workspace(name = "TRTorch") load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository") git_repository( name = "rules_python", remote = "", commit = "4fcc24fd8a850bdab2ef2e078b1de337eea751a6", shallow_since = "1589292086 -0400" ) load("@rules_python//python:repositories.bzl", "py_repositories") py_repositories() load("@rules_python//python:pip.bzl", "pip_repositories", "pip3_import") pip_repositories() http_archive( name = "rules_pkg", url = "", sha256 = "4ba8f4ab0ff85f2484287ab06c0d871dcb31cc54d439457d28fd4ae14b18450a", ) load("@rules_pkg//:deps.bzl", "rules_pkg_dependencies") rules_pkg_dependencies() git_repository( name = "googletest", remote = "", commit = "703bd9caab50b139428cea1aaff9974ebee5742e", shallow_since = "1570114335 -0400" ) # CUDA should be installed on the system locally new_local_repository( name = "cuda", path = "/usr/local/cuda-10.2/", build_file = "@//third_party/cuda:BUILD", ) new_local_repository( name = "cublas", path = "/usr", build_file = "@//third_party/cublas:BUILD", ) ############################################################################################################# # Tarballs and fetched dependencies (default - use in cases when building from precompiled bin and tarballs) ############################################################################################################# #http_archive( # name = "libtorch", # build_file = "@//third_party/libtorch:BUILD", # strip_prefix = "libtorch", # urls = [""], # sha256 = "cf0691493d05062fe3239cf76773bae4c5124f4b039050dbdd291c652af3ab2a" #) #http_archive( # name = "libtorch_pre_cxx11_abi", # build_file = "@//third_party/libtorch:BUILD", # strip_prefix = "libtorch", # sha256 = "818977576572eadaf62c80434a25afe44dbaa32ebda3a0919e389dcbe74f8656", # urls = [""], #) # Download these tarballs manually from the NVIDIA website # Either place them in the distdir directory in third_party and use the --distdir flag # or modify the urls to "file:////.tar.gz #http_archive( # name = "cudnn", # urls = [""], # build_file = "@//third_party/cudnn/archive:BUILD", # sha256 = "0c106ec84f199a0fbcf1199010166986da732f9b0907768c9ac5ea5b120772db", # strip_prefix = "cuda" #) #http_archive( # name = "tensorrt", # urls = [""], # build_file = "@//third_party/tensorrt/archive:BUILD", # sha256 = "9205bed204e2ae7aafd2e01cce0f21309e281e18d5bfd7172ef8541771539d41", # strip_prefix = "TensorRT-" #) #################################################################################### # Locally installed dependencies (use in cases of custom dependencies or aarch64) #################################################################################### # NOTE: In the case you are using just the pre-cxx11-abi path or just the cxx11 abi path # with your local libtorch, just point deps at the same path to satisfy bazel. # NOTE: NVIDIA's aarch64 PyTorch (python) wheel file uses the CXX11 ABI unlike PyTorch's standard # x86_64 python distribution. If using NVIDIA's version just point to the root of the package # for both versions here and do not use --config=pre-cxx11-abi new_local_repository( name = "libtorch", path = "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch", build_file = "third_party/libtorch/BUILD" ) new_local_repository( name = "libtorch_pre_cxx11_abi", path = "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch", build_file = "third_party/libtorch/BUILD" ) new_local_repository( name = "cudnn", path = "/usr/", build_file = "@//third_party/cudnn/local:BUILD" ) new_local_repository( name = "tensorrt", path = "/usr/", build_file = "@//third_party/tensorrt/local:BUILD" ) ######################################################################### # Testing Dependencies (optional - comment out on aarch64) ######################################################################### #pip3_import( # name = "trtorch_py_deps", # requirements = "//py:requirements.txt" #) #load("@trtorch_py_deps//:requirements.bzl", "pip_install") #pip_install() #pip3_import( # name = "py_test_deps", # requirements = "//tests/py:requirements.txt" #) #load("@py_test_deps//:requirements.bzl", "pip_install") #pip_install()