The following instructions describe how to install the CIM Questionnaire on a Unix-type server (Cent-OS, Linux, Mac-OSX) for the purpose of starting to use and test the web application.
The system must have the following Python packages installed:
- Python 2.7.2+
- Django 1.6.5
- South
- libXML (pip install lxml)
- pytz (pip install pytz)
- mptt (pip install django-mptt)
- PIL (pip install pillow)
- A PostGres database is recommended. However, Django also supports MySQL and SQLite3.
- To use PostGres you must install psycopg2.
Download the software at the desired version from the github repository
- Generate a configuration file. The preferred location is
. A custom location may be used in which case
should be modified to match the location of the file. A template is available in the repository's top-level director calledesdoc-questionnaire.conf.TEMPLATE
The format of the configuration file is:
- start a virtual python environment (recommended)
pip install django
pip install psycopg2 (may require `sudo get-apt install libq-dev`)
pip install lxml (may require `sudo get-apt install libxml2` and/or `sudo get-apt install libxslt`)
pip install django-openid-auth python-openid
pip install django_mptt
pip install pytz
pip install south
python CIM_Questionnaire/ syncdb
python CIM_Questionnaire/ migrate mindmaps
python CIM_Questionnaire/ migrate questionnaire
python CIM_Questionnaire/ collectstatic
- Start the CIM Questionnaire either via the embedded Django server:
python CIM_Questionnaire/ runserver
or through apache:
ensure apache conf is properly setup and restart the apache server
- ordinarily admins would have to manually upload and register Controlled Vocabularies and Categorizations (and Projects and Versions); using fixtures, as above, avoids this requirement
- the ATOM feed functionality requires that the correct domain be specifed in the "sites" table via the admin interface.