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BeatLog Documentation

Documentation Pages

Setup Guide Contents


This section assumes an installation similar to one provided in the Docker Compose example, and will walk a user through adding all the data sources to BeatLog.

Data Sources

The following files provide information for BeatLog to generate reports and maps:

  • NGINX reverse proxy
    • access.log - client requests to the server
    • error.log - client request errors and associated severity levels
  • fail2ban
    • fail2ban.log - all activity of fail2ban service, relevant information is parsed and the rest ignored
    • jail.local - fail2ban settings and activated filters, checks ignored IPs
  • MaxMindDB
    • GeoLite2-City.mmdb - database to match IP addressess to locations, updated twice monthly

If you are using SWAG for your reverse proxy, the above files live in the following structure. These relative paths are demonstrated as volumes below.

SWAG Config
│   │
│   └───fail2ban
│   │    │   fail2ban.log
│   │      
│   └───nginx
│   │    │   access.log
│   │    │   error.log
│   │    │   ...  
│   │   ...
│   │   jail.local
│   │   ...
│   │   GeoLite2-City.mmdb 
│ ...

Following the example, the files can be loaded into BeatLog from the /import/ directory as listed in the table below.

      - /path_to/swag_config/log:/import/log # NGINX and fail2ban logs
      - /path_to/swag_config/fail2ban:/import/fail2ban # fail2ban jail.local
      - /path_to/swag_config/geoip2db:/import/geoip2db # MaxMindDB
File Mount Path in BeatLog Container
access.log /import/log/nginx/access.log
error.log /import/log/nginx/error.log
fail2ban.log /import/log/fail2ban/fail2ban.log
GeoLite2-City.mmdb /import/geoip2db/GeoLite2-City.mmdb

Log Files

Log File locations must be added to BeatLog after initial startup. The home page will provide a link for adding Log Files, if all three have not been added. The file paths shown in pictures may not match the file structure shown above. See the text below the pictures for the correct filepath. The navigation bar provides links to all of the pages shown below, and their URLs relative to <IP>:<port> are provided */like this.

On initial startup the homepage lists the home IP address in red, indicating it is not being ignored by fail2ban. In this case, the fail2ban jail.local file has yet to be added.



✱ access.log ✱ */Logs/add/



Now that access.log has been added, it is no longer in the available list. Additionally, a link to its regex page is presented. Before specifying regex methods for parsing access.log, regex methods need to be added to BeatLog!


fail2ban Jail

The fail2ban jail.local page will provide information on enabled filters, find/ban times, and ignored IP addresses.

✱ jail.local ✱ */jail/




If an ignored IP matches the home IP address, it is shown in green. Local addresses are shown in grey. All others will appear red. Each filter (or all at once) can be checked for its Finds, Bans, and Ignores in the past 24 hours (unique IPs, not total).

check_filter checked_filter


Specify your GeoLite2-City database file in the geography settings to add coordinates and location names to each parsed outside IP address. Settings can be accessed from the Options drop-down menu.


✱ GeoLite2-City.mmdb ✱ */settings/#Geography



While here, a user-agent header may be specified for reverse geocoding. This is required to look-up unnamed locations. Refer to the Nominatim usage policy.

Regex Methods

Load the default regex patterns to get started parsing logs; or, create your own.



The default methods should provide everything needed to parse the three different logs. Each one is shown below, and the access_secondary pattern is highlighted. If any of the default methods are deleted, they can be reloaded again with the button shown above. If a pattern is edited or saved with the same name as a default method, it will not be overwritten.


✱Adding Regex to Logs✱

Associate regex methods to Log Files. The default names should be self-explanatory.



Now that the regex methods/patterns have been added to access.log, parsing can be tested. Testing Regex will run through the current log file, and return results for each regex method. No data is saved from testing. In the example below, some lines failed the primary method but succeeded with the secondary method.



Once all the logs have been added, the home page will appear similar to the image shown below. If you have yet to parse any logs, there will not be any records. From the home page, you can parse logs individually, or parse all at once using the Parse All button on the navigation bar. Individual log parsing will open a new page with detailed results. Parsing all logs returns the home page with brief summaries for each log.


A few other links and functions are available from the home page:

  • Location - edit log file's location or delete log file
  • Regex - adjust or test regex methods used to parse log file
  • Check - update log file's date modified, if it is different from when the log was last parsed, it will be highlighted
  • Update - perform vacuum on log file's data table, postgresql performs this operation routinely
Show Log check

homepage_check homepage_checked

Show Log update

homepage_update homepage_updated

Processed Data

The following tables describe how parsed logs and other data are saved into the database. See PostgreSQL docs for more information on data types. The Mozilla HTTP docs are a good reference for learning more about each column (AKA field), and are linked where column names are ambiguous.

Wikipedia has a nice example of the Common Log Format in its article.

home and geo columns are determined after parsing log files

Access Logs - access

Column Data Type Description
date datetime Timestamp of each connection, one second resolution
IP inet client IP address
home Boolean True if client IP matches home IP
Method text VARCHAR(20) HTTP request method. 8 character limit prior to alpha-0.1.3, 20 character limit after
URL text Component of resource requested by client
HTTP integer HTTP network protocol, typically 2 or 1.1. It is multiplied by 10 to save as an integer.
Status integer HTTP status code, see here for a handy list of codes and their descriptions.
Bytes integer Size of object returned to the client
Referrer text Component of resource requested by client, more info and note on spelling issues here
Tech text User-Agent HTTP request header. Used to identify Known Devices.
Geo foreign key - Geography Corresponds to an entry in the Geography table

Format string for strptime on date: %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S

Error Log - error

Column Data Type Description
date datetime Timestamp of each connection, one second resolution
IP inet client IP address
home Boolean True if client IP matches home IP
Level text Log level, or measure of severity. See here for more info.
Message text Contents of error message
Geo foreign key - Geography Corresponds to an entry in the Geography table

Format string for strptime on date: %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S

fail2ban Log - fail2ban

Column Data Type Description
date datetime Timestamp of each connection, millisecond resolution
IP inet client IP address
home Boolean True if client IP matches home IP
Filter text fail2ban filter doing the action
Action text fail2ban action, only Finds, Bans, and Ignores are saved.
Geo foreign key - Geography Corresponds to an entry in the Geography table

Format string for strptime on date: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f

Geography Table - geoinfo

Each unique coordinate pair is saved in a Geography table. As described above, each log entry is associated with an entry in the Geography table.

Column Data Type Description
coords [integer,integer] Coordinates provided by MaxMindDB. They are multiplied by 1E4 to save as integers.
city text City name (en) from MaxMindDB or closest name match from Nominatim API
country text Country name (en) from MaxMindDB or from Nominatim API

Scheduled Tasks

Routine home IP checks and log parsing can be scheduled using the check_IP and check_Log environmental variables.

Example log of scheduled tasks:

[2022-09-17 12:57:04] [1] [INFO] Scheduled Home IP check complete
[2022-09-17 13:11:37] [1] [INFO] Scheduled Log check complete 
access: Parsing completed, 374 lines added in 2s.
fail2ban: Parsing completed, 11 lines added in 0s.
error: Parsing completed, 2 lines added in 0s

# if locations are enabled and unnamed coordinates exist and a nominatim agent is specified
# --> attempt location fill
[2022-09-17 13:11:41] [1] [INFO] Location Fill: 3 locations named out of 4 in 5 seconds
[2022-09-17 13:11:41] [1] [INFO] (35.0,33.0) named Kannavia, Cyprus. (34.0021,-81.0423) named Columbia, United States. (28.5,-10.0) named caïdat d'Aouint Lahna, Morocco
[2022-09-17 13:11:41] [1] [INFO] Error -- 'address' for (-43.0,67.0)

# address not found for one location, manual update required
# see links below

comments added by me, they are not part of the log

Home IP check

Home IP is checked using the website. It happens when actively using BeatLog (requesting pages), no more often than every 30 minutes. Up to date home IP addresses will ensure that the parsed connections are appropriately classified.

The default interval for home IP checks is 12 hours, starting 30 seconds after container startup. Set to 0 to disable task.

Log Check

Without scheduling, logs are only parsed by user request. Logs will only be parsed if their date modified has changed since the last parsing. If locations are added without a name, their locations will be looked up.

The default interval for checking and parsing all available logs is 3 hours, starting 15 minutes after container startup. Set to 0 to disable task.