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Grafana Loki API

API are accessible from the Loki property.

import { GrafanaApi } from "@myunisoft/loki";

const api = new GrafanaApi({
  remoteApiURL: ""

await api.Loki.series(`{env="production"}`);

Note that a TimeRange is defined as follows:

export type TimeRange = [first: number, last: number];


queryRange< T = string >(logQL: LogQL | string, options?: LokiQueryStreamOptions< T >): Promise< QueryRangeResponse< T > >

The queryRange method returns raw logs (without timestamp or metric/stream labels).

You can provide a custom parser to queryRange (by default it injects a NoopParser doing nothing).

const logs = await api.Loki.queryRange(
  `{app="serviceName", env="production"}`


The queryRange options are described by the following TypeScript interface:

interface LokiQueryOptions {
   * @default 100
  limit?: number;
  start?: number | string;
  end?: number | string;
  since?: string;

interface LokiQueryStreamOptions<T extends LokiPatternType> extends LokiQueryOptions {
  pattern?: T;

start and end arguments can be either a Unix timestamp or a duration like 6h.


The response is described by the following interface:

interface QueryRangeLogsResponse<T extends LokiPatternType> {
  logs: LokiLiteralPattern<T>[];
  timerange: TimeRange | null;

timerange is null when there are no logs available with the given LogQL.


When you use an incorrect pattern, any logs that are not correctly parsed will be removed from the result.

queryRangeStream< T = string >(logQL: LogQL | string, options?: LokiQueryStreamOptions< T >): Promise< QueryRangeStreamResponse< T > >

Same as queryRange but returns the labels key-value pairs stream

const logs = await api.Loki.queryRangeStream(
  `{app="serviceName", env="production"}`,
for (const { stream, values } of logs) {
  // Record<string, string>
  // [unixEpoch: number, value: T][]


The response is described by the following interface:

interface LokiCombined<T = string> {
  labels: LokiLabels;
  values: [unixEpoch: number, log: T][];

interface QueryRangeStreamResponse<T extends LokiPatternType> {
  streams: LokiCombined<LokiLiteralPattern<T>>[];
  timerange: TimeRange | null;

queryRangeMatrix(logQL: LogQL | string, options?: LokiQueryBaseOptions): Promise< QueryRangeMatrixResponse >

Similar to queryRange, but it returns the labels' key-value pairs as metrics. Note that the matrix does not include patterns and values are returned as strings.

This method can only be used with metric queries. Here is an example:

count_over_time({ label="value" }[5m])


The response is described by the following interface:

interface LokiCombined<T = string> {
  labels: LokiLabels;
  values: [unixEpoch: number, log: T][];

interface QueryRangeMatrixResponse {
  metrics: LokiCombined<string>[];
  timerange: TimeRange | null;

labels(options?: LokiLabelsOptions): Promise< string[] >

retrieves the list of known labels within a given time span. Loki may use a larger time span than the one specified.

const labels = await api.labels();

It accepts the following options:

interface LokiLabelsOptions {
   * The start time for the query as
   * - a nanosecond Unix epoch.
   * - a duration (i.e "2h")
   * Default to 6 hours ago.
  start?: number | string;
   * The end time for the query as
   * - a nanosecond Unix epoch.
   * - a duration (i.e "2h")
   * Default to now
  end?: number | string;
   * A duration used to calculate start relative to end. If end is in the future, start is calculated as this duration before now.
   * Any value specified for start supersedes this parameter.
  since?: string;

labelValues(label: string, options?: LokiLabelValueOptions): Promise< string[] >

retrieves the list of known values for a given label within a given time span. Loki may use a larger time span than the one specified.

const appLabelValues = await api.Loki.labelValues("app");

It accepts the following options:

interface LokiLabelValueOptions {
   * The start time for the query as
   * - a nanosecond Unix epoch.
   * - a duration (i.e "2h")
   * Default to 6 hours ago.
  start?: number | string;
   * The end time for the query as
   * - a nanosecond Unix epoch.
   * - a duration (i.e "2h")
   * Default to now
  end?: number | string;
   * A duration used to calculate start relative to end. If end is in the future, start is calculated as this duration before now.
   * Any value specified for start supersedes this parameter.
  since?: string;
   * A set of log stream selector that selects the streams to match and return label values for <name>.
   * Example: {"app": "myapp", "environment": "dev"}
  query?: string;

series(match: StreamSelector | string)

Returns the list of time series that match a certain label set.

const series = await api.Loki.series(`{env="production"}`);

Full definition of the class method (it can take one or many StreamSelector)

async series<T = Record<string, string>>(
  ...match: [StreamSelector | string, ...(StreamSelector | string)[]]
): Promise<T[]>

push(logs: Iterable< LokiIngestLogs >): Promise< void >

Send log entries to Loki.

const logs: LokiIngestLogs[] = [
    stream: { app: "foo" },
    values: [["173532887432100000", "hello world"]]
await api.Loki.push(logs);

The LokiIngestLogs type is defined as follows:

export type LogEntry = [unixEpoch: string, log: string];
export type LogEntryWithMetadata = [unixEpoch: string, log: string, metadata: Record<string, string>];

export interface LokiIngestLogs {
  stream: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
  values: (LogEntry | LogEntryWithMetadata)[];


The unixEpoch must be in nanoseconds

Pattern usage

queryRange and queryRangeStream APIs allow the usage of pattern.

import { GrafanaApi } from "@myunisoft/loki";

const api = new GrafanaApi({
  remoteApiURL: ""

await api.Loki.queryRange("...", {
  pattern: "<pattern> <here>"

// or use an Array (tuple)
await api.Loki.queryRange("...", {
  pattern: [
    "<pattern> ",
  ] as const