roulette.js is a jQuery Plugin for roulette image.
To use the Apex Version of the program:
After choosing the Branch you want, download the repository and unzip it.
a) Master Branch = All weapons (including Care Package Weapons are in the wheel)
b) NoCarePackageWeps Branch = All weapons except Care Package Weapons
In the unzipped folder go to the Apex Folder.
Inside of the Apex Folder, open the demo.html file in your preffered web browser.
Once open, click start and it will generate a random build.
a) You can press Stop to stop the rotations early but it will automatically stop soon even if you don't press it.
Notes: The Start button is pressable again as soon as one of the roulettes stop spinning. Do not press it again until all of them have stopped spinning otherwise you will need to refresh to fix it.