- AreAbstract
- AreClasses
- AreDelegates
- AreEnums
- AreGeneric
- AreImmutable
- AreImmutableExternally
- AreInheritedByAnyType
- AreInterfaces
- AreInternal
- AreMutable
- AreNested
- AreNotAbstract
- AreNotClasses
- AreNotDelegates
- AreNotEnums
- AreNotGeneric
- AreNotInheritedByAnyType
- AreNotInterfaces
- AreNotInternal
- AreNotNested
- AreNotOfType
- AreNotPrivate
- AreNotPrivateProtected
- AreNotProtected
- AreNotProtectedInternal
- AreNotPublic
- AreNotSealed
- AreNotStatic
- AreNotStructures
- AreNotUsedByAny
- AreOfType
- ArePrivate
- ArePrivateProtected
- AreProtected
- AreProtectedInternal
- ArePublic
- AreSealed
- AreStateless
- AreStatic
- AreStaticless
- AreStructures
- AreUsedByAny
- DoNotHaveCustomAttribute
- DoNotHaveCustomAttribute
- DoNotHaveCustomAttributeOrInherit
- DoNotHaveCustomAttributeOrInherit
- DoNotHaveDependencyOnAll
- DoNotHaveDependencyOnAny
- DoNotHaveName
- DoNotHaveNameEndingWith
- DoNotHaveNameMatching
- DoNotHaveNameStartingWith
- DoNotHaveParameterlessConstructor
- DoNotHavePublicConstructor
- DoNotImplementInterface
- DoNotImplementInterface
- DoNotInherit
- DoNotInherit
- DoNotResideInNamespace
- DoNotResideInNamespaceContaining
- DoNotResideInNamespaceEndingWith
- DoNotResideInNamespaceMatching
- HaveCustomAttribute
- HaveCustomAttribute
- HaveCustomAttributeOrInherit
- HaveCustomAttributeOrInherit
- HaveDependencyOnAll
- HaveDependencyOnAny
- HaveDependencyOtherThan
- HaveName
- HaveNameEndingWith
- HaveNameMatching
- HaveNameStartingWith
- HaveNumberOfLinesOfCodeGreaterThan
- HaveNumberOfLinesOfCodeLowerThan
- HaveParameterlessConstructor
- HavePublicConstructor
- HaveSomeNonNullableMembers
- ImplementInterface
- ImplementInterface
- Inherit
- Inherit
- MeetCustomRule
- MeetCustomRule
- MeetCustomRule
- MeetCustomRule
- OnlyHaveDependencyOn
- OnlyHaveNonNullableMembers
- OnlyHaveNullableMembers
- ResideInNamespace
- ResideInNamespaceContaining
- ResideInNamespaceEndingWith
- ResideInNamespaceMatching
- BeAbstract
- BeClasses
- BeDelegates
- BeEnums
- BeGeneric
- BeImmutable
- BeImmutableExternally
- BeInterfaces
- BeInternal
- BeMutable
- BeNested
- BeOfType
- BePrivate
- BePrivateProtected
- BeProtected
- BeProtectedInternal
- BePublic
- BeSealed
- BeStateless
- BeStatic
- BeStaticless
- BeStructures
- BeUsedByAny
- HaveCustomAttribute
- HaveCustomAttribute
- HaveCustomAttributeOrInherit
- HaveCustomAttributeOrInherit
- HaveDependencyOnAll
- HaveDependencyOnAny
- HaveDependencyOtherThan
- HaveMatchingTypeWithName
- HaveName
- HaveNameEndingWith
- HaveNameMatching
- HaveNameStartingWith
- HaveNumberOfLinesOfCodeGreaterThan
- HaveNumberOfLinesOfCodeLowerThan
- HaveParameterlessConstructor
- HavePublicConstructor
- HaveSomeNonNullableMembers
- HaveSourceFileNameMatchingName
- HaveSourceFilePathMatchingNamespace
- ImplementInterface
- ImplementInterface
- Inherit
- Inherit
- MeetCustomRule
- MeetCustomRule
- MeetCustomRule
- MeetCustomRule
- NotBeAbstract
- NotBeClasses
- NotBeDelegates
- NotBeEnums
- NotBeGeneric
- NotBeInterfaces
- NotBeInternal
- NotBeNested
- NotBeOfType
- NotBePrivate
- NotBePrivateProtected
- NotBeProtected
- NotBeProtectedInternal
- NotBePublic
- NotBeSealed
- NotBeStatic
- NotBeStructures
- NotBeUsedByAny
- NotHaveCustomAttribute
- NotHaveCustomAttribute
- NotHaveCustomAttributeOrInherit
- NotHaveCustomAttributeOrInherit
- NotHaveDependencyOnAll
- NotHaveDependencyOnAny
- NotHaveName
- NotHaveNameEndingWith
- NotHaveNameMatching
- NotHaveNameStartingWith
- NotHaveParameterlessConstructor
- NotHavePublicConstructor
- NotImplementInterface
- NotImplementInterface
- NotInherit
- NotInherit
- NotResideInNamespace
- NotResideInNamespaceContaining
- NotResideInNamespaceEndingWith
- NotResideInNamespaceMatching
- OnlyHaveDependencyOn
- OnlyHaveNonNullableMembers
- OnlyHaveNullableMembers
- ResideInNamespace
- ResideInNamespaceContaining
- ResideInNamespaceEndingWith
- ResideInNamespaceMatching
Types Types.FromFile(string fileName, IEnumerable<string> searchDirectories = null)
Creates a list of all the types in a particular module file.
Types Types.FromPath(string path, IEnumerable<string> searchDirectories = null)
Creates a list of all the types found on a particular path.
IEnumerable<IType> Types.GetTypes(Options options = null)
Returns the list of objects describing the types in this list.
Types Types.InAssemblies(IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies, IEnumerable<string> searchDirectories = null, bool loadReferencedAssemblies = false)
Creates a list of types based on a list of assemblies.
Types Types.InAssembly(Assembly assembly, IEnumerable<string> searchDirectories = null, bool loadReferencedAssemblies = false)
Creates a list of types based on a particular assembly.
Types Types.InCurrentDomain()
Creates a list of types based on all the assemblies in the current AppDomain
Condition Types.Should()
Applies a set of conditions to the list of types.
Condition Types.ShouldNot()
Applies a negative set of conditions to the list of types.
SlicePredicate Types.Slice()
Allows dividing types into groups, also called slices.
Predicate Types.That()
Allows a list of types to be applied to one or more filters.
PredicateList Predicate.AreAbstract()
Selects types that are marked as abstract.
PredicateList Predicate.AreClasses()
Selects types that are classes.
PredicateList Predicate.AreDelegates()
Selects types that are delegates.
PredicateList Predicate.AreEnums()
Selects types that are enums.
PredicateList Predicate.AreGeneric()
Selects types that have generic parameters.
PredicateList Predicate.AreImmutable()
Selects types that are immutable, and their state cannot be changed after creation. (shallow immutability). Stronger constraint than AreImmutableExternally()
PredicateList Predicate.AreImmutableExternally()
Selects types that are immutable from the outside of the given type. (shallow immutability). Weaker constraint than AreImmutable()
PredicateList Predicate.AreInheritedByAnyType()
Selects types that are inherited by any type
PredicateList Predicate.AreInterfaces()
Selects types that are interfaces.
PredicateList Predicate.AreInternal()
Selects types that are declared as internal.
PredicateList Predicate.AreMutable()
Selects types that are mutable.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNested()
Selects types that are nested.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotAbstract()
Selects types that are not marked as abstract.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotClasses()
Selects types that are not classes.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotDelegates()
Selects types that are not delegates.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotEnums()
Selects types that are not enums.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotGeneric()
Selects types that do not have generic parameters.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotInheritedByAnyType()
Selects types that are not inherited by any type
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotInterfaces()
Selects types that are not interfaces.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotInternal()
Selects types that are not declared as internal.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotNested()
Selects types that are not nested.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotOfType(params Type[] type)
Selects types that are not exactly of given type. (inheritance is not considered)
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotPrivate()
Selects types that are not declared as private.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotPrivateProtected()
Selects types that are not declared as private protected.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotProtected()
Selects types that are not declared as protected.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotProtectedInternal()
Selects types that are not declared as protected internal.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotPublic()
Selects types that do not have public scope.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotSealed()
Selects types according that are not marked as sealed.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotStatic()
Selects types that are not static.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotStructures()
Selects types that are not structures.
PredicateList Predicate.AreNotUsedByAny(params string[] users)
Selects types that are not used by any of the supplied types.
PredicateList Predicate.AreOfType(params Type[] type)
Selects types that are exactly of given type. (inheritance is not considered)
PredicateList Predicate.ArePrivate()
Selects types that are declared as private.
PredicateList Predicate.ArePrivateProtected()
Selects types that are declared as private protected.
PredicateList Predicate.AreProtected()
Selects types that are declared as protected.
PredicateList Predicate.AreProtectedInternal()
Selects types that are declared as protected internal.
PredicateList Predicate.ArePublic()
Selects types that have public scope.
PredicateList Predicate.AreSealed()
Selects types according that are marked as sealed.
PredicateList Predicate.AreStateless()
Selects types that are stateless, they do not have instance state`
PredicateList Predicate.AreStatic()
Selects types that are static.
PredicateList Predicate.AreStaticless()
Selects types that are staticless, they do not have static state
PredicateList Predicate.AreStructures()
Selects types that are structures.
PredicateList Predicate.AreUsedByAny(params string[] users)
Selects types that are used by any of the supplied types.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotHaveCustomAttribute(Type attribute)
Selects types that are not decorated with a specific custom attribute.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotHaveCustomAttribute<T>()
Selects types that are not decorated with a specific custom attribute.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotHaveCustomAttributeOrInherit(Type attribute)
Selects types that are not decorated with a specific custom attribute or derived one.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotHaveCustomAttributeOrInherit<T>()
Selects types that are not decorated with a specific custom attribute or derived one.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotHaveDependencyOnAll(params string[] dependencies)
Selects types that do not have a dependency on all of the supplied types.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotHaveDependencyOnAny(params string[] dependencies)
Selects types that do not have a dependency on any of the supplied types.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotHaveName(params string[] name)
Selects types that do not have a particular name.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotHaveNameEndingWith(params string[] end)
Selects types whose names do not end with the specified text.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotHaveNameMatching(string pattern)
Selects types according to a regular expression that does not match their name.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotHaveNameStartingWith(params string[] start)
Selects types whose names do not start with the specified text.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotHaveParameterlessConstructor()
Selects types that do not have any instance parameterless constructors.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotHavePublicConstructor()
Selects types that do not have any instance public constructors.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotImplementInterface(Type interfaceType)
Selects types that do not implement a particular interface.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotImplementInterface<T>()
Selects types that do not implement a particular interface.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotInherit(Type type)
Selects types that do not inherit a particular type.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotInherit<T>()
Selects types that do not inherit a particular type.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotResideInNamespace(string name)
Selects types that do not reside in a particular namespace.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotResideInNamespaceContaining(string name)
Selects types whose namespaces contain a particular name part.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotResideInNamespaceEndingWith(string name)
Selects types whose namespaces end with a particular name part.
PredicateList Predicate.DoNotResideInNamespaceMatching(string pattern)
Selects types whose namespaces do not match a regular expression.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveCustomAttribute(Type attribute)
Selects types that are decorated with a specific custom attribute.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveCustomAttribute<T>()
Selects types that are decorated with a specific custom attribute.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveCustomAttributeOrInherit(Type attribute)
Selects types that are decorated with a specific custom attribute or derived one.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveCustomAttributeOrInherit<T>()
Selects types that are decorated with a specific custom attribute or derived one.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveDependencyOnAll(params string[] dependencies)
Selects types that have a dependency on all of the supplied types.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveDependencyOnAny(params string[] dependencies)
Selects types that have a dependency on any of the supplied types.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveDependencyOtherThan(params string[] dependencies)
Selects types that have a dependency other than any of the supplied dependencies.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveName(params string[] name)
Selects types that have a specific name.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveNameEndingWith(params string[] end)
Selects types whose names end with the specified text.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveNameMatching(string pattern)
Selects types according to a regular expression matching their name.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveNameStartingWith(params string[] start)
Selects types whose names start with the specified text.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveNumberOfLinesOfCodeGreaterThan(int number)
Selects types that have more logical lines of code than a given number
PredicateList Predicate.HaveNumberOfLinesOfCodeLowerThan(int number)
Selects types that have fewer logical lines of code than a given number
PredicateList Predicate.HaveParameterlessConstructor()
Selects types that have at least one instance parameterless constructor.
PredicateList Predicate.HavePublicConstructor()
Selects types that have at least one instance public constructor.
PredicateList Predicate.HaveSomeNonNullableMembers()
Selects types that have some non-nullable members.
PredicateList Predicate.ImplementInterface(Type interfaceType)
Selects types that implement a particular interface.
PredicateList Predicate.ImplementInterface<T>()
Selects types that implement a particular interface.
PredicateList Predicate.Inherit(Type type)
Selects types that inherit a particular type.
PredicateList Predicate.Inherit<T>()
Selects types that inherit a particular type.
PredicateList Predicate.MeetCustomRule(ICustomRule rule)
Selects types that meet a custom rule.
PredicateList Predicate.MeetCustomRule(Func<TypeDefinition, bool> rule)
Selects types that meet a custom rule.
PredicateList Predicate.MeetCustomRule(ICustomRule2 rule)
Selects types that meet a custom rule.
PredicateList Predicate.MeetCustomRule(Func<TypeDefinition, CustomRuleResult> rule)
Selects types that meet a custom rule.
PredicateList Predicate.OnlyHaveDependencyOn(params string[] dependencies)
Selects types that have a dependency on any of the supplied types and cannot have any other dependency.
PredicateList Predicate.OnlyHaveNonNullableMembers()
Selects types that have only non-nullable members.
PredicateList Predicate.OnlyHaveNullableMembers()
Selects types that have only nullable members.
PredicateList Predicate.ResideInNamespace(string name)
Selects types that reside in a particular namespace.
PredicateList Predicate.ResideInNamespaceContaining(string name)
Selects types whose namespaces contain a particular name part.
PredicateList Predicate.ResideInNamespaceEndingWith(string name)
Selects types whose namespaces end with a particular name part.
PredicateList Predicate.ResideInNamespaceMatching(string pattern)
Selects types whose namespaces match a regular expression.
Predicate PredicateList.And()
Specifies that any subsequent predicates should be treated as "and" conditions.
IEnumerable<IType> PredicateList.GetTypes(Options options = null)
Returns the types returned by these predicates.
Predicate PredicateList.Or()
Specifies that any subsequent predicates should be treated as part of an "or" condition.
Condition PredicateList.Should()
Links a predicate defining a set of classes to a condition that tests them.
Condition PredicateList.ShouldNot()
Links a predicate defining a set of classes to a condition that tests them.
SlicePredicate PredicateList.Slice()
Allows dividing types into groups, also called slices.
ConditionList Condition.BeAbstract()
Selects types that are marked as abstract.
ConditionList Condition.BeClasses()
Selects types that are classes.
ConditionList Condition.BeDelegates()
Selects types that are delegates.
ConditionList Condition.BeEnums()
Selects types that are enums.
ConditionList Condition.BeGeneric()
Selects types that have generic parameters.
ConditionList Condition.BeImmutable()
Selects types that are immutable, and their state cannot be changed after creation. (shallow immutability). Stronger constraint than AreImmutableExternally()
ConditionList Condition.BeImmutableExternally()
Selects types that are immutable from the outside of the given type. (shallow immutability). Weaker constraint than AreImmutable()
ConditionList Condition.BeInterfaces()
Selects types that are interfaces.
ConditionList Condition.BeInternal()
Selects types that are internal.
ConditionList Condition.BeMutable()
Selects types that are mutable.
ConditionList Condition.BeNested()
Selects types that are nested.
ConditionList Condition.BeOfType(params Type[] type)
Selects types that are exactly of given type. (inheritance is not considered)
ConditionList Condition.BePrivate()
Selects types that are private.
ConditionList Condition.BePrivateProtected()
Selects types that are private protected.
ConditionList Condition.BeProtected()
Selects types that are protected.
ConditionList Condition.BeProtectedInternal()
Selects types that are protected internal.
ConditionList Condition.BePublic()
Selects types that are have public scope.
ConditionList Condition.BeSealed()
Selects types according that are marked as sealed.
ConditionList Condition.BeStateless()
Selects types that are stateless, they do not have instance state
ConditionList Condition.BeStatic()
Selects types that are static.
ConditionList Condition.BeStaticless()
Selects types that are staticless, they do not have static state
ConditionList Condition.BeStructures()
Selects types that are structures.
ConditionList Condition.BeUsedByAny(params string[] users)
Selects types that are used by any of the supplied types.
ConditionList Condition.HaveCustomAttribute(Type attribute)
Selects types are decorated with a specific custom attribut.
ConditionList Condition.HaveCustomAttribute<T>()
Selects types are decorated with a specific custom attribut.
ConditionList Condition.HaveCustomAttributeOrInherit(Type attribute)
Selects types that are decorated with a specific custom attribute or derived one.
ConditionList Condition.HaveCustomAttributeOrInherit<T>()
Selects types that are decorated with a specific custom attribute or derived one.
ConditionList Condition.HaveDependencyOnAll(params string[] dependencies)
Selects types that have a dependency on all of the particular types.
ConditionList Condition.HaveDependencyOnAny(params string[] dependencies)
Selects types that have a dependency on any of the supplied types.
ConditionList Condition.HaveDependencyOtherThan(params string[] dependencies)
Selects types that have a dependency other than any of the given dependencies.
ConditionList Condition.HaveMatchingTypeWithName(Func<TypeDefinition, string> getMatchingTypeName)
For each type, check if a matching type with the given name exists.
ConditionList Condition.HaveName(string name)
Selects types that have a specific name.
ConditionList Condition.HaveNameEndingWith(string end)
Selects types whose names do not end with the specified text.
ConditionList Condition.HaveNameMatching(string pattern)
Selects types according to a regular expression matching their name.
ConditionList Condition.HaveNameStartingWith(string start)
Selects types whose names start with the specified text.
ConditionList Condition.HaveNumberOfLinesOfCodeGreaterThan(int number)
Selects types that have more logical lines of code than a given number
ConditionList Condition.HaveNumberOfLinesOfCodeLowerThan(int number)
Selects types that have fewer logical lines of code than a given number
ConditionList Condition.HaveParameterlessConstructor()
Selects types that have at least one instance parameterless constructor.
ConditionList Condition.HavePublicConstructor()
Selects types that have at least one instance public constructor.
ConditionList Condition.HaveSomeNonNullableMembers()
Selects types according to whether they have nullable members.
ConditionList Condition.HaveSourceFileNameMatchingName()
For each type, check if the name is consistent with its source file name.
ConditionList Condition.HaveSourceFilePathMatchingNamespace()
For each type, check if the namespace is consistent with its source file path.
ConditionList Condition.ImplementInterface(Type interfaceType)
Selects types that implement a particular interface.
ConditionList Condition.ImplementInterface<T>()
Selects types that implement a particular interface.
ConditionList Condition.Inherit(Type type)
Selects types that inherit a particular type.
ConditionList Condition.Inherit<T>()
Selects types that inherit a particular type.
ConditionList Condition.MeetCustomRule(ICustomRule rule)
Selects types that meet a custom rule.
ConditionList Condition.MeetCustomRule(Func<TypeDefinition, bool> rule)
Selects types that meet a custom rule.
ConditionList Condition.MeetCustomRule(ICustomRule2 rule)
Selects types that meet a custom rule.
ConditionList Condition.MeetCustomRule(Func<TypeDefinition, CustomRuleResult> rule)
Selects types that meet a custom rule.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeAbstract()
Selects types that are not marked as abstract.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeClasses()
Selects types that are not classes.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeDelegates()
Selects types that are not delegates.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeEnums()
Selects types that are not enums.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeGeneric()
Selects types that do not have generic parameters.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeInterfaces()
Selects types that are not interfaces.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeInternal()
Selects types that are not internal.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeNested()
Selects types that are not nested.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeOfType(params Type[] type)
Selects types that are not exactly of given type. (inheritance is not considered)
ConditionList Condition.NotBePrivate()
Selects types that are not private.
ConditionList Condition.NotBePrivateProtected()
Selects types that are not private protected.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeProtected()
Selects types that are not protected.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeProtectedInternal()
Selects types that are not protected internal.
ConditionList Condition.NotBePublic()
Selects types that do not have public scope.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeSealed()
Selects types according that are not marked as sealed.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeStatic()
Selects types that are not static.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeStructures()
Selects types that are not structures.
ConditionList Condition.NotBeUsedByAny(params string[] users)
Selects types that are not used by any of the particular types.
ConditionList Condition.NotHaveCustomAttribute(Type attribute)
Selects types that are not decorated with a specific custom attribute.
ConditionList Condition.NotHaveCustomAttribute<T>()
Selects types that are not decorated with a specific custom attribute.
ConditionList Condition.NotHaveCustomAttributeOrInherit(Type attribute)
Selects types are not decorated with a specific custom attribute or derived one.
ConditionList Condition.NotHaveCustomAttributeOrInherit<T>()
Selects types are not decorated with a specific custom attribute or derived one.
ConditionList Condition.NotHaveDependencyOnAll(params string[] dependencies)
Selects types that do not have a dependency on all of the particular types.
ConditionList Condition.NotHaveDependencyOnAny(params string[] dependencies)
Selects types that do not have a dependency on any of the particular types.
ConditionList Condition.NotHaveName(string name)
Selects types that do not have a particular name.
ConditionList Condition.NotHaveNameEndingWith(string end)
Selects types whose names do not end with the specified text.
ConditionList Condition.NotHaveNameMatching(string pattern)
Selects types according to a regular expression that does not match their name.
ConditionList Condition.NotHaveNameStartingWith(string start)
Selects types whose names do not start with the specified text.
ConditionList Condition.NotHaveParameterlessConstructor()
Selects types that do not have any instance parameterless constructors.
ConditionList Condition.NotHavePublicConstructor()
Selects types that do not have any instance public constructors.
ConditionList Condition.NotImplementInterface(Type interfaceType)
Selects types that do not implement a particular interface.
ConditionList Condition.NotImplementInterface<T>()
Selects types that do not implement a particular interface.
ConditionList Condition.NotInherit(Type type)
Selects types that do not inherit a particular type.
ConditionList Condition.NotInherit<T>()
Selects types that do not inherit a particular type.
ConditionList Condition.NotResideInNamespace(string name)
Selects types that do not reside in a particular namespace.
ConditionList Condition.NotResideInNamespaceContaining(string name)
Selects types whose namespaces contain a particular name part.
ConditionList Condition.NotResideInNamespaceEndingWith(string name)
Selects types whose namespaces end with a particular name part.
ConditionList Condition.NotResideInNamespaceMatching(string pattern)
Selects types that do not reside in a namespace matching a regular expression.
ConditionList Condition.OnlyHaveDependencyOn(params string[] dependencies)
Selects types that have a dependency on any of the supplied types and cannot have any other dependency.
ConditionList Condition.OnlyHaveNonNullableMembers()
Selects types according to whether they have only non-nullable members.
ConditionList Condition.OnlyHaveNullableMembers()
Selects types according to whether they have nullable members.
ConditionList Condition.ResideInNamespace(string name)
Selects types that reside in a particular namespace.
ConditionList Condition.ResideInNamespaceContaining(string name)
Selects types whose namespaces contain a particular name part.
ConditionList Condition.ResideInNamespaceEndingWith(string name)
Selects types whose namespaces end with a particular name part.
ConditionList Condition.ResideInNamespaceMatching(string pattern)
Selects types that reside in a namespace matching a regular expression.
Condition ConditionList.And()
Specifies that any subsequent condition should be treated as an "and" condition.
TestResult ConditionList.GetResult(Options options = null)
Returns an indication of whether all the selected types satisfy the conditions.
IEnumerable<IType> ConditionList.GetTypes(Options options = null)
Returns the list of types that satisfy the conditions.
Condition ConditionList.Or()
Specifies that any subsequent conditions should be treated as part of an "or" condition.
Gets a list of the types that failed the test.
Gets a flag indicating the success or failure of the test.
Gets a list of all the assemblies that were loded by .
Gets a list of all the types that were loded by .
Gets a list of the types that passed filtering by predicates and were used as input to conditions.
It contains explanation why this Type has failed dependecy search.
FullName of the type
Name of the type
Path to the source file where type is defined.
FullName of the assembly
Allows to specify how strings will be compared, default: InvariantCultureIgnoreCase
Determines if dependency analysis should look for dependency in string field constant, default: false