- Modify scaffold names to reflect origin haplotype (i.e./ H1.scaffold_1, H2.scaffold_1)
- Concatenate assemblies with modified scaffold names into a single fasta file; generate PretextMap
- Curate higher contiguity haplotype within haplotype combined PretextMap; paint autosomes and sex chromosomes
- Generate AGP from PretextView
- Use AGPcorrect.py to correct the scaffold sizes in the AGP that were reduced to standardized texel sizes.
python3 AGPcorrect.py <original fasta> <PrextView AGP>
- Separate haplotypes from corrected AGP
grep -E '#|proximity_ligation|Painted|<haplotype identifier (H1, H2)>.scaffold|<XYZW>' <corrected AGP> > main_haplotype.agp
grep <other hap identifier (H1, H2)> > other_haplotype.agp
- Relocate any misphased scaffolds (see wishlist item 1)
- create bed file of names of misphased scaffolds and pass to gfastats --exclude
- manually edit AGPs to move scaffolds
- Impose corrected AGP on original fasta
gfastats <original haplotypes combined fasta> --agp-to-path <main haplotype corrected agp> -ofa
- Plot new PretextMap to ensure curation worked as anticipated.