Base FastAPI Project
- FastAPI
- SQLAlchemy + Alembic
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Docker
docker-compose up -d --build
cat .env.example > .env.local
export $(grep -v "^#" .env.local | xargs)
pip install poetry
cd src && poetry install
poetry shell
uvicorn main:app --reload
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Migration Name"
alembic upgrade head
alembic downgrade -1
cd src && make lint
cd src && make test
feature/{feature-name-in-kebab-case} # branch with new functionality, code
fix/{fix-name-in-kebab-case} # branch with fix changes
+ {message} # adding new functionality, code
- {message} # removing functionality, code
! {message} # changing functionality, code