Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | integer | [default to null] | |
model | string | [default to null] | |
partUnderscorenumber | string | [default to null] | |
serialUnderscorenumber | string | [default to null] | |
sku | string | [default to null] | |
status | string | [default to null] | |
powerUnderscoreproduced | InvertersSummaryByEnvoyOrSiteResponseMicroInvertersInnerPowerProduced | [default to null] | |
procUnderscoreload | string | [default to null] | |
paramUnderscoretable | string | [default to null] | |
envoyUnderscoreserialUnderscorenumber | string | [default to null] | |
energy | InvertersSummaryByEnvoyOrSiteResponseMicroInvertersInnerEnergy | [default to null] | |
gridUnderscoreprofile | string | [default to null] | |
lastUnderscorereportUnderscoredate | string | [default to null] |