All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
5.14.0 (2021-01-12)
Note: Version bump only for package patternlab-node
5.13.3 (2020-12-17)
Note: Version bump only for package patternlab-node-main
5.13.2 (2020-11-12)
Note: Version bump only for package patternlab-node-main
5.13.1 (2020-09-06)
Note: Version bump only for package patternlab-node-main
5.13.0 (2020-08-26)
Note: Version bump only for package patternlab-node-main
5.12.0 (2020-08-09)
Note: Version bump only for package patternlab-node
5.11.1 (2020-06-28)
- update Viewport Size toggle to better handle async-loaded ishControl data + prevent rendering errors (b937706)
- update Webpack config to point to the patched version of preact-dom (d3660b7)
- update yarn.lock (dca1948)
- visually hide NavToggle icon text; fix for visual regression after merging down pattern-lab#1227 (3a2ad9f)
- docs: corrected a URL (26ede14)
- docs: fixed css code for custom patternstates color (8995241), closes #1216
- docs: headlines styling breaks in edge cases #1158 (d8244a2)
- patternflyouts: preventing horizontal scrollbar in pattern flyouts in Edge 18 #1124 (63300bc)
- patternstate: added css color for pattern state "inprogress" #1216 (856bcda)
- resetcss: selector in uikit-workshop #1109 (6893b7c)
- enable partial build via option (8aaa533)
- enable partial build via option (4b9dbf9)
5.11.0 (2020-06-28)
- update Viewport Size toggle to better handle async-loaded ishControl data + prevent rendering errors (b937706)
- update Webpack config to point to the patched version of preact-dom (d3660b7)
- visually hide NavToggle icon text; fix for visual regression after merging down pattern-lab#1227 (3a2ad9f)
- docs: corrected a URL (26ede14)
- docs: fixed css code for custom patternstates color (8995241), closes #1216
- docs: headlines styling breaks in edge cases #1158 (d8244a2)
- patternflyouts: preventing horizontal scrollbar in pattern flyouts in Edge 18 #1124 (63300bc)
- patternstate: added css color for pattern state "inprogress" #1216 (856bcda)
- resetcss: selector in uikit-workshop #1109 (6893b7c)
- enable partial build via option (8aaa533)
- enable partial build via option (4b9dbf9)
5.10.2 (2020-05-24)
- update link to new PL docs homepage (831b467)
5.10.1 (2020-05-09)
Note: Version bump only for package pl-node
5.10.0 (2020-05-09)
- docs: google lighthouse error - bg and text contrast ratio #1197 (f43978a)
- docs: resolving broken link (new URL) in new docs site #1192 (8dc020a)
- docs: resolving broken link (new URL) in new docs site #1192 (f557fdd)
- docs: resolving broken link (new URL) in new docs site #1192 (0023a91)
- docs: resolving broken links in new docs site #1192 (c9635ec)
- docs: resolving broken links in new docs site #1192 (f56ad39)
- docs: resolving broken links in new docs site #1192 (cae9420)
- docs: resolving broken links in new docs site #1192 (84138c3)
- docs: resolving broken links in new docs site #1192 (374c103)
- docs: resolving broken links in new docs site #1192 (cb0fcdb)
- docs: resolving broken links in new docs site #1192 (48de8c2)
- docs: resolving broken links in new docs site #1192 (363f22c)
- docs: resolving broken links in new docs site #1192 (487cc78)
- docs: resolving broken links in new docs site #1192 (571017f)
- docs: resolving broken links in new docs site #1192 (420e829)
- docs: resolving broken links in new docs site #1192 (b4eb12e)
- Contribution guidelines should refer to yarn (c30cc81)
- uikitworkshop: preventing cropping pattern parts #1174 (6a67d03)
5.9.3 (2020-05-01)
- plugintabs: enabling multiple file formats #1163 (bb5e817)
- adjust UIKit Nav updates to account for the noViewAll config variation (73eac97)
- make sure the top-level Dropdown menus always open/close (7a8b418)
- only allow one top level nav item to be open at a time while rendering as a dropdown menu (409bef3)
- re-try Netlify preview to debug local vs prod rendering differences (6da41a1)
- Update dependency on twing JS engine (cfe88c6)
- cli: fix test script glob (ff18eb5)
5.9.2 (2020-04-24)
Note: Version bump only for package pl-node
5.9.1 (2020-04-24)
- cli: ensure specified directory exists prior to scaffold (cc3b696)
5.9.0 (2020-04-24)
- cli: set current working directory before scaffolded npm init (6d2186d)
- core: do not warn about uikit-polyfills (6bb68e7)
- actually exit build when Twig render fails (5d28a24)
- Update packages/engine-twig-php/lib/engine_twig_php.js (c67d50e)
5.8.0 (2020-04-03)
- the namespace notation should not be mixed with PatternLab shorthand pattern naming & name is not defined in the textarea macro (8250fe8)
- Updated the README to reflect which issues are resolved. (d90c3c4)
- switch engine-twig to use twing rather than node-twig (daca95c)
5.7.2 (2020-03-24)
- update iframe resizer UI to be hidden when iframe is full width (9797c1a)
5.7.1 (2020-02-24)
- update twig-renderer (46f53b7)
5.7.0 (2020-02-17)
- cli: make options more user friendly (ad845b3)
5.6.0 (2020-01-18)
- a11y fix on text contrast (6d75b22)
- a11y issue on a missing description of that complementary icon (4f13807)
- pass additional configuration into twig-php engine (dff5a78)
5.5.0 (2019-12-19)
- upgrade Twig to use new filter, map, reduce (4218a5a)
5.4.2 (2019-11-27)
Note: Version bump only for package pl-node-pr
5.4.1 (2019-11-26)
- temp workaround to address instance where the latest version of Edge supports ES modules but NOT Custom Elements (ada3d82)
5.4.0 (2019-11-26)
- re-add popstate listener (6dbbd6a)
- script: remove quotes around starterkit (e4897fb)
- add a new method to check if PL is currently compiling + add new method to get the config PL is using (26e886c)
- check if dependency graph file exists before trying to remove (f9af6a9)
- comment out example config to disable viewAll links (ddb3fad)
- add the ability to disable Pattern Lab viewall links in the navigation (156e609)
- major improvements to local UIKit workflow (4dc9173)
- test adding cross-env to Twig Edition test (3f8bb01)
5.3.3 (2019-11-22)
- simplify overflow fix (378cf42)
- testing potential FF fix for pattern-lab#1100 (613bba1)
5.3.2 (2019-11-14)
Note: Version bump only for package pl-node
5.3.1 (2019-11-13)
- CSS fix to properly highlight the correct active page / link in the Nav; improve dropdown open / close animation (ec4ab84)
- small UI fixes for the sticky Tabs header on smaller screens + drawer content collapsing on smaller screens + better handling of Nav link cleanup when changing pages (347e2fe)
- tweak header and drawer padding when viewing on a device with curved edges (98e9baf)
- uikit fixes and minor CSS updates intended for the v5.3.0 release (26c4ced)
5.3.0 (2019-11-13)
- add PluginTab workaround for Safari (2fa9367)
- core: re-add cleanPublic fix (c100bbc)
- plugin-tab: defensively call addPanels (b82bd12)
- port over missing UIKit Sass that wasn't added in the original PR (f7659e6)
- port latest UIKit updates + fixes upstream (d07952c)
5.2.0 (2019-11-12)
- deploy: add setup command (7c1d8d1)
- add missing $ (c95a06e)
- address bug causing viewport width to progressively decrease in size when resizing your screen / refreshing on certain devices (41b11af)
- configure the Logo's
config option when used as an HTML attribute (ade34a2) - fix classname typo (da3c5f1)
- temp workaround to fix content exceeding the height of drawer container (435243c)
- update drawer UI to not collapse content on smaller screen sizes (7147085)
- update package.json description in
(22fc44a) - engine_twig_php: Allow additional flexibility with twig namespaces. (07bfaa3)
- add lit-element, basic Typescript support to Webpack (611f705)
- add local copy of new Slotify library till published to NPM (63b9d83)
- add new component to make Button-like styles more reusable (5e7b014)
- add new component (e8ce2a9)
- add support for auto-closing Nav when clicking inside of the rendered iframe (9d602fe)
- add support for optional chaining syntax via Babel plugin (c8886b6)
- major refactoring + UI updates to address cross browser support; UI cleanup and conversion of the majority of the remaining components over to lit-element (2ff8e1c)
- refactor + convert pl-toggle-info to lit-element (85cd9c5)
- refactor + convert pl-toggle-layout to lit-element (46009d9)
- refactor + convert pl-toggle-theme to lit-element (95a3b21)
- refactor Drawer to render via lit-element + massively improve rendering performance (28d47eb)
- remove mixin that was causing outlines to be removed from default UI styles (622ed76)
- temp add unsafe-svg directive till upstream PR merged (34de61c)
- update the Nav design to not bold the active item in order to not shift the layout (0eda431)
- update Webpack config to use the latest Style Loader + new SVG icon system (2ed70e7)
5.1.0 (2019-10-29)
- config: add new default pattern export options (a7487a0)
5.0.2 (2019-10-28)
- uikit-workshop: add template files to published bundle (9005fce)
- uikit-workshop: add webpack config to published bundle (060a573)
5.0.1 (2019-10-28)
- add missing “dist” folder to array of files / folders published to NPM (8829429)
5.0.0 (2019-10-25)
- 1049: Treat folders like patterns only if they're subfolders of pattern groupings (4eb79ab)
- cli: add custom install logic to edition-node (f04fd26)
- cli: allow any package to be installed as a starterkit (d2aa1be), closes #1067
- cli: merge config arrays via overwrite instead of concatenate (42e5f7b)
- cli: proper path resolution to helpers (a18fe5e)
- cli: re-order and clarify engines (e39e301)
- core: allow plugin resolution to follow normal algorithm (3f6b83b)
- core: find plugins from config only and with simpler args (fe7351c)
- deploy: add setup command (74dd314)
- engine_twig_php: Pseudo patterns Twig PHP (226aa8b), closes #1045
- engine_twig_php: Twig incremental rebuilds (1ade945), closes #1015
- engine_twig_php: Twig incremental rebuilds (5d33f24), closes #1015
- lerna: typo in config (525a47b)
- lint: Use const instead of var (ad1e782)
- plugin: correct spelling error and function locations (d4abd88)
- plugin-tab: bump lodash from 4.17.5 to 4.17.15 in /packages/plugin-tab (#1081) (3f89dda)
- plugin-tab: handle params correctly (d248993)
- starterkit: add css output and build command (ccb2d35)
- add better pre-rendering support (8ecd615)
- add eslint fixes (00d7bbe)
- add missing @babel/runtime package to address silent error getting thrown on Travis (1918d04)
- add missing preact-render-to-string library (881296a)
- add repo info to root package.json so Auto knows what repo to configure for (85142e8)
- address unrelated eslint errors from PL core (6ada00d)
- correct typo in build logging (96d989f)
- fall back to seeing the current pattern's query string to
or the defaultPattern value if undefined when the iframe page initially loads (a368459) - fix incorrect Webpack version in package.json (9788e89)
- fix issue with viewport height exceeding the space available (95cd1cf)
- fix Prism.js typo so languages not found / supported don't throw a JS error (a8c19f9)
- fix Twig Edition examples by adding missing Twig namespaces to config (b4c20ef)
- minor CSS fixes + fresh prod build (8ac2c1f)
- re-enable displaying the top level
link if PL isn't configured to hide this specific link in the ishControlsHide config option. Addresses #1048 (6bb4e1a) - re-enable using the defaultPattern config for the initial iframe page load if defined (d645ea1)
- regenerate fresh UIKit build after fixing main JS issues (9ea34d2)
- Rename Handlebars and Nunjucks extension setting to "extend" (74e5af2)
- squashing minor UI bugs (a8a606c)
- temporarily disable Random and Disco viewport controls until the full JS logic for these is re-enabled (14b9a19)
- temporarily downgrade Preact version so tooltip used for displaying viewport sizes renders correctly (52dcf85)
- update autoprefixer browserslist config to address warning messages (5e52f2b)
- update initial PL iframe path default (a26fbb9)
- update Javascript to address merge conflict issue with previous PR merge / recent release (cf2ecc1)
- update styles for pattern state dots (7728acc)
- update the default pattern that displays in the Handlebars demo (ff1d85f)
- starterkit: remove config file (f90e38a)
- starterkit: use handlebars meta files (d8f5e12)
- updates to address eslint / prettier issues (d945acc)
- updates to fix eslint / prettier issues; update packages/core to reuse root .eslintrc.js file (5b7a057)
- use 100% of the screen available when JS is disabled / the first time the iframe loads up (c0c5bff)
- uikit: clear out "404" responses when loading tabs (73874b1)
- uikit-workshop: fix merge problem (d245b3b)
- core: invoke registered plugin hooks (a54d775)
- edition-node: switch to engine-handlebars (b481e22)
- engine-handlebars: Default location for helpers, like engine-nunjucks (11c4180)
- engine-handlebars: Demonstration of custom Handlebars helper (f330b5b)
- engine-handlebars: Document the Helpers feature (a01e040)
- engine-handlebars: Load Handlebars helpers specified in the config (a12df36)
- engine-nunjucks: Configurable extension locations; Use usePatternlabConfig() (e54e3b3)
- engine-react: set package to private (3aea881)
- plugin-tab: pivot to using hook functions (d4b2598)
- plugin-tab, core: initial plugin hook exploration (2f3d39a)
- starterkits: add starterkit-handlebars-demo (384d2cf)
- uikit-workshop: add plugin-loader (fc966d6)
- introduce netlify preview (6c5d332)
- remove pre-built uikit dist folder and switch to auto-building when bootstrapping OR when publishing to NPM (b5dd553)
- switch to Yarn + Yarn workspaces (f4c4ec3)
- update Node to v12 (fcbb970)
- don't flatten folders containing only one item inside (77f1f46)
- core: plugins now use async functions instead of events
- plugin-tab: event based listeners replaced with functions
- cli: previously, we concatenated arrays, which is unlikely to be intended
- edition-node: use handlebars over mustache