- NoSQL database.
- MongoDB.
Write a script that lists all databases in MongoDB.
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 0-list_databases | mongo
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
admin 0.000GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
logs 0.005GB
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 0-list_databases
chmod +x 0-list_databases
# Test
cat 0-list_databases | mongo
Write a script that creates or uses the database my_db:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 0-list_databases | mongo
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
admin 0.000GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
logs 0.005GB
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 1-use_or_create_database | mongo
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
switched to db my_db
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 1-use_or_create_database
chmod +x 1-use_or_create_database
# Test
cat 1-use_or_create_database | mongo
Write a script that inserts a document in the collection school:
- The document must have one attribute name with value “Holberton school”
- The database name will be passed as option of mongo command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 2-insert | mongo my_db
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 2-insert
chmod +x 2-insert
# Tests
cat 2-insert | mongo my_db
Write a script that lists all documents in the collection school:
- The database name will be passed as option of mongo command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 3-all | mongo my_db
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a8fad532b69437b63252406"), "name" : "Holberton school" }
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 3-all
chmod +x 3-all
cat 3-all | mongo my_db
Write a script that lists all documents with name="Holberton school" in the collection school:
- The database name will be passed as option of mongo command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 4-match | mongo my_db
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a8fad532b69437b63252406"), "name" : "Holberton school" }
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 4-match
chmod +x 4-match
cat 4-main.sql | mysql -uroot -p holberton
# Test
cat 4-match | mongo my_db
Write a script that displays the number of documents in the collection school:
- The database name will be passed as option of mongo command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 5-count | mongo my_db
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 5-count
chmod +x 5-count
cat 5-init.sql | mysql -uroot -p holberton
# Tests
touch 5-init.sql
chmod +x 5-init.sql
cat 5-count | mysql -uroot -p holberton
Write a script that adds a new attribute to a document in the collection school:
- The script should update only document with name="Holberton school" (all of them)
- The update should add the attribute address with the value “972 Mission street”
- The database name will be passed as option of mongo command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 6-update | mongo my_db
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 4-match | mongo my_db
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a8fad532b69437b63252406"), "name" : "Holberton school", "address" : "972 Mission street" }
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 6-update
chmod +x 6-update
cat 6-init.sql | mysql -uroot -p holberton
# Tests
touch 6-init.sql
chmod +x 6-init.sql
cat 6-update | mysql -uroot -p holberton
# Lint
pycodestyle 6-update
mypy 6-update
Write a script that deletes all documents with name="Holberton school" in the collection school:
- The database name will be passed as option of mongo command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 7-delete | mongo my_db
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 1 }
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 4-match | mongo my_db
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 7-delete
chmod +x 7-delete
# Tests
cat 7-delete | mongo my_db
Write a Python function that lists all documents in a collection:
- Prototype: def list_all(mongo_collection):
- Return an empty list if no document in the collection
- mongo_collection will be the pymongo collection object
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 8-main.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" 8-main """
from pymongo import MongoClient
list_all = __import__('8-all').list_all
if __name__ == "__main__":
client = MongoClient('mongodb://')
school_collection = client.my_db.school
schools = list_all(school_collection)
for school in schools:
print("[{}] {}".format(school.get('_id'), school.get('name')))
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ ./8-main.py
[5a8f60cfd4321e1403ba7ab9] Holberton school
[5a8f60cfd4321e1403ba7aba] UCSD
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 8-all.py
chmod +x 8-all.py
# Test
touch 8-main.py
chmod +x 8-main.py
# Lint
pycodestyle 8-main.py
Write a Python function that inserts a new document in a collection based on kwargs:
- Prototype: def insert_school(mongo_collection, **kwargs):
- mongo_collection will be the pymongo collection object
- Returns the new _id
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 9-main.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" 9-main """
from pymongo import MongoClient
list_all = __import__('8-all').list_all
insert_school = __import__('9-insert_school').insert_school
if __name__ == "__main__":
client = MongoClient('mongodb://')
school_collection = client.my_db.school
new_school_id = insert_school(school_collection, name="UCSF", address="505 Parnassus Ave")
print("New school created: {}".format(new_school_id))
schools = list_all(school_collection)
for school in schools:
print("[{}] {} {}".format(school.get('_id'), school.get('name'), school.get('address', "")))
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ ./9-main.py
New school created: 5a8f60cfd4321e1403ba7abb
[5a8f60cfd4321e1403ba7ab9] Holberton school
[5a8f60cfd4321e1403ba7aba] UCSD
[5a8f60cfd4321e1403ba7abb] UCSF 505 Parnassus Ave
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 9-insert_school.py
chmod +x 9-insert_school.py
# Test
touch 9-main.py
chmod +x 9-main.py
# Lint
pycodestyle 9-main.py
Write a Python function that changes all topics of a school document based on the name:
- Prototype: def update_topics(mongo_collection, name, topics):
- mongo_collection will be the pymongo collection object
- name (string) will be the school name to update
- topics (list of strings) will be the list of topics approached in the school
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 10-main.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" 10-main """
from pymongo import MongoClient
list_all = __import__('8-all').list_all
update_topics = __import__('10-update_topics').update_topics
if __name__ == "__main__":
client = MongoClient('mongodb://')
school_collection = client.my_db.school
update_topics(school_collection, "Holberton school", ["Sys admin", "AI", "Algorithm"])
schools = list_all(school_collection)
for school in schools:
print("[{}] {} {}".format(school.get('_id'), school.get('name'), school.get('topics', "")))
update_topics(school_collection, "Holberton school", ["iOS"])
schools = list_all(school_collection)
for school in schools:
print("[{}] {} {}".format(school.get('_id'), school.get('name'), school.get('topics', "")))
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ ./10-main.py
[5a8f60cfd4321e1403ba7abb] UCSF
[5a8f60cfd4321e1403ba7aba] UCSD
[5a8f60cfd4321e1403ba7ab9] Holberton school ['Sys admin', 'AI', 'Algorithm']
[5a8f60cfd4321e1403ba7abb] UCSF
[5a8f60cfd4321e1403ba7aba] UCSD
[5a8f60cfd4321e1403ba7ab9] Holberton school ['iOS']
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 10-update_topics.py
chmod +x 10-update_topics.py
# Test
touch 10-main.py
chmod +x 10-main.py
# Lint
pycodestyle 10-update_topics.py
Write a Python function that returns the list of school having a specific topic:
- Prototype: def schools_by_topic(mongo_collection, topic):
- mongo_collection will be the pymongo collection object
- topic (string) will be topic searched
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 11-main.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" 11-main """
from pymongo import MongoClient
list_all = __import__('8-all').list_all
insert_school = __import__('9-insert_school').insert_school
schools_by_topic = __import__('11-schools_by_topic').schools_by_topic
if __name__ == "__main__":
client = MongoClient('mongodb://')
school_collection = client.my_db.school
j_schools = [
{ 'name': "Holberton school", 'topics': ["Algo", "C", "Python", "React"]},
{ 'name': "UCSF", 'topics': ["Algo", "MongoDB"]},
{ 'name': "UCLA", 'topics': ["C", "Python"]},
{ 'name': "UCSD", 'topics': ["Cassandra"]},
{ 'name': "Stanford", 'topics': ["C", "React", "Javascript"]}
for j_school in j_schools:
insert_school(school_collection, **j_school)
schools = schools_by_topic(school_collection, "Python")
for school in schools:
print("[{}] {} {}".format(school.get('_id'), school.get('name'), school.get('topics', "")))
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ ./11-main.py
[5a90731fd4321e1e5a3f53e3] Holberton school ['Algo', 'C', 'Python', 'React']
[5a90731fd4321e1e5a3f53e5] UCLA ['C', 'Python']
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 11-schools_by_topic.py
chmod +x 11-schools_by_topic.py
# Tests
touch 11-main.py
chmod +x 11-main.py
# Lint
pycodestyle 11-schools_by_topic.py
Write a Python script that provides some stats about Nginx logs stored in MongoDB:
- Database: logs
- Collection: nginx
- Display (same as the example):
- first line: x logs where x is the number of documents in this collection
- second line: Methods:
- 5 lines with the number of documents with the method = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"] in this order (see example below - warning: it’s a tabulation before each line)
- one line with the number of documents with:
- method=GET
- path=/status
You can use this dump as data sample: dump.zip
The output of your script must be exactly the same as the example
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ curl -o dump.zip -s "https://s3.amazonaws.com/intranet-projects-files/holbertonschool-webstack/411/dump.zip"
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ unzip dump.zip
Archive: dump.zip
creating: dump/
creating: dump/logs/
inflating: dump/logs/nginx.metadata.json
inflating: dump/logs/nginx.bson
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ mongorestore dump
2018-02-23T20:12:37.807+0000 preparing collections to restore from
2018-02-23T20:12:37.816+0000 reading metadata for logs.nginx from dump/logs/nginx.metadata.json
2018-02-23T20:12:37.825+0000 restoring logs.nginx from dump/logs/nginx.bson
2018-02-23T20:12:40.804+0000 [##......................] logs.nginx 1.21MB/13.4MB (9.0%)
2018-02-23T20:12:43.803+0000 [#####...................] logs.nginx 2.88MB/13.4MB (21.4%)
2018-02-23T20:12:46.803+0000 [#######.................] logs.nginx 4.22MB/13.4MB (31.4%)
2018-02-23T20:12:49.803+0000 [##########..............] logs.nginx 5.73MB/13.4MB (42.7%)
2018-02-23T20:12:52.803+0000 [############............] logs.nginx 7.23MB/13.4MB (53.8%)
2018-02-23T20:12:55.803+0000 [###############.........] logs.nginx 8.53MB/13.4MB (63.5%)
2018-02-23T20:12:58.803+0000 [#################.......] logs.nginx 10.1MB/13.4MB (74.9%)
2018-02-23T20:13:01.803+0000 [####################....] logs.nginx 11.3MB/13.4MB (83.9%)
2018-02-23T20:13:04.803+0000 [######################..] logs.nginx 12.8MB/13.4MB (94.9%)
2018-02-23T20:13:06.228+0000 [########################] logs.nginx 13.4MB/13.4MB (100.0%)
2018-02-23T20:13:06.230+0000 no indexes to restore
2018-02-23T20:13:06.231+0000 finished restoring logs.nginx (94778 documents)
2018-02-23T20:13:06.232+0000 done
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ ./12-log_stats.py
94778 logs
method GET: 93842
method POST: 229
method PUT: 0
method PATCH: 0
method DELETE: 0
47415 status check
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 12-log_stats.py
chmod +x 12-log_stats.py
# Test
Write a script that lists all documents with name starting by Holberton in the collection school:
- The database name will be passed as option of mongo command
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 100-find | mongo my_db
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a90731fd4321e1e5a3f53e3"), "name" : "Holberton school" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a90731fd4321e1e5a3f53e3"), "name" : "Holberton School" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a90731fd4321e1e5a3f53e3"), "name" : "Holberton-school" }
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 100-find
chmod +x 100-find
# Test
cat 100-find | mongo my_db
Write a Python function that returns all students sorted by average score:
- Prototype: def top_students(mongo_collection):
- mongo_collection will be the pymongo collection object
- The top must be ordered
- The average score must be part of each item returns with key = averageScore
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ cat 101-main.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" 101-main """
from pymongo import MongoClient
list_all = __import__('8-all').list_all
insert_school = __import__('9-insert_school').insert_school
top_students = __import__('101-students').top_students
if __name__ == "__main__":
client = MongoClient('mongodb://')
students_collection = client.my_db.students
j_students = [
{ 'name': "John", 'topics': [{ 'title': "Algo", 'score': 10.3 },{ 'title': "C", 'score': 6.2 }, { 'title': "Python", 'score': 12.1 }]},
{ 'name': "Bob", 'topics': [{ 'title': "Algo", 'score': 5.4 },{ 'title': "C", 'score': 4.9 }, { 'title': "Python", 'score': 7.9 }]},
{ 'name': "Sonia", 'topics': [{ 'title': "Algo", 'score': 14.8 },{ 'title': "C", 'score': 8.8 }, { 'title': "Python", 'score': 15.7 }]},
{ 'name': "Amy", 'topics': [{ 'title': "Algo", 'score': 9.1 },{ 'title': "C", 'score': 14.2 }, { 'title': "Python", 'score': 4.8 }]},
{ 'name': "Julia", 'topics': [{ 'title': "Algo", 'score': 10.5 },{ 'title': "C", 'score': 10.2 }, { 'title': "Python", 'score': 10.1 }]}
for j_student in j_students:
insert_school(students_collection, **j_student)
students = list_all(students_collection)
for student in students:
print("[{}] {} - {}".format(student.get('_id'), student.get('name'), student.get('topics')))
top_students = top_students(students_collection)
for student in top_students:
print("[{}] {} => {}".format(student.get('_id'), student.get('name'), student.get('averageScore')))
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ ./101-main.py
[5a90776bd4321e1ec94fc408] John - [{'title': 'Algo', 'score': 10.3}, {'title': 'C', 'score': 6.2}, {'title': 'Python', 'score': 12.1}]
[5a90776bd4321e1ec94fc409] Bob - [{'title': 'Algo', 'score': 5.4}, {'title': 'C', 'score': 4.9}, {'title': 'Python', 'score': 7.9}]
[5a90776bd4321e1ec94fc40a] Sonia - [{'title': 'Algo', 'score': 14.8}, {'title': 'C', 'score': 8.8}, {'title': 'Python', 'score': 15.7}]
[5a90776bd4321e1ec94fc40b] Amy - [{'title': 'Algo', 'score': 9.1}, {'title': 'C', 'score': 14.2}, {'title': 'Python', 'score': 4.8}]
[5a90776bd4321e1ec94fc40c] Julia - [{'title': 'Algo', 'score': 10.5}, {'title': 'C', 'score': 10.2}, {'title': 'Python', 'score': 10.1}]
[5a90776bd4321e1ec94fc40a] Sonia => 13.1
[5a90776bd4321e1ec94fc40c] Julia => 10.266666666666666
[5a90776bd4321e1ec94fc408] John => 9.533333333333333
[5a90776bd4321e1ec94fc40b] Amy => 9.366666666666665
[5a90776bd4321e1ec94fc409] Bob => 6.066666666666667
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 101-students.py
chmod +x 101-students.py
# Test
touch 101-main.py
chmod +x 101-main.py
# Lint
pycodestyle 101-students.py
Improve 12-log_stats.py by adding the top 10 of the most present IPs in the collection nginx of the database logs:
- The IPs top must be sorted (like the example below)
guillaume@ubuntu:~/0x01$ ./102-log_stats.py
94778 logs
method GET: 93842
method POST: 229
method PUT: 0
method PATCH: 0
method DELETE: 0
47415 status check
IPs: 15805 15805 15805 529 408 217 183 166 160 150
# Create task files and set execute permission.
touch 102-log_stats.py
chmod +x 102-log_stats.py
# Test
This project was done by SE. Moses Mwangi. Feel free to get intouch with me;
📱 WhatsApp +254115227963
📧 Email moses.soft.eng@gmail.com
👍 A lot of thanks to ALX-Africa Software Engineering program for the project requirements.