Worked on by Julia Thönnißen and Torsten Stöter
There is a very simple 3D volume viewer FPBioimage for OMERO
Can we have better 3D volume visualization accessible from OMERO?
3D Slicer integration with OMERO is an external project funded by UoC
- generally more powerful and better volume visualization
- bringing slicer to the web is more tricky
Neuroglancer on the other hand is already a web based visualization tool for very large volume data.
Before and at the Hackathon we looked at bringing images from OMERO in zarr format to Neuroglancer for visualization.
This seemed simpler and doable within a few days of a Hackathon.
Prerequisites: Current Debian machine (11 or 12) with Git, Python, Docker installed
To avoid issued with CORS and HTTP/HTTPS everything is to run on a local machine
- We install the OMERO server and web interface using Docker.
git clone
- follow instructions in README.
cd docker-example-omero/
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d
docker compose logs -f
Testing via login to
using credentialsroot
Upload some sample images to OMERO via e.g. Insight
** 8 bit channels worked well.
** 16 bit signed channels did not work out of the box.
** The rendering shader in Neuroglancer will need adaption for this. -
Install omero-web-zarr inside with omero-web Docker container, following instruction at
docker exec -u 0 -it <omero-web container id> bash
source /opt/omero/web/venv3/bin/activate
pip install omero-web-zarr
- Commit changes to Docker image and omero-web to new version in
. - Make images in OMERO publically accessible, so that a login on Neuroglancer site is not necessary to fetch the images.
- Also allow for CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing), so that accessing another website from the current one is not blocked
- Based on, add the following lines in
under omero-web ENVIRONMENT:
CONFIG_omero_web_public_enabled: true
CONFIG_omero_web_public_user: user-1
CONFIG_omero_web_public_password: 'ome'
CONFIG_omero_web_public_url__filter: '/*'
CONFIG_omero_web_apps: '["omero_figure", "omero_iviewer", "omero_mapr", "omero_parade", "omero_web_zarr", "corsheaders"]'
CONFIG_omero_web_middleware: '[{"index": 1, "class": "django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware"}, {"index": 2, "class": "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware"}, {"index": 3, "class": "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware"}, {"index": 4, "class": "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware"}, {"index": 5, "class": "django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware"}, {"index": 6, "class": "django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware"}, {"index": 0, "class": "whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware"}, {"index": 0.5, "class": "corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware"}, {"index": 10, "class": "corsheaders.middleware.CorsPostCsrfMiddleware"}]'
CONFIG_omero_web_cors__origin__allow__all: true
- OMERO web now exports an image [ID] in zarr publically at the following URL:
- The quickest way to install Neuroglancer seems to be as pre-built Python package from (see here for the respective GitHub repository)
# install
python3 -m venv neuroglancer-env
source neuroglancer-env/bin/activate
pip3 install neuroglancer
# testing it works
git clone
cd neuroglancer/python/examples
python -i
- For testing, run Neuroglancer in the browser from the provided URL printed at the Python prompt.
- For our zarr export URL of image ID=63, this script runs the Neuroglancer server (adapted from Neuroglancer tutorial below).
import neuroglancer
ip = 'localhost' #or public IP of the machine for sharable display
port = 9999 #change to an unused port number
viewer = neuroglancer.Viewer()
with viewer.txn() as s:
s.layers['image'] = neuroglancer.ImageLayer(source='zarr://http://localhost:4080/zarr/v0.4/image/63.zarr/')
- Neuroglancer tutorial:
- We successfully could connect OMERO with Neuroglancer and show a proof of concept.
- Technical challenges were all related to access images in omero from external web
- Login necessary and OMERO cookies not available to Neuroglancer
- Solution was to grant public access to all routes (NOT RECOMMENDED in production!)
- HTTP/HTTPS, when using an online version of Neuroglancer with HTTPS, providing an HTTP URL of your local omero-web installation, this unsafe access is blocked
- Solution was to run OMERO and Neuroglancer both locally and using only HTTP
- CORS needs to be enabled on OMERO site, when running Neuroglancer and OMERO from different web servers
- Solution in future can be to run both behind the same webserver, e.g. an nginx reverse proxy each with their own route
- Another solution would be to build an omero-web plugin for Neuroglancer, possibly right away into omero-web-zarr or as a separate plugin
The final report at the last day of the hackathon for the Neuroglancer topic can be found here.
- Next steps are to get a production ready installation
- Automate starting the Neuroglancer web server for any image ID
- Improve shaders for 16bit and multi channel images and include sliders (documented in tutorial)
- Add an "Open in Neuroglancer" button or context menu to images in OMERO
- Test the reverse proxy approach, are logins and cookies preserved?
- Compile a separate OMERO plugin for the Neuroglancer integration