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349 lines (310 loc) · 19.7 KB


Latest Commit

New Features

  • Add pose cost metric to MPC to allow for partial pose reaching.
  • Update obstacle poses in cpu reference with an optional flag.

BugFixes & Misc.

  • Fixed optimize_dt not being correctly set when motion gen is called in reactive mode.
  • Add documentation for geom module.
  • Add descriptive api for computing kinematics.
  • Fix cv2 import order in isaac sim realsense examples.

Version 0.7.4

Changes in Default Behavior

  • Cuda graph capture of optimization iterations resets solver before recording.
  • join_path(a, b) now requires a to not have a trailing slash to make the file compatible with Windows.
  • Drop examples support for Isaac Sim < 4.0.0.
  • asset_root_path can be either empty string or None.
  • Order of variables in SelfCollisionKinematicsConfig has changed. Unused variables moved to bottom.
  • Remove requirement of warmup for using offset_waypoint in PoseCost.

New Features

  • Interpolated metrics calculation now recreates cuda graph if interpolation steps exceed existing buffer size.
  • Add experimental CUDAGraph.reset usage as cuda>=12.0 is not crashing when an existing captured CUDAGraph is freed and recaptured with new memory pointers. Try this experimental feature by setting an environment variable export CUROBO_TORCH_CUDA_GRAPH_RESET=1. This feature will allow for changing the problem type in motion_gen and ik_solver without requiring recreation of the class.
  • Add partial support for Windows.
  • Add Isaac Sim 4.0.0 docker support.
  • Examples now work with Isaac Sim 4.0.0.
  • Add XRDF support.
  • Add curobo.types.file_path.ContentPath to store paths for files representing robot and world. This improves development on top of cuRobo with custom robots living external of cuRobo library.
  • Add attach external objects to robot link API to CudaRobotModel.
  • Add MotionGenStatus.DT_EXCEPTION to report failures due to trajectory exceeding user specified maximum trajectory dt.
  • Add reading of end-effector mesh if available when rendering trajectory with UsdHelper, also supports goalset rendering.
  • Kinematics module (curobo.cuda_robot_model) has complete API documentation.

BugFixes & Misc.

  • Minor documentation fixes to install instructions.
  • Add support for older warp versions (<1.0.0) as it's not possible to run older isaac sim with newer warp versions.
  • Add override option to mpc dataclass.
  • Fix bug in PoseCost.forward_pose() which caused to fail.
  • Add warp constants to make module hash depend on robot dof, for modules that generate runtime warp kernels. This fixes issues using cuRobo in isaac sim.
  • Add plan_config.timeout check to plan_single_js().
  • Recreation of interpolation buffer now copies the joint names from raw trajectory.
  • Fix bug in running captured cuda graph on deleted memory pointers when getting metrics on interpolated trajectory
  • Change order of operations in cuda graph capture of particle opt to get correct results during graph capture phase.
  • Franka Panda now works in Isaac Sim 4.0.0. The fix was to add inertial parameters to all links in the urdf.
  • Create new instances of rollouts in wrap classes to ensure cuda graph rollouts are not accidentally used in other pipelines.
  • Add cuda graph check for get_metrics.
  • Remove aligned address assumption for float arrays inside kernel (local memory).
  • Add check for existing warp kernel in a module before creating a new one to avoid corruption of existing cuda graphs.

Version 0.7.3

New Features

  • Add start state checks for world collision, self-collision, and joint limits.
  • Add finetune with dt scaling for motion_gen.plan_single_js to get more time optimal trajectories in joint space planning.
  • Improve joint space planning convergence, now succeeds in more planning problems with higher accuracy.

Changes in default behavior

  • Some warp kernels are now compiled based on runtime parameters (dof), causing a slowdown in load time for motion_gen. To avoid this slowdown, add an environment variable CUROBO_USE_LRU_CACHE=1 which will cache the runtime generated kernels.

BugFixes & Misc.

  • Fix bug in evaluator to account for dof maximum acceleration and jerk.
  • Add unit test for different acceleration and jerk limits.
  • Add a check in self-collision kernels to avoid computing over inactive threads.
  • Add link_poses as an additional property to kinematics to be more descriptive.
  • Add g_dim check for int in batched planning.
  • Add link_poses for motion_gen.warmup() in batch planning mode.
  • Add link_poses as input to batch_goalset.
  • Add finetune js trajopt solver.
  • Pass raw velocity, acceleration, and jerk values to dt computation function to prevent interpolation errors from causing out of joint limit failures
  • Add finetune_js_dt_scale with a default value > 1.0 as joint space trajectories are time optimal in sparse obstacle environments.
  • Add note on deterministic behavior to website. Use lbfgs history < 12 for deterministic optimization results.
  • Add warning when adding a mesh with the same name as in existing cache.
  • Remove warmup for batch motion gen reacher isaac sim example.
  • Fix python examples in getting started webpage.
  • Refactor warp mesh query kernels to use a wp.func for signed distance queries.

Version 0.7.2

New Features

  • Significant improvements for generating slow trajectories. Added re-timing post processing to slow down optimized trajectories. Use MotionGenPlanConfig.time_dilation_factor<1.0 to slow down a planned trajectory. This is more robust than setting velocity_scale<1.0 and also allows for changing the speed of trajectories between planning calls
  • curobo.util.logger adds logger_name as an input, enabling use of logging api with other packages.

Changes in default behavior

  • Move CudaRobotModelState from curobo.cuda_robot_model.types to curobo.cuda_robot_model.cuda_robot_model
  • Activation distance for bound cost in now a ratio instead of absolute value to account for very small range of joint limits when velocity_scale<0.1.
  • TrajResult is renamed to TrajOptResult to be consistent with other solvers.
  • Order of inputs to get_batch_interpolated_trajectory has changed.
  • MpcSolverConfig.load_from_robot_config uses world_model instead of world_cfg to be consistent with other wrappers.

BugFixes & Misc.

  • Fix bug in MotionGen.plan_batch_env where graph planner was being set to True. This also fixes isaac sim example
  • Add min_dt as a parameter to MotionGenConfig and TrajOptSolverConfig to improve readability and allow for having smaller interpolation_dt.
  • Add epsilon to min_dt to make sure after time scaling, joint temporal values are not exactly at their limits.
  • Remove 0.02 offset for max_joint_vel and max_joint_acc in TrajOptSolver
  • Bound cost now scales the cost by 1/limit_range**2 when limit_range<1.0 to be robust to small joint limits.
  • Added documentation for curobo.util.logger, curobo.wrap.reacher.motion_gen, curobo.wrap.reacher.mpc, and curobo.wrap.reacher.trajopt.
  • When interpolation buffer is smaller than required, a new buffer is created with a warning instead of raising an exception.
  • torch.cuda.synchronize() now only synchronizes specified cuda device with torch.cuda.synchronize(device=self.tensor_args.device)
  • Added python example for MPC.

Version 0.7.1

New Features

  • Add mimic joint parsing and optimization support. Check ur5e_robotiq_2f_140.yml.
  • Add finetune_dt_scale as a parameter to MotionGenPlanConfig to dynamically change the time-optimal scaling on a per problem instance.
  • MotionGen.plan_single() will now try finetuning in a for-loop, with larger and larger dt until convergence. This also warm starts from previous failure.
  • Add high_precision mode to MotionGenConfig to support <1mm convergence.

Changes in default behavior

  • collision_sphere_buffer now supports having offset per link. Also, collision_sphere_buffer only applies to world collision while self_collision_buffer applies for self collision. Previously, self_collision_buffer was added on top of collision_sphere_buffer.
  • TrajEvaluatorConfig cannot be initialized without dof as now per-joint jerk and acceleration limits are used. Use TrajEvaluatorConfig.from_basic() to initialize similar to previous behavior.
  • finetune_dt_scale default value is 0.9 from 0.95.

BugFixes & Misc.

  • Fix bug in WorldVoxelCollision where env_query_idx was being overwritten.
  • Fix bug in WorldVoxelCollision where parent collision types were not getting called in some cases.
  • Change voxelization dimensions to include 1 extra voxel per dim.
  • Added seed parameter to IKSolverConfig.
  • Added sampler_seed parameter RolloutConfig.
  • Fixed bug in links_goal_pose where tensor could be non contiguous.
  • Improved ik_solver success by removing gaussian projection of seed samples.
  • Added flag to sample from ik seeder instead of rollout_fn sampler.
  • Added ik startup profiler to benchmark/
  • Reduced branching in Kinematics kernels and added mimic joint computations.
  • Add init_cache to WorldVoxelCollision to create cache for Mesh and Cuboid obstacles.
  • TrajEvaluator now uses per-joint acceleration and jerk limits.
  • Fixed regression in example where robot's position was not being set correctly.
  • Switched from smooth l2 to l2 for BoundCost as that gives better convergence.
  • requires_grad is explicitly stored in a varaible before tensor.detach() in warp kernel calls as this can get set to False in some instances.
  • Fix dt update in MotionGen.plan_single_js() where dt was not reset after finetunestep, causing joint space planner to fail often.
  • Improve joint space planner success by changing smooth l2 distance cost to l2 distance. Also, added fallback to graph planner when linear path is not possible.
  • Retuned weigths for IKSolver, now 98th percentile accuracy is 10 micrometers wtih 16 seeds (vs 24 seeds previously).
  • Switch float8 precision check from const to macro to avoid compile errors in older nvcc, this fixes docker build issues for isaac sim 2023.1.0.

Version 0.7.0

Changes in default behavior

  • Increased default collision cache to 50 in RobotWorld.
  • Changed CSpaceConfig.position_limit_clip default to 0 as previous default of 0.01 can make default start state in examples be out of bounds.
  • MotionGen uses parallel_finetune by default. To get previous motion gen behavior, pass warmup(parallel_finetune=False) and MotionGenPlanConfig(parallel_finetune=False).
  • MotionGen loads Mesh Collision checker instead of Primitive by default.
  • UR10e and UR5e now don't have a collision sphere at tool frame for world collision checking. This sphere is only active for self collision avoidance.
  • With torch>=2.0, cuRobo will use torch.compile instead of torch.jit.script to generate fused kernels. This can take several seconds during the first run. To enable this feature, set environment variable export CUROBO_TORCH_COMPILE_DISABLE=0.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed copy_if_not_none to clone_if_not_none to be more descriptive. Now copy_if_not_none will try to copy data into reference.
  • Renamed n_envs in curobo.opt module to avoid confusion between parallel environments and parallel problems in optimization.
  • Added more inputs to pose distance kernels. Check curobolib/
  • Pose cost run_vec_weight should now be [0,0,0,0,0,0] instead of [1,1,1,1,1,1]
  • max_distance is now tensor from float and is an input to collision kernels.
  • Order of inputs to SweptSdfMeshWarpPy has changed.

New Features

  • Add function to disable and enable collision for specific links in KinematicsTensorConfig.
  • Add goal index to reacher results to return index of goal reached when goalset planning.
  • Add locked joint state update api in MotionGen class.
  • Add goalset warmup padding to handle varied number of goals during goalset planning and also when calling plan_single after warmup of goalset.
  • Add new trajopt config to allow for smooth solutions at slow speeds (velocity_scale<=0.25). Also add error when velocity_scale<0.1.
  • Add experimental robot image segmentation module to enable robot removal in depth images.
  • Add constrained planning mode to motion_gen.
  • Use torch.compile to leverage better kernel fusion in place of torch.jit.script.
  • Significantly improved collision computation for cuboids and meshes. Mesh collision checker is now only 2x slower than cuboid (from 5x slower). Optimization convergence is also improved.
  • LBFGS kernels now support history <= 31 from history <= 15.
  • 2x faster LBFGS kernel that allocates upto 68kb of shared memory, preventing use in CUDA devices with compute capability <7.0.
  • On benchmarking Dataset, Planning time is now 42ms on average from 50ms. Higher quality solutions are also obtained. See benchmarks for more details.
  • Add WorldCollisionVoxel, a new collision checking implementation that uses a voxel grid of signed distances (SDF) to compute collision avoidance metrics. Documentation coming soon, see benchmark/ for an example.
  • Add API for ESDF computation from world representations, see WorldCollision.get_esdf_in_bounding_box().
  • Add partial support for isaac sim 2023.1.1. Most examples run for UR robots. Franka Panda is unstable.

BugFixes & Misc.

  • refactored wp.index() instances to [] to avoid errors in future releases of warp.
  • Fix bug in gaussian transformation to ensure values are not -1 or +1.
  • Fix bug in ik_solver loading ee_link_name from argument.
  • Fix bug in batch_goalset planning, where pose cost was selected as GOALSET instead of BATCH_GOALSET.
  • Added package data to also export .so files.
  • Fixed bug in transforming link visual mesh offset when reading from urdf.
  • Fixed bug in MotionGenPlanConfig.clone() that didn't clone the state of parallel_finetune.
  • Increased weighting from 1.0 to 10.0 for optimized_dt in TrajEvaluator to select shorter trajectories.
  • Improved determinism by setting global seed for random in
  • Added option to clear obstacles in WorldPrimitiveCollision.
  • Raise error when reference of tensors change in MotionGen, IKSolver, and TrajOpt when cuda graph is enabled.
  • plan_single will get converted to plan_goalset when a plan_goalset was used to initialize cuda graph.
  • plan_goalset will pad for extra goals when called with less number of goal than initial creation.
  • Improved API documentation for Optimizer class.
  • Set use_cuda_graph to True as default from None in MotionGenConfig.load_from_robot_config
  • Add batched mode to robot image segmentation, supports single robot multiple camera and batch robot batch camera.
  • Add log_warn import to
  • Remove negative radius check in self collision kernel to allow for self collision checking with spheres of negative radius.
  • Added to disable torch.compile for tests.
  • Added UR5e robot with robotiq gripper (2f-140) with improved sphere model.
  • Fix bug in aarch64.dockerfile where curobo was cloned to wrong path.
  • Fix bug in aarch64.dockerfile where python was used instead of python3.
  • Remove unused variables in kernels.
  • Added pybind11 as a dependency as some pytorch dockers for Jetson do not have this installed.
  • Fix incorrect dimensions in MotionGenResult.success in MotionGen.plan_batch() when trajectory optimization fails.
  • Added unit tests for collision checking functions.
  • Fix bug in linear interpolation which was not reading the new optimized_dt to interpolate velocity, acceleration, and jerk.
  • Remove torch.jit.script wrapper for lbfgs as it causes TorchScript error if history is different between trajopt and finetune_trajopt.

Known Bugs (WIP)

  • Franka Panda robot loading from urdf in isaac sim 2023.1.1 is unstable.

Version 0.6.2

New Features

  • Added support for actuated axis to be negative (i.e., urdf joints with <axis xyz="0 -1 0"/> are now natively supported).
  • Improved gradient calculation to account for terminal state. Trajectory optimization can reach within 1mm of accuracy (median across 2600 problems at 0.017mm).
  • Improved estimation of previous positions based on start velocity and acceleration. This enables Trajectory optimization to optimize from non-zero start velocity and accelerations.
  • Added graph planner and finetuning step to joint space planning (motion_gen.plan_single_js). This improves success and motion quality when planning to reach joint space targets.
  • Added finetuning across many seeds in motion_gen, improving success rate and motion quality.
  • Add urdf support to usd helper to export optimization steps as animated usd files for debugging motion generation. Check examples/ for an example.
  • Retuned weights for IK and Trajectory optimization. This (+ other fixes) significantly improves pose reaching accuracy, IK accuracy improves by 100x (98th percentile < 10 micrometers) and motion generation median at 0.017mm (with). IK now solves most problems with 24 seeds (vs 30 seeds prev.). Run benchmark/ to get the latest results.
  • Added external_asset_path to robot configuration to help in loading urdf and meshes from an external directory.

BugFixes & Misc.

  • Update nvblox wrappers to work with v0.0.5 without segfaults. Significantly improves stability.
  • Remove mimic joints in franka panda to maintain compatibility with Isaac Sim 2023.1.0 and 2022.2.1
  • Cleanup docker scripts. Use instead of Added isaac sim development docker.
  • Fixed bug in backward kinematics kernel, helped improve IK and TO pose reaching accuracy..
  • Changed panda_finger_joint2 from <axis xyz="0 1 0"/> to <axis xyz="0 -1 0"/> in franka_panda.urdf to match real robot urdf as cuRobo now supports negative axis.
  • Changed benchmarking scripts to use lock joint state of [0.025,0.025] for mpinets dataset.
  • Added scaling of mesh to Mesh.get_trimesh_mesh() to help in debugging mesh world.
  • Improved stability and accuracy of MPPI for MPC.
  • Added NaN checking in STOMP covariance computation to account for cases when cholesky decomp fails.
  • Added ground truth collision check validation in benchmarks/

Performance Regressions

  • cuRobo now generates significantly shorter paths then previous version. E.g., cuRobo obtains 2.2 seconds 98th percentile motion time on the 2600 problems (benchmark/, where previously it was at 3 seconds (1.36x quicker motions). This was obtained by retuning the weights and slight reformulations of trajectory optimization. These changes have led to a slight degrade in planning time, 20ms slower on 4090 and 40ms on ORIN MAXN. We will address this slow down in a later release. One way to avoid this regression is to set finetune_dt_scale=1.05 in MotionGenConfig.load_from_robot_config().

Version 0.6.1

  • Added changes to examples/isaac_sim to support Isaac Sim 2023.1.0
  • Added dockerfiles and notes to run cuRobo from a docker
  • Minor cleanup of examples
  • Added option to generate log with UsdHelper from URDF file (check examples/
  • Fix typos in robot sphere generation tutorial (thanks @cedricgoubard)

Version 0.6.0

  • First version of CuRobo.