Please describe, link to and/or list all Use Cases and examples of application here regardless if these are complete or in progress.
Please list/link also to Use Cases described in the topic's directories to obtain a comprehensive list here.
Work with a focus on metadata transfer by @pzentis.
Images with ISA/ARC like metadata as key-value-pairs in a project/dataset structure.
In Omero (only available in UoC campus network):
The omero-links only work in the Cologne campus network (including eduroam), see here for Omero access details: Omero accounts
You can import this project in your own Omero server by omero-cli-transfer using this tarball: file, 700MB
In Omero (only available in UoC campus network):
The omero-links only work in the Cologne campus network (including eduroam), see here for Omero access details: Omero accounts
You can import this project in your own Omero server by omero-cli-transfer using this tarball: file, 700MB
Here you can find @andreaschrader's ARC in the making:
Please note, Swate annotation is not completed and is WIP.
Here you can find a nice ARC created by @MicheleBortol:
The example REMBI file derived from an ARC in which a template based on experiences of the CAi @HHU Duesseldorf, Germany was filled by @Tom-TBT, @VAFuchs and @andreaschrader in the REMBI-Mapping group is located here. This example was based on this ARC.