- Additional informations/reports can be found in the
files, in this main folder. - All the additional results/images not discussed in the reports fro brevity purposes can be found in the respective folders.
The laboratories were assessed with a final grade of 8 points (out of 9).
Please, refer to the badges "development
" you can find at the top of each README, here's some additional infos:
This means I'm currently enhancing/fixing the project. I'm open to suggestions and Pull Requests, that will be treated as soon as possible.
This means I'm currently not considering the project as a top priority, hence issues and Pull Request will be still treated, but with higher delays. The development status can reach a higher priority ("Ongoing") or a lower one "Stopped" at any time.
This means I'd prefer to consider this project abandoned. I could reconsider this development status only if some really big opportunities present itselves and really worth the effort. Issues and PR will be probably read but not considered.
As a general rule, take in mind that my entire GitHub profile (themes included!) is based on my sparse time and it is mainly passion-driven. As for now, my number one priority is finishing my Master's Degree in Embedded Systems: don't panic if I cannot reply to your issue even after a week, I'm probably really busy and I'm making already restless nights.
The source code of the project is licensed under the GPLv3
license, unless otherwise stated.