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Race Support SVG - CC-BY // Visualeat
The Scouting app is designed for recording data related to various aspects of robot competitions. It covers several key areas of scouting, including robot performance, human player activities, match data, and pit scouting.
Main Features: Atlas – Focuses on mapping robot activities during matches. Chronos – Tracks timing-related data during matches. Pit – Gathers basic information about the robot (size, weight, capabilities). Human Player – Records performance data about human players during the match. View Saved Data – Allows users to view previously recorded scouting data. Sync to Server – Uploads and downloads data to/from a server. Atlas Scouting: Setup: Enter team number, match type, and robot position at the start. Auto Section: Track actions like scoring algae, processing, or moving corals. Teleop Section: Record robot actions such as coral pickups, scoring, and algae interactions. Endgame Section: Track the robot’s final position, climbing attempts, and robot status at match end. Chronos Scouting: Similar setup to Atlas. Auto Period: Record robot location and interactions with reefs and coral stations. Teleop Period: Monitor and record actions like climbing and scoring. Pit Scouting: Enter robot dimensions (height, length, weight). Gather information about the robot’s drivetrain and mechanisms. Ask team members about their robot's abilities during different periods (auto, teleop, endgame). Human Player Scouting: Record the performance of human players, including scoring, misses, and algae interactions. Enter data such as the number of successful scores and missed attempts. Data Viewer: View and edit previously saved data. Filter data by type (Atlas, Chronos, Pit, Human Player). Sync to Server: Allows syncing data to a chosen server, ensuring up-to-date access across devices. Options to upload and download match data to/from the server. General Data Entry Fields & Options: Input for scouter names, team numbers, match numbers, and game types (e.g., qualifications, playoffs, finals). Sections for rating the accuracy of data and adding comments. Options for detailed robot performance (height, weight, drive type) and human player preferences (coral cycles, ideal alliance qualities). This app enables scouts to efficiently track and upload detailed match data, providing useful insights into team performance and robot capabilities.
Android (version 4.1 or newer) or iOS (version 9.0 or newer). Storage: 50 MB free space. Internet Connection: For app installation, updates, and cloud-based features. App Store Account: Google Play or Apple App Store for mobile apps. Platform-specific download sites for desktop apps.