Florista is a website created for a florist company by the TE4 group J.CAD.
Project Group 1: Albin Andersson, Carl Eriksson Skogh, David Cavalli-Björkman, Joel Jansson
Project Group 2: Axel Thornberg, Eskil Tornberg, Jesper Cejie
Project Group 3: David Cavalli-Björkman, Eskil Tornberg, Ivar Bjerling, Tim Kelso
Icons are taken from icons8 and iconmonstr.
(For a comprehensive guide to Flask, refer to Miguel Grinberg's Flask Mega Tutorial)
The website backend is built through Flask, a Python-based web framework.
To run the website, all dependencies for it need to be installed.
This can be done through a Python virtual environment, which ensures that all Python packages that are installed via pip
will be containerized inside of the virtual environment, instead of globally on the system.
First, create a Python virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
To source and enter the created virtual environment if you are on windows, run:
or if you are on macOS, Linux, or another unix-based operating system, run:
source venv/bin/activate
Once having sourced the virtual environment, (venv)
will appear to the left of your prompt on the command line.
To exit the virtual environment, simply run exit
on the command line.
After having created and entered the Python virtual environment, you can install the necessary dependencies to be able to run the Flask application. The file requirements.txt contains the Python packages necessary for the project. To install the packages, run the following in the root directory of the project:
pip install -r requirements.txt
After installing additional packages for the project, ensure that requirements.txt is updated by running:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
To start a development Flask server for the website, run:
flask run
This will start the server on a specific port, which is then printed on the console.
To change the port that the server runs on, edit the value of FLASK_RUN_PORT
in the .flaskenv file.
flask run
is useful to run a flask server during development.
To deploy the flask application on a real web server, refer to this section.
The Python file
located in the root directory is the main file that is executed when running flask run
, and in turn imports everything from the app/
The app/
directory contains all the files and directories which the website uses, and is treated by Flask as a Python package when imported.
This is due to the
located in it, which initializes the app
package and configures various things at startup.
Inside of the app/
directory are various files directories which perform different functions for the website.
describes the routes for the website.
It contains functions which are interpreted and return at different routes, or pathways of the website.
This can be static or template HTML files, but also for instance files or redirects to other functions inside of
The @app.route
decorators set before the function definitions specify pathways for the site where the functions will be interpreted.
For instance, setting @app.route('/index')
before a function will set the function to be interpreted after navigating to <url-of-site>/index
in your browser.
Setting @app.route('/')
before a function will set it as the default function to run when entering the root url of the site.
Multiple @app.route
decorators can be set before a function definition.
The templates/
directory contains the template HTML files used for the website.
Templates can contain placeholders for dynamic information which gets sent from the Flask server.
Jinja is the templating engine used for this project.
It can process variables sent via Flask to the templates, which are sent in the return statements of the functions in
Following is an example function:
def en():
lang = "en"
return render_template('index.html', lang=lang)
The above functíon will render the file index.html
located at templates/
and send the variable lang
into index.html
where it can be processed through Jinja.
Putting {{ lang }}
inside of the HTML file will replace that with the variable value when the page is rendered, in this case with "en".
The file base.html
in templates/
is used to create a base structure to include in other template files.
{% extends "base.html" %}
is included at the top of every new template file to define base.html
as the master template that the template inherits from.
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
is set inside of base.html
to define where the content of the template files should be put inside of base.html
All the content within the template files then have to be defined as:
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
where <content>
is replaced with the actual HTML content.
The project uses an sqlite database, which is manipulated through the SQLAlchemy Python toolkit.
describes models used to create tables for the database.
It consists of class definitions that act as schemas for creating database tables.
Following is a simple example model definition:
import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm as so
from app import db
class TempInfo(db.Model):
id: so.Mapped[int] = so.mapped_column(primary_key=True)
test: so.Mapped[str] = so.mapped_column(sa.String(32), index=True, unique=True)
def __repr__(self):
return '<TempInfo {}>'.format(self.test)
The project uses the flask-migrate
Python package to handle database migrations.
Migrations simplify the act of changing the database as new models and/or changes to the models are added.
It ensures that the database does not need to be recreated each time a change is made.
The migrations/
directory located at the root directory contains the database migrations information, which is already present in the source tree.
If needing to initialize a new database migrations repository, flask db init
would be run.
After creating a new database model, run the following after switching out <message>
for an appropriate description of what has been changed:
flask db migrate -m "<message>"
This will create database migrations for the added models. To apply the changes to the database, run:
flask db upgrade
This will modify the app.db
sqlite database file located in app/
You can also run flask db downgrade
, to downgrade to a previous version of the database migrations.
More info about migrations can be found here
After having updated the database migrations and database, you can start creating tables from the models to the database.
Adding to or changing the database can be done in different ways.
It can be done through the site itself by using web forms, or manually on the command line.
To add data directly through the command line, first run flask shell
to enter a Python shell.
Then replace the example table model and data with the actual model and data in the following code and then paste it into the shell:
tableRow = TempInfo(test="testing")
To go through and query the rows in a table, run:
query =
tempInfo = db.session.scalars(query)
for table in tempInfo:
print(, table.test)
The file
consists of classes that define forms for the website.
The classes can then be used to populate forms inside HTML templates by sending forms through
Forms can be used to change database information through the site itself, and for instance create a login and sign up interface for the website.
The static/
directory contains various subdirectories containing static files used for the website.
contains the various CSS files used for styling of the website.
contains the JavaScript files used for frontend scripting on the website.
contains all the images which are used on the website.
sets various configurations used by the Flask application.
It defines the class Config
which contains variables used by Flask.
Running flask shell
starts a Python shell with various predefined objects sourced form the project.
contains a definition of function make_shell_context()
that contains a return statement for a Python dictionary containing key-value pairs to define objects that should be present in the shell.
To add new objects to be present by default when running flask shell
For instance, the key-value pair 'db': db
will initialize 'db'
to return the object db
in the shell.
The web server is used to publish features that the product owner has approved as fully complete so they can be used by the customer.
- Open a command prompt and type:
ssh root@<ip> -p <port>
- Type
if prompted. - When prompted, enter the password.
- After having entered the server navigate to the correct directory:
cd /var/www/html
- If the directory is empty:
git clone .
While located at /var/www/html
, run:
git fetch
git checkout <your tag>
You can list all tags by typing:
git tag
flask run
is useful as a server during development.
However, for when deploying the Flask application on a real web server, a WSGI server should instead be used to deliver the Flask application.
In this project, gunicorn is used as a WSGI server.
To deploy the Flask application on a server, first follow the above parts in the Web Server section for a general guide on accessing and deploying the right version of the project. Once you have the project ready, make sure to follow the section on installing and running flask.
Make sure you have nginx installed, and if not already present, add the following to /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
client_max_body_size 50M;
server_name _;
location / {
#forward application requests to the gunicorn server
proxy_pass http://localhost:8993
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
If not already present, add a systemd service file at /etc/systemd/system/florista.service
containing the following:
Description=Gunicorn instance to serve Florista
ExecStart=/var/www/html/venv/bin/gunicorn -w 4 -b :8993 florista:app
This configures the service to start a gunicorn process with 4 workers on port 8993 by sourcing in /var/www/html/ inside of the Python virtual environment. To start the gunicorn process, start the florista service by running the following:
systemctl start florista
You can stop the gunicorn process by running:
systemctl start florista
and query the status of the service with:
systemctl status florista
The project uses tests to verify the content of the website. The various test files are located in the tests directory. To run tests for the website, Python 3.12.5 is required, which can be installed at
Then, open the project in a command prompt and run these commands:
pip install playwright lxml
python -m playwright install
To configure the tests, go to view --> testing --> configure python tests --> unittests --> tests.
There is also a Python script that generates screenshots of the website. This script can be run by typing python .\tests\
This page uses a script to create variations of images in different resolutions to optimize loading times. For this, Node.js is required.
Once Node.js is installed, the following command should be run in the project's root directory:
npm install
This will install all packages required to run the project.
If there is a need to create all images again (e.g., if new resolutions or images have been added), run the following command:
npm run resize