This document is intended for those that are interested in running the native python scripts on their own computer. This doc a work and progress and initially focused on the windows platform. The essentials are similar for any other platform so this guide may still be helpful for Mac and Linux users (who may have many of these components already installed by default on their systems.) Note: I do all my development and testing on Linux.
The following install recipe ensures all the required prerequisites are in place for running the ImageAnalysis software:
Go with all the defaults (unless you are a python setup expert and have a specific reason to do otherwise.)
Do not Install Microsoft VSCode (Skip!) unless you really want it for some other project not related to this one.
conda upgrade
(My advice is to go with all the defaults choices the installer presents unless you have a specific reason to do something else.)
- Open an Anaconda3 -> Anaconda Prompt (from the start menu)
- Open a git bash shell (from the start menu)
From the Anaconda Prompt:
anaconda3> conda uninstall sphinx // breaks pyinstaller
anaconda3> conda install scipy
anaconda3> conda install opencv
anaconda3> conda install matplotlib
anaconda3> pip install Panda3D
anaconda3> pip install geojson
anaconda3> pip install simplekml
anaconda3> pip install tqdm
anaconda3> pip install piexif
For packaging up the script (probably a Curt only thing)
anaconda> pip install pyinstaller
From the Bash prompt:
bash$ cd Desktop
bash$ mkdir Software
bash$ cd Software
bash$ cd Desktop/Software
bash$ git clone
anaconda3> cd Desktop\Software\NavPy
anaconda3> python install
bash$ cd Desktop/Software
bash$ git clone
anaconda3> cd Desktop\Software\aura-props\python
anaconda3> python install
bash$ git clone
anaconda3> cd Desktop\Software\ImageAnalysis\scripts
anaconda3> python