If you want to add anything, feel free to send us a pull request or ping us or Luis on Twitter.
- NSSpain Talks | Vimeo.
- NSSpain | Flickr.
- Ash Furrow | Blog Post.
- Kris Arnold | Spanish Countryside | Winery Tour | Concatedral de Santa María de la Redonda | Riojaforum | Logroño.
- Adriano Segalada | Blog Post
- Tom Adriassen | Blog Post
- Sam Davies | Blog Post
- Idealista | Blog Post
- Autentia | Blog Post
- Fernando Rodriguez (@frr149) - Introduction To Swift.
- Kenneth Geisshirt (@kgeisshirt) - Unleash your inner console cowboy. | Slides
- Erik Erice (@erikerice) - Design For Hackers. | Slides
- Alberto López (@AlbertusLM) - Discover the new Braintree's v.Zero SDK. | Slides
- Mike Ash (@mikeash) - Swift & C. | Playground
- Andrew Yates (@ay8s) - What to do when you get hacked? | Slides
- Krzysztof Kucharewitz (@mobiosis) - Autolayouts for everyone. | Slides
- Michele Titolo (@micheletitolo) - Can't handle my scale. | Slides
- Andrew Tarvin (@HumorThatWorks) - Programming Humans Through Humor. | Slides
- Ariel Shimoni (@Ariel_startapp) - Distribution, Retention and Monetization. | Slides
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow) - Future of Functional Programming on iOS. | Slides | Playground
- Maxim Cramer (@mennenia) - Users don't bite - getting started with user testing. | Slides
- Jon Reid (@qcoding) - Unit Testing. | Slides
- Eloy Durán (@alloy) - Advanced CocoaPods.
- Dave Verwer (@daveverwer) - Practical Marketing on the App Store. | Slides
- Matt Galloway (@mattjgalloway) - Swift Q&A.
- Jean-Pierre Simard @simjp - A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Databases on iOS. | Slides
- Sam Davies (@iwantmyrealname) - To drawRect or not to drawRect: an overview of graphics on iOS. | Slides
- Jordi Pellat (@jordipellat) - How to Design your View Controllers. | Slides
- David Rönnqvist (@davidronnqvist) - Scenekit: Not just for games. | Slides
- Cyril Lashkevich (@notorca) - Technologies and Concepts used in Viber iOS app. | Slides
- Simone Civetta (@viteinfinite) - Be the quality you want to see: code quality metrics. | Slides
- Kyle Fuller (@kylefuller) - Building for Open Source. | Slides
- Sam Soffes (@soffes) - Go Build.
- Graham Lee (@secbofin) - Testing iOS apps from one end to the other.
- Tom Adriassen (@inferis) - Communicating with GIFs. | Slides
- Mathias Tretter (@myell0w) - iOS 8 - One size fits all. | Slides
- Hermes Pique (@hpique) - Learning Swift by Developing Haneke. | Slides
- StuFF mc (Manuel Carrasco Molina) (@StuFFmc) - Core Bluetooth 101. | Slides
- Marius Rackwitz (@mrackwitz) - CocoaPods: Pioneering Swift. | Slides
- Boris Bügling (@NeoNacho) - CocoaPods Plugins. | Slides
Cloud Kit and iOS 8 extensions | Slides
Thanks to all the volunteers, attendees, speakers and sponsors that made this possible. Special thanks to Simone Civetta (@viteinfinite) for bringing together most of the slides of this article in a gist.