The app is built using Shelf. The app handles HTTP GET and POST requests forwarded from the OpenWhisk platform as POST requests to /run
containing extra forwarded data that specifies the request method used by the client.
You can test the code locally with the Dart SDK like this:
dart test
# ... or run the webserver locally with
dart run bin/server.dart
Then from a second terminal run:
### Example GET request
curl -k \
-d "{
\"__ow_method\": \"get\",
\"__ow_headers\": {
}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST localhost:8080/run; \
# If nothing was changed in the 'template/function/lib/src/function_base.dart' file before
# deployment then we should just see the default response:
>> Hello from OpenWhisk & Dart!
### Example POST request:
curl -k \
-d "{
\"__ow_method\": \"post\",
\"__ow_headers\": {
\"name\": \"Peter\",
\"age\": \"42\",
\"height\": \"180.5\"
}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST localhost:8080/run; \
# If nothing was changed in the 'template/function/lib/src/function_base.dart' file before
# deployment then we should just see the default response:
>> {"body":[{"string_field":"Peter"},{"int_field":42},{"double_field":180.5}]}
The data stored under the "body"
key is essentially be the data that is returned by the OpenWhisk platform to the client.