- 31.03.2023 Added a deep sleep mode for V3.2. If you forget to turn him off, he will draw only 6,5mAh insted of 16,5mAh.
- 18.03.2023 Fixed a bug that prevented resetting the battery low flag. Updated all Firmwares to X.X-180323.
- 11.01.2023 Finally i found out that not all DFPlayer devices support USB. Luckilyy new Version 220920 of the MH2024K-24SS chipset solves this nasty issue.
- 30.01.2022 Started german wiki integration of the new V3.2 version. Hopefully the last (and best) version for a longer time...
- 27.01.2022 Firmware 3.2-270122: All DFPlayer modules are supported now. Battery warning is working reliable and the music box mode can now skip to the next track by pressing the button for 3 seconds. Ready to release.
- 17.01.2020 Happy new year" Stay tuned for a complete V3.2 wiki integration.
- 30.09.2020 Firmware 3.2-300920 and V3.2 schematics are online.
- 29.09.2020 Good news: A new Version V3.2 with the DFPlayer MP3 module for microSD cards is available! Nokolino can be used as a speech set monster and, by pressing the button on startup, as a music box for tons of files, uploadable via USB.
- 28.08.2020 All Boards are getting a slight rework with JST plugs an cables for easier assembly.
- 10.07.2020 Tested new IDE 1.8.13. Works good.
- 27.06.2020 Added software support for old V2.1 kits.
- 25.06.2020 New firmware 3.1-250620: Music box mode now plays more than one file. 3.0 will follow soon.
- 23.06.2020 The kit and the workshop ticket are now availabe at heise shop! Cheers!
- 12.06.2020 Linked PCB.md to my Aisler repository for easy pcb ordering.
- 10.06.2020 A kit is available! Look here.
- 06.06.2020 New release V3.0-180520.
- 04.06.2020 Updated to firmware 3.0-180520 and 3.1-180520. Only cleanup changes made.
- 03.06.2020 Started reworking this repository and the wiki.
- 02.06.2020 The Nokolino kit and the new repository are ready!
- 26.03.2020 Finally, i found the last missing part for the new Nokolino kit: A solderless USB plug! The wiki will be updated very soon.
- 22.03.2020 The V3.1 boards for the JQ8400 modules are working.
- 09.03.2020 New PCBs arrived! The top board fits perfectly to the new designed M2 screw button caps. The V3.1 with alternative JQ8400 module will be tested soon.
- 08.03.2020 Tested IDE 1.8.12. Yeah, working.
- 14.02.2020 Nokolino doesn't need glue anymore! You can 3D print your own M2 button caps and connect the new upper PCB with the four buttons by a M2 6mm screw. Surely, old glue cabs are still working.
- 13.02.2020 Testet IDE 1.8.11. Again, it's working.
- 11.02.2020:
- New firmware 3.1-110220: Optimized operating voltage range for new JQ8400.
- New firmware 3.0-110220: Reduced flash size and fixed missing optional startup beep.
- 10.02.2020 Good news: Bigger JQ6500 modules with 32MBit are getting rare. I made an alternative Version V3.1 for the cheap and easy to buy JQ8400-10p module with 32MBit too. The software is working and the new PCBs are ordered. Stay tuned!
- 24.01.2020 New V3.0 PCBs are working great. New instructions and the new German wiki will follow next month.
- 03.01.2020 New firmware 3.0-030120. Autodetecting playmode and reduced flash size. Remember, this version will only run on coming PCBs.
- 01.01.2020 Happy new year! The new V3.0 PCB-files are online. The wiki will be updated after testing was done.
- 30.12.2019 New Nokolino V3.0 is comming early next year!
- 26.09.2019 Tested IDE 1.8.10. Still working.
- 27.08.2019 New linux upload and repair tool. The make command now works with Debian/Ubuntu/Mint.
- 05.08.2019 New release V2.1-030819.
- 03.08.2019 Firmware 2.1-030819: With some small hardware additions Nokolino can get a new voice set via USB!
- 16.06.2019 Firmware 2.0-160419: Fixed a bug for the optional dark mode.
- 14.04.2019 Testet IDE 1.8.9. Works too.
- 15.01.2019 Firmware 2.0-150119: Reworked volume control. Some modules have issues after sleep mode.
- 15.01.2019 Testet IDE 1.8.8. Works well.
- 19.10.2018 New Linux upload tool. You can upload an english interface by typing ./jq6500 -X
- 26.09.2018 See Nokolino and me at Wissensnacht Ruhr Gelsenkirchen: 28.08.2018.
- 25.09.2018 Firmware 2.0-250918: Optional complaining when button is pressed while it is dark.
- 22.09.2018 Firmware 2.0-220918:
- Optional startup beep.
- Optional phototransistor feature.
- Improved volume handling, some modules need more startup time.
- 07.09.2018 New Nokolino with QI wireless charging module and internal power button is ready! Works great!
- 05.09.2018 Updated PCB design:
- More room for a USB cable for your JQ6500.
- Opportunity to add the new phototransistor feature.
- 03.09.2018 See Nokolino an me at the Maker Faire Hannover: 15.09.-16.09. HCC Hannover.
- 31.08.2018 Firmware 1.0-310818: Optimized PCB battery warning settings.
- 29.06.2018 Firmware 1.0-290618: Improved power saving when battery is low.
- 16.06.2018 Updated the upload tool.
- 24.05.2018 Firmware 1.0-240518: New 16MBit voiceset support.
- 23.05.2018 Better data compression for 16MBit voiceset. You get 10 more files!
- 22.05.2018 Added 16Mbit module support.
- 15.05.2018 Updated the upload tool for the JQ6500 mp3 module. Note that it now needs the -W parameter to write files.
- 14.05.2018 See Noko and me at the Maker Faire 2018 in Berlin: 25.10.2018-28.10.2018, FEZ!
- 12.05.2018 The new repository for PCB Nokolino is ready! Go on, Nokolino lovers!