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255 lines (216 loc) · 9.84 KB



Function creates and registers special reducer in Redux store, and provides simple API to manage of its state.


  • config (Object)
    • [mountPath](string): if argument is specified, it defines reducer mounting path. Argument consists from object keys separated by spaces.
    • initialState(Object): it defines reducer initial state.
    • initialState(props): Object(Function): it receives props and must return object described above.
    • [listenActions(state, action, props, actionPrefix): Object](Function): if argument is specified, it defines function - reducer which receives into arguments the previous state, action, props and actionPrefix and returns the next state.
    • connectToStore = true(boolean): default argument defines connect to current registered reducer by library react-redux and state is transferred in reduxState prop. If argument specified to false then manual connect needed.
    • persist = true(boolean): default argument defines need to keeps current reducer state in case of component is unmounted. If argument specified to false then reducer state to reset.
    • [actionPrefix](string): if argument is specified, it defines prefix for actions dispatched by reduxSetState and reduxResetState described below.


It must be specified in case reused components creations.

  • [reduxMountPath](string) if prop is specified, it also replaces mountPath argument if mountPath isn't specified. But if also argument mountPath is specified, then they concatenates: reduxMountPath + mountPath
  • [reduxPersist](boolean) if prop is specified, it behaves just as persist argument. The prop replaces an argument.
  • [reduxActionPrefix](string) if prop is specified, it behaves just as actionPrefix argument. The prop replaces an argument.


A React component class that injects into your component an Redux state through prop reduxState, injects reduxSetState, reduxResetState functions for state change:

  • reduxSetState(actionType, newState)(Function): it dispatches Redux action with the action prefix + actionType type and the newState property. newState merge with current state through Object.assign and new object always returns.
  • reduxResetState()(Function): it dispatches Redux action with the action prefix + reset action type type and the newState property. newState replaces current state and new object always returns.
  • reduxPersist(boolean) it contains calculated reduxPersist.
  • reduxActionPrefix(string) it contains calculated reduxActionPrefix.
  • dispatch(Function) it is dispatch function of Redux store.


  • Mounting path is required and must be transferred through argument and(or) prop.
  • If action prefix isn't transferred through argument and prop, then action prefix will be filled to mounting path.
  • If prop reduxMountPath isn't specified and redux store isn't created and isn't provides to components, then Redux store is automatic created with support redux-devtools-extension. But if prop reduxMountPath is specified and redux store isn't created and isn't provides to components, then will throwing error, because prop reduxMountPath means mount point for state of reused component.


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { compose, createStore } from 'redux';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { enhanceStore, createReducer } from 'redux-fly';

const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose;
const store = createStore(() => {}, composeEnhancers(enhanceStore));

const Welcome = ({ reduxState: { text }, reduxSetState, reduxResetState }) => (
    <input value={text} onChange={(e) => reduxSetState('CHANGE-TEXT', { text: })} />
    <button onClick={() => reduxResetState()}>Reset</button>

const EnhancedWelcome = createReducer({
  mountPath: 'welcome',
  initialState: {
    text: 'Hello world!'

  <Provider store={store}>
, document.getElementById('root'));


Function enhance an object of Redux store with the registerReducers method for gradual registration of reducer at any nesting level of Redux store.


  • reducers(Object)
    • key(string): it defines reducer mounting path. Argument consist from object keys separated by spaces.
    • value(Function): it defines reducer.


Creation of enhanced store:

import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { enhanceStore } from 'redux-fly';

const store = createStore(() => {}, enhanceStore);

Creation of enhanced store with preloaded state received from server or saved in any storage: ```javascript const store = createStore(() => {}, window.__INITIAL_STATE__, enhanceStore); ```
Creation of enhanced store and reducers registration: ```javascript const reducers = { 'ui component': (state, action) => { ... }, 'ui todo list': (state, action) => { ... } } const store = createStore(reducers, enhanceStore); ```
Creation of enhanced store and reducers registration with preloaded state: ```javascript const store = createStore(reducers, window.__INITIAL_STATE__, enhanceStore); ```
Creation of enhanced store and registration of reducers later: ```javascript import { createStore } from 'redux'; import { enhanceStore } from 'redux-fly';

const store = createStore(() => {}, enhanceStore); ... const reducer = (state, action) => { ... }; store.registerReducers({ 'ui component': reducer });

### `getState(mountPath)(state)`
Function to extract part of Redux state through mounting path.

#### Arguments
* `mountPath`\(*string*): it defines path of mounting Redux component state.
* `state`\(*Object*): it defines Redux state.

#### Example

Not reused component:
##### Menu component
import { getState } from 'redux';

const boundedGetState = getState('ui menu');

export const isOpened = (state) => boundedGetState(state).opened;
export const isCollapsed = (state) => boundedGetState(state).collapsed;
Any component
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import getContext from 'recompose/getContext'
import { isOpened as menuIsOpened, isCollapsed as menuIsCollapsed } from './Menu';

class SideBar extends React.Component {
  static propTypes = {
    store: PropTypes.object.isRequired

  componentDidMount() {
    const { store } = this.props;
    if (menuIsOpened(store.getState())) {
    if (menuIsCollapsed(store.getState())) {
export default getContext({ store: PropTypes.object.isRequired })(SideBar)

Reused component: ##### Modal component ```javascript import React from 'react'; import { getState } from 'redux';

export const isOpened = (mountPath, state) => getState(mountPath)(state).opened;

##### Any component
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import getContext from 'recompose/getContext'
import { isOpened as modalIsOpened } from './Modal';

class Component extends React.Component {
  static propTypes = {
    store: PropTypes.object.isRequired

  componentDidMount() {
    const { store } = this.props;
    if (modalIsOpened('ui component', store.getState())) {
export default getContext({ store: PropTypes.object.isRequired })(Component)


Function registers reducers in Redux store.


  • reducers(Object)
    • key(string): it defines reducer mounting path. Argument consist from object keys separated by spaces.
    • value(Function): it defines reducer.
  • reducers(props): Object(Function): it defines function which receives props and function must return an object described above.


It must be specified in case reused components creations.

  • [reduxMountPath](string) if prop is specified, then it concatenates with all keys in reducers argument: reduxMountPath + key


A React component class that register the passed reducers in Redux store.


  • Function must be call two times. The first time with its arguments described above, and a second time, with the component: registerReducers(reducers)(MyComponent).
  • Function does not modify the passed React component. It returns a new component that you should use instead.
  • If prop reduxMountPath isn't specified and redux store isn't created and isn't provides to components, then Redux store is automatic created with support redux-devtools-extension. But if prop reduxMountPath is specified and redux store isn't created and isn't provides to components, then will throwing error, because prop reduxMountPath means mount point for state of reused component.


Todo reducer
export default (state, action) => { ... }
Not reused component.
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { registerReducers } from 'redux-fly';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { compose } from 'redux';
import todoReducer from './reducer';

const Component = ({ todo }) => { ... };
Component.propTypes = {
  todo: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

export default compose(
  registerReducers({ 'ui todo': todoReducer }),
  connect(state => ({ todo: state.ui.todo }))
Reused component.
import { getState, registerReducers } from 'redux-fly';
export default compose(
  registerReducers(props => ({ todo: todoReducer })),
  connect((state, ownProps) => ({ todo: getState(`${ownProps.reduxMountPath} todo`)(state) }))