All notable changes to the MEF_ELine NApp will be documented in this file.
- Added EVC status check when deploying using schedule.
- Serialize circuit scheduler for storehouse.
- Fix VLAN availability on interfaces after using them.
- Documentation about delete method.
- Added '.travis.yml' to enable Travis CI.
- Added tags decorator to run tests by type and size.
- Install flows when UNIs are in the same switch.
- Updated HTTP return messages and codes when an error happens.
- Accept EVCs where UNI has no tag.
- Path status now return disabled state if any of its links is disabled.
- Updated method to get the shortest path, now it returns more paths.
- Changed enable/enabled to update _enabled attribute and activate/active to update _active attribute.
- Updated OpenApi Models description and documentation.
- Do not create a job when action is not
- Removed dependencies.
- Fixed enable on update EVCs.
- Scrutinizer running after every push to GitHub repository.
- Linter checking all python code.
- Fixed link up/down events from kytos/topology (#99 and #100).
- Load VLANs from storehouse (#101).
- Check path status using kytos/topology (#102).
- Fixed tests to mock call to get links from kytos/topology (#118).
- Added more API documentation.
- Added EVC flow removal based on cookies.
- Added EVC deletion API method.
- Fixed circuit not being deployed.
- Fixed current_path changes not being saved on storehouse (#85).
- Fixed storehouse always creating a new box (#91).
- Fixed handling of link up/down events.
- Fixed error when creating a circuit with scheduling and without start_date
- (#79 and #80)
Added endpoint to allow update circuit informations.
Added structure to support ci integration: unittests, linter, tox and scrutinizer.
Added some tests for the class already created.
Added some LinkProtection features: - Added method to handle when links goes up or end_maintenance. - Added method to handle when links goes down or under_maintenance. - When primary_path and backup_path goes down or under_maintenance and
dynamic_backup_path is setted as True a dynamic path is choosed using the PathFinder NApp when the primary and backup path is both down or not setted.
- When the primary_path is down and backup_path exists and is UP the circuit will change from primary_path to backup_path.
- When the primary_path change from DOWN to UP the circuits will change to the primary_path.
- When the circuit is disabled the circuit will not be deployed.
- Added method to looking for links affected was created using the python set class to be more fast to find the links affected.
- Change deploy to use primary_path, backup_path or a dynamic_path.
- Improved the Schedule to use advanced python scheduler (APScheduler) library.
Thanks @ajoaoff for recommends this library. - The attribute circuit_scheduler in the EVC class should have some instances of CircuitScheduler, this instances will have the information about the scheduler informations.
- Fixed the create circuit method when sending a invalid request
- Fixed some linter warnings.
- Added EVC class to represent a circuit.
- Added Schedule class to schedule the circuit deploy.
- Added persistence with the NApp kytos/storehouse.
- Refactor and
- Removed duplicated key in openapi.yml
- Add Schedule class
- Add Mef-Eline component
- Update openapi.yml
- Update README.rst
- New /evc endpoint.
- Future endpoint URLs.
- EPL and EVPL support, with VLANs in both endpoints.
- Method to install flows to the switches.
- List of links now represented by Link objects.
- Old /circuit endpoints.