Strict types for WebGL and WebGL 2.0.
The included TypeScript typings for WebGL type all enum parameters as generic GLenum = number
, as indeed does the specification.
This is too broad in basically all cases, for example, bindRenderbuffer(target: GLenum, buffer: WebGLRenderbuffer | null)
accepts any number as target when in fact gl.RENDERBUFFER
is the only valid value.
A number of other cases can also
be modelled more accurately, such as literal number types for some parameters, as well as preventing WebGLObject
(such as WebGLBuffer
and WebGLRenderbuffer
) from being assignable to each other.
npm install -D webgl-strict-types
You need to explicitly include the types in your compilation. Use a triple slash statement:
/// <reference path="node_modules/webgl-strict-types/index.d.ts" />
Alternatively, include them in your tsconfig:
// tsconfig.json
includes: [
As TypeScript already comes with (less strict) typings for WebGL/WebGL2, and this can't override the existing typings, you need to cast the context explicitly:
const gl = canvas.getContext('webgl') as any as WebGLRenderingContextStrict;
// arrayBufferBinding is correctly inferred to be a WebGLBuffer
const arrayBufferBinding = gl.getParameter(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING);
// ERROR: Argument of type 'GLenum<"ARRAY_BUFFER">' is not assignable to parameter of type 'GLenum<"FRAMEBUFFER">'.
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null)
// You can use the defined types as follows:
import GL = WebGLRenderingContextStrict;
const WGL = WebGLRenderingContext as any as WebGLRenderingContextStrict.Constants;
const bufferTarget: GL.BufferTarget = gl.ARRAY_BUFFER;
const framebufferTarget: GL['FRAMEBUFFER'] = WGL.FRAMEBUFFER;
// Without this lib, not an error:
const webGLBuffer: WebGLBuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer();
See the definition files webgl.d.ts and webgl2.d.ts for all available types.