Releases: MoodleSync/sync-app
Releases · MoodleSync/sync-app
Version 1.0.61
- Added function to upload large files (e.g. mp4) to a panopto cloud and link it to a moodle course.
- Redesigned the settingspage.
- Minor fixes.
Version 1.0.54
- Removed dependencies regarding lectureStudio.
- Added function to download folders.
- Minor GUI-improvements (see folder content, added Scrollbars, fixed button-sizes and improved HTML-Parsing).
- Minor fixes.
Version 1.0.29
- Added functionality to download a course and zip it.
- Added a button to download a single file.
- Added a progressbar to monitor progress while downloading.
- Improved different views for students and for trainers.
- Students are only displayed a reduced form of the course, only download possible.
- Added "Help"-Button redirecting to the wiki.
- Added descriptions for settings.
- "Check"-Button in settings for token verification.
- Minor fixes.
Version 1.0.13
- Added support for course module "folder".
- Create, update and move folders .
- Added functionality to show/ hide files with "unknown formats".
- Added label to identify course-id and section number.
- Added "guest view" for course-participants only.
- Some minor GUI changes.
- Added Tooltip, some minor rearrangements.
- Improved code-documentation.
- Minor fixes.
Version 1.0.8
- Initial release.
- Bundle apps in a single archive.
- Improved Javadocs and Wiki.
- Cleaned up code.
- Re-implemented "module-naming" and folder structure.
- Minor fixes.