlayer = new shaka.Player();
void shakaPlayer.attach(video);
void shakaPlayer.load(streamUrl);
+<script type="module">
import { ShakaP2PEngine } from "p2p-media-loader-shaka";
const videoElement = document.getElementById("video");
const initPlayer = () => {
const shakaP2PEngine = new ShakaP2PEngine(
core: {
swarmId: "Optional custom swarm ID for stream",
// Other P2P Media Loader Core options
const shakaPlayer = new shaka.Player();
const plyrPlayer = new Plyr(videoElement);
+Represents a range of bytes, used for specifying a segment of data to download.
+The starting byte index of the range.
+The ending byte index of the range.
+Represents the configuration for the Core functionality that is common to all streams.
cachedTime after which a cached segment expires, in seconds. +If set to undefined, the cacheSegmentExpiration is disabled for VOD streams, and a default value (20 minutes) is used for live streams.
+cachedSegmentExpiration: undefined
+Maximum number of segments to store in the cache. +Has to be less then httpDownloadTimeWindow and p2pDownloadTimeWindow. +If set to 0, the cache is unlimited.
+cachedSegmentsCount: 0
+Represents a set of configuration parameters that can be used to override or extend the +default configuration settings for a specific stream (main or secondary).
mainOptional configuration for the main stream.
secondaryOptional configuration for the secondary stream.
+const config: CoreConfig = {
highDemandTimeWindow: 15,
httpDownloadTimeWindow: 3000,
p2pDownloadTimeWindow: 6000,
swarmId: "custom swarm ID for video stream",
cashedSegmentsCount: 1000,
+const config: CoreConfig = {
// Configuration for both streams
highDemandTimeWindow: 20,
httpDownloadTimeWindow: 3000,
p2pDownloadTimeWindow: 6000,
mainStream: {
// Optional configuration for the main stream
swarmId: "custom swarm ID for video stream",
secondaryStream: {
// Optional configuration for the secondary stream
swarmId: "custom swarm ID for audio stream",
+The CoreEventMap defines a comprehensive suite of event handlers crucial for monitoring and controlling the lifecycle +of segment downloading and uploading processes.
+Invoked when a segment is fully downloaded and available for use.
+Contains information about the loaded segment.
+Triggered when an error occurs during the download of a segment.
+Contains information about the errored segment.
+Called if the download of a segment is aborted before completion.
+Contains information about the aborted segment.
+Fired at the beginning of a segment download process.
+Provides details about the segment being downloaded.
+Occurs when a new peer-to-peer connection is established.
+Triggered when an existing peer-to-peer connection is closed.
+Invoked after a chunk of data from a segment has been successfully downloaded.
+The size of the downloaded chunk in bytes.
peerId: stringThe peer ID of the peer that the event is about, if applicable.
+Called when a chunk of data has been successfully uploaded to a peer.
+The length of the segment in bytes.
+The peer ID, if the segment was downloaded from a peer
+Represents a defined Core configuration with specific settings for the main and secondary streams.
+Configuration for the main stream.
+Configuration for the secondary stream.
+Specifies the source of a download within a media streaming context.
+"http" - Indicates that the segment was downloaded using the HTTP protocol.
+"p2p"- Indicates that the segment was downloaded through a peer-to-peer network.
+Represents a dynamically modifiable configuration, allowing updates to selected CoreConfig properties at runtime.
mainOptional dynamic configuration for the main stream.
secondaryOptional dynamic configuration for the secondary stream.
+const dynamicConfig: DynamicCoreConfig = {
core: {
cachedSegmentsCount: 200,
mainStream: {
swarmId: "custom swarm ID for video stream",
p2pDownloadTimeWindow: 6000,
secondaryStream: {
swarmId: "custom swarm ID for audio stream",
p2pDownloadTimeWindow: 3000,
+Represents a set of properties that can be dynamically modified at runtime.
+Callbacks for handling the success or failure of an engine operation.
+Called when the operation is successful.
+The response from the successful operation.
+Called when the operation encounters an error.
+The error encountered during the operation.
+Defines the types of errors specific to HTTP requests.
+Represents the details of a peer in a peer-to-peer network.
+The unique identifier for a peer in the network.
+Defines the types of errors specific to peer-to-peer requests.
+Defines the types of errors that can occur during a request abortion process.
+Enumerates all possible request error types, including HTTP and peer-related errors.
+Describes a media segment with its unique identifiers, location, and timing information.
runtimeA runtime identifier for the segment that includes URL and byte range from its manifest.
externalAn unique identifier of the segment in its stream used for P2P communications: sequence number for HLS or playtime for MPEG-DASH.
url: stringThe URL from which the segment can be downloaded.
byteAn optional property specifying the range of bytes that represent the segment.
startThe start time of the segment in seconds, relative to the beginning of the stream.
endThe end time of the segment in seconds, relative to the beginning of the stream.
+Represents details about a segment abort event.
+The segment that the event is about.
+The source of the download.
+The peer ID, if the segment was downloaded from a peer.
+Represents details about a segment error event.
+The error that occurred during the segment download.
+The segment that the event is about.
+The source of the download.
+The peer ID, if the segment was downloaded from a peer.
+Represents the details about a loaded segment.
+The length of the segment in bytes.
+The source of the download.
+The peer ID, if the segment was downloaded from a peer.
+Represents the response from a segment request, including the data and measured bandwidth.
+Segment data as an ArrayBuffer.
+Measured bandwidth for the segment download, in bytes per second.
+Represents details about a segment event.
+The segment that the event is about.
+The origin of the segment download.
+The peer ID, if the segment is downloaded from a peer.
+Extends a Segment with a reference to its associated stream.
stream: StreamWithSegments<TStream>Represents a media stream with various defining characteristics.
runtimeRuntime identifier of the stream from an engine.
type: StreamTypeStream type.
index: numberStream index in the manifest.
+Configuration options for the Core functionality, including network and processing parameters.
+Indicates whether Peer-to-Peer (P2P) functionality is disabled for the stream. +If set to true, P2P functionality is disabled for the stream.
+isP2PDisabled: false
+Defines the duration of the time window, in seconds, during which segments are pre-loaded to ensure smooth playback. +This window helps prioritize the fetching of media segments that are imminent to playback.
+highDemandTimeWindow: 15
+Defines the time window, in seconds, for HTTP segment downloads. This property specifies the duration +over which media segments are pre-fetched using HTTP requests.
+For a better P2P ratio, it is recommended to set this httpDownloadTimeWindow
to be lower than p2pDownloadTimeWindow
NOTE: This setting only takes effect if there is at least one peer connection and the connected peer +does not have the requested segments available to share via P2P.
+httpDownloadTimeWindow: 3000
+Defines the time window, in seconds, dedicated to pre-fetching media segments via Peer-to-Peer (P2P) downloads. +This duration determines how much content is downloaded in advance using P2P connections to ensure smooth playback and reduce reliance on HTTP downloads.
+For a better P2P ratio, it is recommended to set this time window to be greater than httpDownloadTimeWindow
to maximize P2P usage.
p2pDownloadTimeWindow: 6000
+Maximum number of simultaneous HTTP downloads allowed.
+simultaneousHttpDownloads: 3
+Maximum number of simultaneous P2P downloads allowed.
+simultaneousP2PDownloads: 3
+Maximum message size for WebRTC communications, in bytes.
+webRtcMaxMessageSize: 64 * 1024 - 1
+Timeout for not receiving bytes from P2P, in milliseconds.
+p2pNotReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: 1000
+Timeout for destroying the P2P loader if inactive, in milliseconds.
+p2pInactiveLoaderDestroyTimeoutMs: 30 * 1000
+Timeout for not receiving bytes from HTTP downloads, in milliseconds.
+httpNotReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: 1000
+Number of retries allowed after an HTTP error.
+httpErrorRetries: 3
+Number of retries allowed after a P2P error.
+p2pErrorRetries: 3
+List of URLs to the WebTorrent trackers used for announcing and discovering peers (i.e. WebRTC signaling).
+The default trackers used are:
+Configuration for the RTC layer, used in WebRTC communication. +This configuration specifies the STUN/TURN servers used by WebRTC to establish connections through NATs and firewalls.
"rtcConfig": {
"iceServers": [
{ "urls": "" },
{ "urls": "" }
+Prefix to use for the WebTorrent client version in tracker communications. +If undefined, the default version prefix is used, which is calculated based on the package version.
+trackerClientVersionPrefix: undefined
swarmOptional unique identifier for the swarm, used to isolate peer pools by media stream. +If undefined, the URL of the manifest is used as the swarm ID.
+swarmId: undefined
validateOptional function to validate a P2P segment before fully integrating it into the playback buffer.
+A promise that resolves with a boolean indicating if the segment is valid.
+validateP2PSegment: undefined
+URL of the segment to validate.
byteRange: ByteRangeOptional byte range of the segment.
httpOptional function to customize the setup of HTTP requests for segment downloads.
+A promise that resolves with the configured request, or undefined if no customization should be made.
+httpRequestSetup: undefined
+URL of the segment.
+The range of bytes requested for the segment.
+An abort signal to cancel the request if needed.
+Additional byte range for partial requests, if required.
+Represents the types of streams available, either primary (main) or secondary.
+Represents a stream that includes multiple segments, each associated with the stream.
segments: Map<string, SegmentWithStream<TStream>>Type for specifying dynamic configuration options that can be changed at runtime for the P2P engine's core.
core?: DynamicCoreConfigDynamic core config
+Represents the complete configuration for HlsJsP2PEngine.
+Core config
+Configuration type for HLS instances that includes P2P settings, augmenting standard HLS configuration with P2P capabilities.
p2p?: PartialHlsJsP2PEngineConfig & { Extends a generic HLS type to include the P2P engine, integrating P2P capabilities directly into the HLS instance.
p2pHlsJsP2PEngine instance
+Allows for partial configuration of HlsJsP2PEngine, useful for providing overrides or partial updates.
core?: Partial<CoreConfig>Partial core config
+Type for specifying dynamic configuration options that can be changed at runtime for the P2P engine's core.
core?: DynamicCoreConfigDynamic core config
+Allows for partial configuration settings for the Shaka P2P Engine.
core?: Partial<CoreConfig>Partial core config
+Represents the complete configuration for ShakaP2PEngine.
+Core config
Core class for managing media streams loading via P2P.