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184 lines (131 loc) · 8.67 KB

Preparing NeRF On-The-Road (NOTR) Dataset

1. Register on Waymo Open Dataset

Sign Up for a Waymo Open Dataset Account and Install gcloud SDK

To download the Waymo dataset, you need to register an account at Waymo Open Dataset. You also need to install gcloud SDK and authenticate your account. Please refer to this page for more details.

Set Up the Data Directory

Once you've registered and installed the gcloud SDK, create a directory to house the raw data:

# Create the data directory or create a symbolic link to the data directory
mkdir -p ./data/waymo/raw   
mkdir -p ./data/waymo/processed 

2. Download the raw data

Start by downloading the necessary data samples as follows:

Downloading Specific Scenes from Waymo Open Dataset

For example, to obtain the 114th, 700th, and 754th scenes from the Waymo Open Dataset, execute:

python datasets/ \
    --target_dir ./data/waymo/raw \
    --scene_ids 114 700 754

Downloading Different Splits of the NOTR Dataset

Our NOTR dataset comes in multiple splits. Specify the split_file argument to download your desired split:

  • Static32 Split:
python datasets/ --split_file data/waymo_splits/static32.txt
  • Dynamic32 Split:
python datasets/ --split_file data/waymo_splits/dynamic32.txt
  • Diverse56 Split:
python datasets/ --split_file data/waymo_splits/diverse56.txt

Ensure you modify the paths and filenames to align with your project directory structure and needs.

Dataset split

For the Waymo Open Dataset, we first organize the scene names alphabetically and store them in data/waymo_train_list.txt. The scene index is then determined by the line number minus one. The splits for the NOTR dataset are as follows:

Static-32: 3, 19, 36, 69, 81, 126, 139, 140, 146, 148, 157, 181, 200, 204, 226, 232, 237, 241, 245, 246, 271, 297, 302, 312, 314, 362, 482, 495, 524, 527, 753, 780

Dynamic-32: 16, 21, 22, 25, 31, 34, 35, 49, 53, 80, 84, 86, 89, 94, 96, 102, 111, 222, 323, 323, 382, 382, 402, 402, 427, 427, 438, 438, 546, 581, 592, 620, 640, 700, 754, 795, 796


  • Ego-static: 1, 23, 24, 37, 66, 108, 114, 115
  • Dusk/Dawn: 124, 147, 206, 213, 574, 680, 696, 737
  • Gloomy: 47, 205, 220, 284, 333, 537, 699, 749
  • Exposure mismatch: 58, 93, 143, 505, 545, 585, 765, 766
  • Nighttime: 7, 15, 30, 51, 130, 133, 159, 770
  • Rainy: 44, 56, 244, 449, 688, 690, 736, 738
  • High-speed: 2, 41, 46, 62, 71, 73, 82, 83

For further information, refer to the data/waymo_splits directory.

3. Preprocess the data

After downloading the raw dataset, you'll need to preprocess this compressed data to extract and organize various components.

Running the Preprocessing Script

To preprocess specific scenes of the dataset, use the following command:

python \
    --data_root data/waymo/raw/ \
    --target_dir data/waymo/processed \
    --split training \
    --process_keys images lidar calib pose dynamic_masks \
    --workers 2 \
    --scene_ids 114 700

Alternatively, preprocess different splits of the NOTR dataset by providing the split file:

# preprocess the static split
python \
    --data_root data/waymo/raw/ \
    --target_dir data/waymo/processed \
    --split training \
    --process_keys images lidar calib pose dynamic_masks \
    --workers 16 \
    --split_file data/waymo_splits/static32.txt # change to dynamic32.txt or diverse56.txt to preprocess different splits

Troubleshooting: if you encounter TypeError: 'numpy._DTypeMeta' object is not subscriptable, use pip install numpy==1.26.1 and ignore the warnings.

This command performs the following tasks:

  • Extract camera poses, images, LiDAR data, calibration matrices, dynamic masks and point cloud flows from the raw dataset.
  • Stores the extracted data in the data/waymo/processed directory.

Sky mask

We use ViT-adapater to extract sky masks. We refer readers to their repo for more details. Precomputed sky masks for the NOTR dataset are available for download here. After you download them, unzip them and put them under data/waymo/processed/. Example scripts to download and unzip the files is:

# download the sky masks from or:
# gdown 1ZEU1B_MdTeFHC2EM97jatnWfE7zkWm8a # static32
# gdown 1zJBWeEoAFvEfD02sQsUrRqT8r28oAyrX # dynamic32
# gdown 1nfSTIxK-RFffx-rDLPp-LeB5XBO9GN7K # diverse56

tar -xf diverse56.tar.gz
for file in diverse56/*.tar.gz; do tar -xvf $file -C data/waymo/processed; done
rm -rf diverse56
rm diverse56.tar.gz

tar -xf static32.tar.gz
for file in static32/*.tar.gz; do tar -xvf $file -C data/waymo/processed; done
rm -rf static32 && rm static32.tar.gz

tar -xf dynamic32.tar.gz
for file in dynamic32/*.tar.gz; do tar -xvf $file -C data/waymo/processed; done
rm -rf dynamic32 && rm dynamic32.tar.gz

Data Components

After preprocessing, the dataset will be organized into the following components:

  • Images: All frame images named as {timestep:03d}_{cam_id}.jpg, where cam_id is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 for FRONT, FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, SIDE_LEFT, SIDE_RIGHT cameras respectively.
  • Ego Poses: - Ego Poses: Each file is named {timestep:03d}.txt and contains a 4x4 ego to world transformation matrix.
  • Camera Intrinsics: Each file is named {cam_id}.txt and contains a 1d array of [f_u, f_v, c_u, c_v, k{1, 2}, p{1, 2}, k{3}].
  • Camera Extrinsics: Each file is named {cam_id}.txt and contains a 4x4 camera to ego transformation matrix, i.e., frame.context.camera_calibrations.extrinsic.transform from the Waymo Open Dataset.
  • Lidar Data: Each file is named {timestep:03d}.bin and contains an Nx14 array with:
    • Origins (3 dims): Origins of LiDAR rays in the ego-vehicle coordinate system.
    • Points (3 dims): (x, y, z) coordinates of LiDAR points in the ego-vehicle coordinate system.
    • Flows (4 dims): Flow vectors (dx, dy, dz, flow_class). Refer to lines 676-682 of datasets/ for flow_class definition. Used for evaluating the flow prediction performance.
    • Ground Labels (1 dim): the ground labels of all LiDAR points. 1 means ground and 0 means non-ground. This is used for training neural scene flow priors, which is not used in EmerNeRF.
    • Intensities (1 dim): Intensity values of LiDAR points.
    • Elongations (1 dim): Elongations of LiDAR points.
    • Laser_ids (1 dim): Laser IDs of LiDAR points with 0: TOP, 1: FRONT, 2: SIDE_LEFT, 3: SIDE_RIGHT, 4: REAR.
  • Dynamic Mask: Binary mask images named {timestep:03d}_{cam_id}.png to indicate the dynamic regions in the scene. 1 means dynamic and 0 means static. These are obtained by filtering ground truth 2D object bounding boxes by excluding the bounding boxes with velocity less than 1m/s, so as to include meaningful moving objects without introducing too much background noise. This is used for evaluation, which will not be used during training.
  • Sky Mask: Binary mask images named {timestep:03d}_{cam_id}.png to indicate the sky regions in the scene. 1 means sky and 0 means non-sky.

Directory Structure

The organized dataset will follow this directory structure:

├── training
│   ├── SCENE_ID
│   │   ├── dynamic_masks      # Dynamic masks: `{timestep:03d}_{cam_id}.png`
│   │   ├── ego_pose           # Ego vehicle poses: `{timestep:03d}.txt`
│   │   ├── extrinsics         # Camera extrinsics: `{cam_id}.txt`
│   │   ├── images             # Images: `{timestep:03d}_{cam_id}.jpg`
│   │   ├── intrinsics         # Camera intrinsics: `{cam_id}.txt`
│   │   ├── lidar              # LiDAR data: `{timestep:03d}.bin`
│   │   ├── sky_masks          # Sky masks: `{timestep:03d}_{cam_id}.png`
│   │   ├── FEATURE_NAME       # Features: `{timestep:03d}_{cam_id}.npy` 
│   │   └── occ3d              # 3D semantic occupancy grids: `{timestep:03d}.npz` or `{timestep:03d}_04.npz`

Note that the FEATURE_NAME folder will be generated when call the training script.

4. 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction

TODO: add the instructions for 3D semantic occupancy prediction.

If you're interested in few-shot semantic occupancy prediction task, you need to download the 3D occupancy grids from here and move them to data/waymo/processed/training/$scene_idx/occ3d/.