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nvFuser Python Benchmarks

Priya Mishra edited this page Apr 19, 2024 · 12 revisions

The python benchmarks use pytest-benchmark and torch.profiler. Most of the CPP benchmarks have been ported to Python. The key differences as compared to the CPP interface are:

  1. Validation: Python benchmarks validate the nvFuser output against torch output to verify correctness.
  2. PyTorch baselines (torch.compile and eager): Python benchmarks support benchmarking other executors such as torch.compile and eager.
  3. Python benchmarks use CUPTI (through torch.profiler) for accurate and low-overhead kernel measurements.

Adding a benchmark

To benchmark any target function, use run_benchmark (python_benchmarks/

run_benchmark(benchmark, target_function, function_inputs, iobytes=None)


  • benchmark: pytest-benchmark fixture passed to every function intended to be run as a benchmark by pytest.
  • target_function: Function to benchmark
  • function_inputs: List of inputs to the target_function
  • iobytes (Optional): This should be used for any executor other than nvFuser if the inputs/outputs are not the same as nvFuser. See PR #1725. By default, we compute the IObytes automatically based on the inputs/outputs of the target function.


# Parametrize over any number of arguments (e.g., input sizes, dtypes)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("param1", ...)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("param2", ...)
def test_example_benchmark(````
    benchmark, param1, param2, ...
   # Setup function inputs
   run_benchmark(benchmark, target_function, function_inputs)

The benchmark name should start with test_ to be automatically discovered by pytest.

Executing benchmarks

  • Running a benchmark file: pytest [options] <benchmark-file>.

  • Running the complete benchmark suite: pytest [options] python_benchmarks/

  • Sharding: Pytest is memory-intensive resulting in CPU OOMs when running a large number of tests. Sharding is recommended when running the complete benchmarking suite. We use pytest-shard in our CI. To execute a specific shard with n total shards:

    pytest --shard-id=i --num-shards=n [options] where i = {0..n-1}.

Some useful options for running benchmarks:

Pytest/Pytest-benchmark options:

  • Filtering benchmarks: -k <filter>
  • Saving benchmarks: --benchmark-save=NAME, --benchmark-autosave, --benchmark-json=PATH
  • Debugging: --benchmark-verbose.

Custom command-line options:

  • Disable output validation: --disable-validation Skips the output validation in the nvFuser benchmarks.
  • Disable benchmarking: --disable-benchmarking Skips the nvFuser benchmarking, useful for only testing correctness of fusion definitions without benchmarking the fusions.
  • Run eager mode benchmarks: --benchmark-eager
  • Run torch.compile mode benchmarks: --benchmark-torchcompile
  • Setting custom rounds / warmup-rounds: --benchmark-rounds and --benchmark-warmup-rounds can be used to override the default values (rounds=10, warmup_rounds=1)


  1. Pytest:
  2. Pytest-benchmarks:
  3. Pytest-shard:
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