Example of for use of Fidus: Typewiser https://www.typewiser.com/
- Example form
- Dev environment - this could be Snap install run by Fidus on internal machine?
- Idea of structuring of data we want
- Get hold of Fidus Documentation
- Build an outline of the resources needed and work packages
Proof of concept of structured online form submission service:
- To make a demo 'proof of concept' of a customisable form submission for reporting of grants.
- Use Fidus Writer as the form building and user content inputting.
- Output form as structured data for input into another system - depositing a machine readable format on GitHub would be a satisfactory target
- Output form as PDF with structured data embeded
SSO via GitHub as example: already exists
Admin of form means having form in a workflow that an admin can check on a dashboard to see info about a form, e.g., status in workflow, related support tickets raised.
Out of scope - focus is on form making, form content structure.
- Use Fidus Writer template builder - @simon to get docs on this.
- This is done by the user selecting a document type
- The user can invite colleagues to edit, or to comments and review
- To be worked out. Currently Fidus is setup as a document creation system which can save in systems, download, or export to external system like GitHub.
- We need to define how we want to structure data - fields?
- What type of validation would be carrie out.