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MLflow Tracking—Keeping Track of Models

The first component discussed is MLflow Tracking. It is an API and UI for logging parameters, code versions, metrics, and artifacts when running machine learning code and for later visualizing the results. It can be used in any environment to log results to local files or to a server, then compare multiple runs, or to compare results from different users.

At first, the setup will be discussed. Then, a short overview taken from MLflow's documentation is given. And finally, we will apply this knowledge to three little examples (see Tasks).



cmd.exe on Windows

mlflow server \
    --host \
    --port 5000 \
    --backend-store-uri file:///%cd%\mlruns \
    --default-artifact-root file:/%cd%\mlruns

powershell on Windows

mlflow server \
    --host \
    --port 5000 \
    --backend-store-uri file:///$pwd\mlruns \
    --default-artifact-root file:/$pwd\mlruns


. mlflow_server/bin/activate
mlflow server \
    --host \
    --port 5000 \
    --backend-store-uri file:///$pwd/mlruns \
    --default-artifact-root file:/$pwd/mlruns

The MLflow server is now running on http://localhost:5000. This value needs to be assigned to the environment variable MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI, i.e., set MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=http://localhost:5000 on Windows or export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=http://localhost:5000 on Linux. As an alternative, it can be set in your Python code through mlflow.set_tracking_uri("http://localhost:5000").

With Docker

The folder 100_setup_server_docker provides a Dockerfile and a script that enables you run the MLflow service in a Docker container. In the given script, the artifacts and metadata are stored in a folder in that container, which is certainly not the best approach. For alternatives including cloud storage by common providers, check MLflow's documentation.


Here, the most important MLflow Tracking functionalities and respective Python API methods are discussed. The complete documentation as well as the complete overview of the MLflow Tracking Python API (high level and low level) can be found on MLflow's webpage.

Runs are core concept of MLflow

Runs are executions of some piece of data science code. Each run records the following information:

  • Code Version: Git commit hash used for the run, if it was run from an MLflow Project
  • Start & End Time: Start and end time of the run
  • Source: Name of the file to launch the run, or the project name and entry point for the run if run from an MLflow Project
  • Parameters: Key-value input parameters of your choice. Both keys and values are strings.
  • Metrics: Key-value metrics, where the value is numeric. Each metric can be updated throughout the course of the run (for example, to track how your model's loss function is converging), and MLflow records and lets you visualize the metric's full history.
  • Artifacts: Output files in any format, e.g., images, models, data files

You can optionally organize runs into experiments, which group together runs for a specific task.

Multiple options to record runs

MLflow runs can be recorded to local files, to a SQLAlchemy compatible database, or remotely to a tracking server. By default, the MLflow Python API logs runs locally to files in an mlruns directory wherever you ran your program. To log runs remotely, set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable to a tracking server's URI or call mlflow.set_tracking_uri.

Consult MLflow's documentation to see the different kinds of remote tracking URIs.

Python API Logging Functions

mlflow.set_tracking_uri("<URI>") connects to a tracking URI. You can also set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable to have MLflow find a URI from there. In both cases, the <URI> can either be a HTTP/HTTPS URI for a remote server (e.g., https://my-tracking-server:5000), a database connection string, or a local path to log data to a directory (e.g., file:/path/to/dir). The URI defaults to mlruns.

mlflow.tracking.get_tracking_uri() returns the current tracking URI.

mlflow.create_experiment("<EXPERIMENT_NAME>") creates a new experiment and returns its ID. Runs can be launched under the experiment by passing the experiment ID to mlflow.start_run().

mlflow.set_experiment("<EXPERIMENT_NAME>") sets an experiment as active. If the experiment does not exist, creates a new experiment. If you do not specify an experiment in mlflow.start_run(), new runs are launched under this experiment.

mlflow.start_run() returns the currently active run or starts a new run and returns a mlflow.ActiveRun object usable as a context manager for the current run. You do not need to call start_run explicitly: calling one of the logging functions with no active run automatically starts a new one.

mlflow.end_run() ends the currently active run, if any, taking an optional run status.

mlflow.active_run() returns a mlflow.entities.Run object corresponding to the currently active run, if any.

mlflow.log_param("<PARNAME>", "<PARVALUE>") logs a single key-value param in the currently active run. The key and value are both strings. Use mlflow.log_params(<PARDICT>) to log multiple params at once.

mlflow.log_metric("<METRICNAME>", <METRICVALUE>) logs a single key-value metric. The value must always be a number. MLflow remembers the history of values for each metric. Use mlflow.log_metrics(<METRICDICT>) to log multiple metrics at once.

mlflow.set_tag("<TAGNAME>", "<TAGVALUE>") sets a single key-value tag in the currently active run. The key and value are both strings. Use mlflow.set_tags(<TAGDICT>) to set multiple tags at once.

mlflow.log_artifact("<LOCALPATH>") logs a local file or directory as an artifact.

mlflow.log_artifacts("<LOCALDIR>") logs all the files in a given directory as artifacts.

mlflow.get_artifact_uri() returns the URI that artifacts from the current run should be logged to.

The mlflow.tracking.MLflowClient() class creates a client of an MLflow Tracking Server that creates and manages experiments and runs, and of an MLflow Registry Server that creates and manages registered models and model versions. Some important methods are:

  • .create_experiment()
  • .create_run()
  • .download_artifacts()
  • .get_experiment() and .get_experiment_by_name()
  • .get_run()
  • .list_artifacts()
  • .list_experiments()
  • .log_artifact() and .log_artifacts()
  • .log_metric()
  • .log_param()
  • .log_batch()

For more details on these and other methods, see MLflow's documentation.


In this folder, there are three Jupyter Notebooks: a 'Hello World' model (111_hello_world.ipynb), a logistic regression done with sklearn (121_sklearn_logreg.ipynb), and a more sophisticated classification done in sklearn (131_sklearn_elasticnet_wine.ipynb, taken from MLflow's examples and modified). To open and work with these notebooks, open a CLI, go to your project folder where you installed the mlflow_sklearn environment, and type the following commands:


jupyter notebook


. mlflow_sklearn/bin/activate
jupyter notebook


conda activate mlflow_sklearn
jupyter notebook

The Jupyter UI should open in a browser automatically, if not, follow the instructions in the CLI.

Once the UI shows up, navigate to the 10_tracking folder and open the Jupyter Notebook you want to work on. Follow the instructions in the respective notebook.