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TensorRT FP8 Inference for NeMo models

This repository demonstrates TensorRT inference with NeMo Megatron models in FP8/FP16/BF16 precision.

Currently, this repository supports NeMo GPT models only.

Environment Setup

It's recommended to run inside a container to avoid conflicts when installing dependencies. Please check out NGC TensorRT and find a container with TensorRT 9.0 or above. A GPU with compute capability 8.9 or above is required to run the demo with FP8 precision.

# Run inside a TensorRT container
sh [--deps <directory>] [-j <nproc>] [--ninja]

All arguments are optional. --deps indicates the relative dependency download directory, -j indicates number of parallel jobs for building and --ninja installs the ninja build system which can speed up installation. See sh --help for more details on the arguments.

The script will install required dependencies and it can take around 30 minutes or more.

Please note that the HuggingFace demo directory needs to be visible when running this demo, so utility functions can be correctly imported.

File Structure

This demo follows simliar structure and command-line interface as in HuggingFace demo.

├── GPT3                              # GPT3 directory
│   ├──            # model configuration and variant-specific parameters
│   ├──                 # NeMo PyTorch inference script
│   ├──                     # OnnxRT inference script
│   ├──                        # TensorRT inference script
│   ├──                   # main inference logic for all runtimes
│   └── ...                           # files with utility functions for model export and inference
├── config.yaml                       # full configuration for model export and inference
├──                      # definitions of setup functions
├──                    # export functions for NeMo model -> ONNX model -> TRT engine
└──                            # main entry script


This demo contains two scripts and Script accepts a NeMo model or an ONNX model as input, and performs end-to-end inference with various actions specified by the user. Script accepts a NeMo model or an ONNX model as input, and exports the input to an ONNX model or a TensorRT engine.

How to run inference

The run action will run end-to-end inference on sentences specified in config.yaml. A model, a variant, and precision are required to run this command.

python3 run GPT3 <frameworks|trt> --variant gpt-5b --working-dir $(pwd)/temp --fp8 --bf16 --nemo-model=<model_fp8_bf16.nemo>

Expected output for the second sentence:

Batch 1: {'sentences': ['TensorRT is a Deep Learning compiler used for deep learning. It is a compiler for TensorFlow, CNTK, and Torch. It is a compiler for the TensorFlow, CNTK,'],
          'tokens': [['<|endoftext|>', 'T', 'ensor', 'RT', ' is', ' a', ' Deep', ' Learning', ' compiler', ' used', ' for', ' deep', ' learning', '.', ' It', ' is', ' a', ' compiler', ' for', ' T', 'ensor', 'Flow', ',', ' C', 'NT', 'K', ',', ' and', ' Torch', '.', ' It', ' is', ' a', ' compiler', ' for', ' the', ' T', 'ensor', 'Flow', ',', ' C', 'NT', 'K', ',']],
          'logprob': tensor([[-4.6415e+00, -6.9270e+00, -7.4458e+00, -1.9856e+00, -5.9787e-01,
                              -8.1058e+00, -7.9629e-02, -5.8013e+00, -5.5222e+00, -1.4401e+00,
                              -5.5644e+00, -3.3747e-01, -3.3463e+00, -1.1306e+00, -1.3685e+00,
                              -1.7793e+00, -2.8960e+00, -1.4127e+00, -2.3209e+00, -7.3454e-04,
                              -9.8682e-02, -1.3268e+00, -2.1373e+00, -3.9281e-01, -6.5222e-04,
                              -2.9425e-01, -1.4167e+00, -1.8416e+00, -9.2462e-01, -1.4805e+00,
                              -1.4299e+00, -2.0632e+00, -2.9947e+00, -9.1487e-01, -2.6651e+00,
                              -2.2772e+00, -4.7057e-03, -2.2852e-01, -2.4777e+00, -2.4731e-01,
                              -7.0602e-03, -4.7339e-04, -1.1645e-01]], device='cuda:0'),
         'full_logprob': None,
         'token_ids': [[50256, 51, 22854, 14181, 318, 257, 10766, 18252, 17050, 973, 329, 2769, 4673, 13, 632, 318, 257, 17050, 329, 309, 22854, 37535, 11, 327, 11251, 42, 11, 290, 34868, 13, 632, 318, 257, 17050, 329, 262, 309, 22854, 37535, 11, 327, 11251, 42, 11]],
         'offsets': [[0, 0, 1, 6, 8, 11, 13, 18, 27, 36, 41, 45, 50, 59, 60, 63, 66, 68, 77, 81, 83, 88, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 103, 109, 110, 113, 116, 118, 127, 131, 135, 137, 142, 146, 147, 149, 151, 152]]}

How to run with various configurations

  • FP8, FP16, and BF16 precisions are supported, and they can be set through --fp8, --fp16, and --bf16 respectively. Currently, the script has constraints on how precisions are specified, and supported combinations are:

    1. Pure FP16: --fp16 (default)
    2. Pure BF16: --bf16
    3. FP8-FP16: --fp8 --fp16
    4. FP8-BF16: --fp8 --bf16
  • --nemo-model=<model.nemo> or --nemo-checkpoint=<model.ckpt> can be used to load a NeMo model or checkpoint from a specified path, respectively. If these arguments are not provided, a NeMo model will be downloaded (and cached/re-used for subsequent runs) in the working directory.

  • K-V cache can be enabled through --use-cache

  • Batch size can be changed through --batch-size=<bs>

  • Default max sequence length is 256, can be changed through --max-seq-len=<ms>

How to run performance benchmark

The benchmark action will run inference with specified input and output sequence lengths multiple times.

python3 benchmark GPT3 <frameworks|trt> --variant gpt-5b --working-dir $(pwd)/temp --fp8 --bf16 --nemo-model=<model_fp8_bf16.nemo> --batch-size=16 --input-seq-len=128 --output-seq-len=20 --use-cache --warmup=10 --iterations=100

Expected output for trt:

Running 100 iterations with batch size: 16, input sequence length: 128 and output sequence length: 20
[E2E inference] Total Time: 11.55453 s, Average Time: 0.11555 s, 95th Percentile Time: 0.11581 s, 99th Percentile Time: 0.11587 s, Throughput: 2769.48 tokens/s
[Without tokenizer] Total Time: 10.44539 s, Average Time: 0.10445 s, 95th Percentile Time: 0.10459 s, 99th Percentile Time: 0.10465 s, Throughput: 3063.55 tokens/s

Expected output for frameworks:

Running 100 iterations with batch size: 16, input sequence length: 128 and output sequence length: 20
[E2E inference] Total Time: 55.23503 s, Average Time: 0.55235 s, 95th Percentile Time: 0.55525 s, 99th Percentile Time: 0.56992 s, Throughput: 579.34 tokens/s
[Without tokenizer] Total Time: 54.06591 s, Average Time: 0.54066 s, 95th Percentile Time: 0.54369 s, 99th Percentile Time: 0.55839 s, Throughput: 591.87 tokens/s

How to run accuracy check

The accuracy action will run accuracy check on a dataset. Default is to use LAMBADA dataset.

python3 accuracy GPT3 <frameworks|trt> --variant gpt-5b --working-dir $(pwd)/temp --fp8 --bf16 --nemo-model=<model_fp8_bf16.nemo> --use-cache

Expected output for trt:

Lambada ppl(last token): 4.4756, ppl(sequence): 18.3254, acc(top1): 0.6722, acc(top3): 0.8597, acc(top5): 0.9076

Expected output for frameworks:

Lambada ppl(last token): 4.4669, ppl(sequence): 18.3161, acc(top1): 0.6765, acc(top3): 0.8612, acc(top5): 0.9082

How to export a NeMo model to ONNX

NeMo to ONNX conversion consists of 3 steps:

  1. Export ONNX from NeMo.
  2. NeMo uses TransformerEngine to export FP8 models to ONNX (step 1) and the exported ONNX has custom TensorRT Q/DQ nodes. Script can be used to convert the custom operators into standard opset19 ONNX Q/DQ nodes.
  3. Add KV-cache inputs and outputs to the exported ONNX, so it is faster when performing inference on the model. has --opset19 and --use_cache option to decide whether to perform step 2. and step 3., respectively:

python3 --nemo-model=model.nemo --onnx=onnx/model.onnx --opset19 --use_cache

--extra-configs can be used to specified configs that are defined in config.yml but not being exposed from existing command-line interface. Please specify --help to see more options.

How to run sparsity for benchmark

Note: this is for performance analysis. The pruned model should not be used for accuracy purpose unless it was fine-tuned for sparsity. The pruning may take minutes or hours depending on the model size.

  1. Enable sparsity knobs in config.yaml:
  • Set onnx_export_options.prune to True to enable pruning of the ONNX model.
  • Set trt_export_options.sparse to True to enable sparse tactics profiling in TensorRT.
  1. Run the scripts. You should be able to see logs like below.
[2023-07-28 00:15:03,015][OSS][INFO] Prune ONNX model with: polygraphy surgeon prune ${OSS_ROOT}/demo/NeMo/temp/gpt-5b/GPT3-gpt-5b-fp8-fp16-ms256/onnx/model-16.opset19.onnx -o ${OSS_ROOT}/demo/NeMo/temp/gpt-5b/GPT3-gpt-5b-fp8-fp16-ms256/onnx/pruned.model-16.opset19.onnx --save-external-data ${OSS_ROOT}/demo/NeMo/temp/gpt-5b/GPT3-gpt-5b-fp8-fp16-ms256/onnx/pruned.model-16.opset19.onnx_data
[2023-07-28 00:15:03,016][OSS][INFO] This may take a while...

[2023-07-28 03:36:52,307][OSS][DEBUG] trtexec --onnx=${OSS_ROOT}/demo/NeMo/temp/gpt-5b/GPT3-gpt-5b-fp8-fp16-ms256/onnx/pruned.model-16.opset19.onnx --minShapes=input_ids:1x1,position_ids:1x1 --optShapes=input_ids:1x128,position_ids:1x128 --maxShapes=input_ids:1x256,position_ids:1x256 --fp8 --fp16 --sparsity=enable --timingCacheFile=functional.cache --preview=+fasterDynamicShapes0805,+disableExternalTacticSourcesForCore0805