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Monopond Fax API PHP Client

#Building a Request To use Monopond SOAP PHP Client, start by including the MonopondSOAPClient.php then creating an instance of the client by supplying your credentials. Your username and password should be enclosed in quotation marks.

     include_once './MonopondSOAPClient.php';
     // TODO: Enter your own credentials here
     $client = new MonopondSOAPClientV2_1("myusername", "mypassword", MPENV::PRODUCTION);
     // TODO: Set up your request here



This is the core function in the API allowing you to send faxes on the platform.

Your specific faxing requirements will dictate which send request type below should be used. The two common use cases would be the sending of a single fax document to one destination and the sending of a single fax document to multiple destinations.

Sending a single fax:

To send a fax to a single destination a request similar to the following example can be used:

	// TODO: Put your file path here
	$filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
	$filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
	// TODO: Setup Document
	$document = new MonopondDocument();
	$document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
	$document->FileData = $filedata;
	$document->Order = 0;
	// TODO: Setup FaxMessage
	$faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
	$faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
	$faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
	$faxMessage->Documents = array($document);
	// TODO: Setup FaxSendRequest 
	$sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
	$sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;

	// Call send fax method
	$sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);

You can visit the following properties of MonopondDocument, MonopondFaxMessage, and MonopondSendFaxRequest to know the definitions:

Assigning DocumentRef in MonopondDocument

DocumentRef must be unique and a request must be similar to this example:

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    $document->DocumentRef = "Sample DocumentRef";

    $document2 = new MonopondDocument();
    $document2->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document2->FileData = $filedata;
    $document2->Order = 0;
    $document2->DocumentRef = "Sample DocumentRef2";

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";

    $faxMessage2 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage2->MessageRef = "Testing-message-2";
    $faxMessage2->SendTo = "61011111112";

    $faxMessage3 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage3->MessageRef = "Testing-message-3";
    $faxMessage3->SendTo = "61011111112";

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages = array($faxMessage, $faxMessage2, $faxMessage3);
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document, $document2);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit here to check the definition of DocumentRef:

Assigning SendRef and BroadcastRef in MonopondSendFaxRequest

To assign SendRef and BroadcastRef in MonopondSendFaxRequest, a request must be similar to this example:

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "Testing";

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);
    $sendFaxRequest->BroadcastRef = "BroadcastRef";
    $sendFaxRequest->SendRef = "SendRef";

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

Visit here to know the definitions of SendRef and BroadcastRef:

Sending a Fax with Retries inside a MonopondFaxMessage

To set-up a fax to have retries a request similar to the following example can be used.

 	// TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->Retries = 0;
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit the following properties of MonopondDocument, MonopondFaxMessage, and MonopondSendFaxRequest to know their definitions:

Sending a Fax with Retries inside a MonopondSendFaxRequest

To set-up a fax to have retries a request similar to the following example can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);
    $sendFaxRequest->Retries = 1;

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit the following properties of MonopondDocument, MonopondFaxMessage, and MonopondSendFaxRequest to know their definitions:

Sending a Fax with BusyRetries inside a MonopondFaxMessage

To set-up a fax to have busyRetries a request similar to the following example can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->BusyRetries = 1;
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit the following properties of MonopondDocument, MonopondFaxMessage, and MonopondSendFaxRequest to know their definitions:

Sending a Fax with BusyRetries inside a MonopondSendFaxRequest

To set-up a fax to have busyRetries a request similar to the following example can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);
    $sendFaxRequest->BusyRetries = 1;

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit the following properties of MonopondDocument, MonopondFaxMessage, and MonopondSendFaxRequest to know their definitions:

Sending a Fax with Resolution in MonopondFaxMessage

To assign the fax resolution, a request similar to the following example can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->Resolution = "normal";
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit the definition of Resolution and its values here:

Sending a Fax with Resolution in MonopondSendFaxRequest

To assign the fax resolution, a request similar to the following example can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);
    $sendFaxRequest->Resolution = "fine";

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit the definition of Resolution and its values here:

Sending a Fax with FaxDitheringTechnique in MonopondDocument:

To set the fax FaxDitheringTechnique, a request similar to the following example can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    $document->DitheringTechnique = "turbo";
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit the different values of FaxDitheringTechnique here:

Assigning a Timezone in MonopondFaxMessage

The Timezone is used to format the datetime display in the fax header.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->TimeZone = "Australia/Adelaide";
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

Assigning a Timezone in MonopondSendFaxRequest

The Timezone is used to format the datetime display in the fax header. Applying it to the MonopondSendFaxRequest will apply this to all MonopondFaxMessages in the request.

    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);
    $sendFaxRequest->TimeZone = "Australia/Adelaide";

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

Assigning SendFrom in MonopondFaxMessage

To send fax with SendFrom in MonopondFaxMessage a request similar to the following example can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->SendFrom = "Sample SendFrom";
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit the definition of SendFrom here:

Assigning SendFrom in MonopondSendFaxRequest

To send fax with SendFrom in MonopondSendFaxRequest a request similar to the following example can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);
    $sendFaxRequest->SendFrom = "Test Example";

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit the definition of SendFrom here:

Assigning a HeaderFormat in MonopondFaxMessage

Allows the header format that appears at the top of the transmitted fax to be changed.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->HeaderFormat = "From %from%, To %to%|%a %b %d %H:%M %Y";
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

For more information, visit the following on how to setup the HeaderFormat value:

Assigning a HeaderFormat in MonopondSendFaxRequest

Allows the header format that appears at the top of the transmitted fax to be changed.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);
    $sendFaxRequest->HeaderFormat = "From %from%, To %to%|%a %b %d %H:%M %Y";

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

For more information, visit the following on how to setup the HeaderFormat value:

Assigning CLI in MonopondFaxMessage

Assigning a CLI in the MonopondFaxMessage, a request similar to the following example below.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->CLI = "61011111111";

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit the definition of CLI here:

Sending a Fax with DNCR enabled in MonopondFaxMessage

To check if a number is on the Do Not Call Register (Australian) before the fax is sent:

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup Blocklists */
    $monopondBlocklists = new MonopondBlocklist();
    $monopondBlocklists->dncr = "true";

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->Blocklists = $monopondBlocklists;

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit here the definition of Blocklists and its paremeters:

Sending a Fax with FPS enabled in MonopondFaxMessage

To check if a number is on the FPS blacklist (UK) before the fax is sent:

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup Blocklists */
    $monopondBlocklists = new MonopondBlocklist();
    $monopondBlocklists->fps = "true";

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->Blocklists = $monopondBlocklists;

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit here the definition of Blocklists and its paremeters:

Sending a Fax with Smartblock enabled in MonopondFaxMessage

To check if a number is on the Smartblock list before the fax is sent:

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup Blocklists */
    $monopondBlocklists = new MonopondBlocklist();
    $monopondBlocklists->smartblock = "true";

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->Blocklists = $monopondBlocklists;

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit here the definition of Blocklists and its paremeters:

Add a Blocklists in MonopondSendFaxRequest

If you want to validate all numbers in DNCR or FPS or Smarblock, a request must be similiar to this example:

    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    /* Setup Blocklists */
    $monopondBlocklists = new MonopondBlocklist();
    $monopondBlocklists->dncr = "true";

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";

    $faxMessage2 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage2->MessageRef = "Testing-message-2";
    $faxMessage2->SendTo = "61011111112";

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages = array($faxMessage, $faxMessage2);
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);
    $sendFaxRequest->Blocklists = $monopondBlocklists;

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit here the definition of Blocklists and its paremeters:

Sending a Fax with ScheduledStartTime in MonopondFaxMessage

To set a ScheduledStartTime for the MonopondFaxMessage, a request similar to the following can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->ScheduledStartTime = "2017-06-25T12:00:00Z";

    $faxMessage2 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage2->MessageRef = "Testing-message-2";
    $faxMessage2->SendTo = "61011111112";
    $faxMessage2->ScheduledStartTime = "2017-06-25T12:00:00Z";

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages = array($faxMessage, $faxMessage2);
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit here the definition of ScheduledStartTime here:

Sending a Fax with ScheduledStartTime in MonopondSendFaxRequest

To set a ScheduledStartTime for the MonopondSendFaxRequest, a request similar to the following can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";

    $faxMessage2 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage2->MessageRef = "Testing-message-2";
    $faxMessage2->SendTo = "61011111112";

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages = array($faxMessage, $faxMessage2);
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);
    $sendFaxRequest->ScheduledStartTime = "2017-06-25T12:00:00Z";

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

You can visit here the definition of ScheduledStartTime here:

Sending a Fax with MustBeSentBeforeDate in MonopondFaxMessage

To set a MustBeSentBeforeDate for MonopondFaxMessage, a request similar to the following can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->MustBeSentBeforeDate = "2017-09-05T21:30:17+10:00";

    $faxMessage2 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage2->MessageRef = "Testing-message-2";
    $faxMessage2->SendTo = "61011111112";
    $faxMessage2->MustBeSentBeforeDate = "2017-09-05T21:30:17+10:00";

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages = array($faxMessage, $faxMessage2);
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

To know more about MustBeSentBeforeDate you can check it here:

Sending a Fax with MustBeSentBeforeDate in MonopondSendFaxRequest

To set a MustBeSentBeforeDate for MonopondSendFaxRequest, a request similar to the following can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";

    $faxMessage2 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage2->MessageRef = "Testing-message-2";
    $faxMessage2->SendTo = "61011111112";

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages = array($faxMessage, $faxMessage2);
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);
    $sendFaxRequest->MustBeSentBeforeDate = "2017-09-05T21:30:17+10:00";

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

To know more about MustBeSentBeforeDate you can check it here:

Sending a Fax with MaxFaxPages in MonopondFaxMessage

To set a MaxFaxPages for MonopondFaxMessage, a request similar to the following can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->MaxFaxPages = 1;

    $faxMessage2 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage2->MessageRef = "Testing-message-2";
    $faxMessage2->SendTo = "61011111112";
    $faxMessage2->MaxFaxPages = 2;

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages = array($faxMessage, $faxMessage2);
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

To know more about MaxFaxPages you can check it here:

Sending a Fax with MaxFaxPages in MonopondSendFaxRequest

To set a MaxFaxPages for MonopondSendFaxRequest, a request similar to the following can be used.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";

    $faxMessage2 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage2->MessageRef = "Testing-message-2";
    $faxMessage2->SendTo = "61011111112";

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages = array($faxMessage, $faxMessage2);
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document);
    $sendFaxRequest->MaxFaxPages = 2;

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

To know more about MaxFaxPages you can check it here:

Sending multiple faxes:

To send faxes to multiple destinations a request similar to the following example can be used. Please note the addition of another FaxMessage:

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;

    $document2 = new MonopondDocument();
    $document2->FileName = "AnyFileName2.txt";
    $document2->FileData = $filedata;
    $document2->Order = 0;

    $document3 = new MonopondDocument();
    $document3->FileName = "AnyFileName3.txt";
    $document3->FileData = $filedata;
    $document3->Order = 0;

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->Documents[] = $document;

    $faxMessage2 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage2->MessageRef = "Testing-message-2";
    $faxMessage2->SendTo = "61011111112";
    $faxMessage2->Documents[] = $document2;

    $faxMessage3 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage3->MessageRef = "Testing-message-3";
    $faxMessage3->SendTo = "61011111112";
    $faxMessage3->Documents[] = $document3;

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages = array($faxMessage, $faxMessage2, $faxMessage3);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

Sending faxes to multiple destinations with the same document (broadcasting):

To send the same fax content to multiple destinations (broadcasting) a request similar to the example below can be used.

This method is recommended for broadcasting as it takes advantage of the multiple tiers in the send request. This eliminates the repeated parameters out of the individual fax message elements which are instead inherited from the parent send fax request. An example below shows SendFrom being used for both FaxMessages. While not shown in the example below further control can be achieved over individual fax elements to override the parameters set in the parent.

When sending multiple faxes in batch it is recommended to group them into requests of around 600 fax messages for optimal performance. If you are sending the same document to multiple destinations it is strongly advised to only attach the document once in the root of the send request rather than attaching a document for each destination.

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.txt", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.txt"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);
    /* Setup Documents */
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;

    $document2 = new MonopondDocument();
    $document2->FileName = "AnyFileName1.txt";
    $document2->FileData = $filedata;
    $document2->Order = 0;

    /* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";

    $faxMessage2 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage2->MessageRef = "Testing-message-2";
    $faxMessage2->SendTo = "61011111112";

    $faxMessage3 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage3->MessageRef = "Testing-message-3";
    $faxMessage3->SendTo = "61011111112";

    /* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages = array($faxMessage, $faxMessage2, $faxMessage3);
    $sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($document, $document2);

    /* Send request to Monopond */
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
    /* Display response */

Sending Microsoft Documents With DocMergeData:

(This request only works in version 2.1(or higher) of the fax-api.)

This request is used to send a Microsoft document with replaceable variables or merge fields. The merge field follows the pattern <mf:key>. If your key is field1, it should be typed as <mf:field1> in the document. Note that the key must be unique within the whole document. The screenshots below are examples of what the request does.

Original .doc file:


This is what the file looks like after the fields field1,field2 and field3 have been replaced with values lazy dog, fat pig and fat pig:


Sample Request

The example below shows field1 will be replaced by the value of Test.

	// TODO: Put your file path here
	$filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.doc", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.doc"));
	$filedata = base64_encode($filedata);

	$mergeField = new MonopondMergeField();
	$mergeField->Key = "name";
	$mergeField->Value = "Raspberry Pi";

	$document1 = new MonopondDocument();
	$document1->DocumentRef = "send-1-document";
	$document1->DocMergeData[] = $mergeField;

	/* Setup FaxMessages (Each contains an array of document objects) */
	$faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
	$faxMessage->MessageRef = "message-1";
	$faxMessage->SendTo = "61290120211";
	$faxMessage->SendFrom = "Test Fax";
	$faxMessage->Resolution = "normal";
	$faxMessage->Retries = 0;
	$faxMessage->BusyRetries = 2;
	$faxMessage->CLI = 61290120211;
	$faxMessage->Documents = array($document1);

	$mergeField2 = new MonopondMergeField();
	$mergeField2->Key = "name";
	$mergeField2->Value = "Raspberry Pi 2";

	$document2 = new MonopondDocument();
	$document2->DocumentRef = "send-1-document";
	$document2->DocMergeData[] = $mergeField2;

	$faxMessage2 = new MonopondFaxMessage();
	$faxMessage2->MessageRef = "message-2";
	$faxMessage2->SendTo = "61290120211";
	$faxMessage2->SendFrom = "Test Fax 2";
	$faxMessage2->Resolution = "normal";
	$faxMessage2->Retries = 0;
	$faxMessage2->BusyRetries = 2;
	$faxMessage2->CLI = 61011114111;
	$faxMessage2->Documents = array($document2);

	$baseDocument = new MonopondDocument();
	$baseDocument->DocumentRef = "send-1-document2";
	$baseDocument->FileName = "file.doc";
	$baseDocument->FileData = $filedata;
	$baseDocument->Order = 0;

	/* Setup FaxSendRequest (Each contains an array of fax messages) */
	$sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
	$sendFaxRequest->BroadcastRef = "broadcast-1";
	$sendFaxRequest->SendRef = "send-1";
	$sendFaxRequest->HeaderFormat = "Testing";
	$sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;
	$sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage2;
	$sendFaxRequest->Documents = array($baseDocument);

	/* Send request to Monopond */
	$sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);
	/* Display response */

Sending Tiff and PDF files with StampMergeData:

(This request only works in version 2.1(or higher) of the fax-api.)

This request allows a TIFF file to be stamped with an image or text, based on X-Y coordinates. The x and y coordinates (0,0) starts at the top left part of the document. The screenshots below are examples of what the request does.

Original tiff file:


Sample stamp image:


This is what the tiff file looks like after stamping it with the image above:


The same tiff file, but this time, with a text stamp:


Sample Request

The example below shows a TIFF that will be stamped with the text “Hello” at xCoord=“1287” and yCoord=“421”, and an image at xCoord=“283” and yCoord=“120”

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/document.tiff", "r"), filesize("tests/document.tiff"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);

    $stampMergeFieldKey = new MonopondStampMergeFieldKey();
    $stampMergeFieldKey->xCoord = "1287";
    $stampMergeFieldKey->yCoord = "421";

    $stampMergeFieldTextValue = new MonopondStampMergeFieldTextValue();
    $stampMergeFieldTextValue->fontName = "Bookman-DemiItalic";
    $stampMergeFieldTextValue->Value = "Hello";

    $stampMergeField = new MonopondStampMergeField();
    $stampMergeField->StampMergeFieldKey = $stampMergeFieldKey;
    $stampMergeField->TextValue = $stampMergeFieldTextValue;

    // TODO: Setup Document
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.tiff";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    $document->StampMergeData[] = $stampMergeField;

    // TODO: Setup FaxMessage
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->SendFrom = "Test Fax";
    $faxMessage->Documents = array($document);
    $faxMessage->Resolution = "normal";

    // // TODO: Setup FaxSendRequest 
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->BroadcastRef = "Broadcast-test-1";
    $sendFaxRequest->SendRef = "Send-Ref-1";
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;

    // // Call send fax method
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);

Request with Image Stamping

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/document.tiff", "r"), filesize("tests/document.tiff"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);

    $stampFiledata = fread(fopen("tests/stamp.png", "r"), filesize("tests/stamp.png"));
    $stampFiledata = base64_encode($stampFiledata);
    $stampMergeFieldKey = new MonopondStampMergeFieldKey();
    $stampMergeFieldKey->xCoord = "283";
    $stampMergeFieldKey->yCoord = "120";

    $stampMergeFieldImageValue = new MonopondStampMergeFieldImageValue();
    $stampMergeFieldImageValue->FileName = "hello.png";
    $stampMergeFieldImageValue->FileData = $stampFiledata;
    $stampMergeFieldImageValue->width = "25";
    $stampMergeFieldImageValue->height = "25";

    $stampMergeField = new MonopondStampMergeField();
    $stampMergeField->StampMergeFieldKey = $stampMergeFieldKey;
    $stampMergeField->ImageValue = $stampMergeFieldImageValue;

    // TODO: Setup Document
    $document = new MonopondDocument();
    $document->FileName = "AnyFileName1.tiff";
    $document->FileData = $filedata;
    $document->Order = 0;
    $document->StampMergeData[] = $stampMergeField;

    // TODO: Setup FaxMessage
    $faxMessage = new MonopondFaxMessage();
    $faxMessage->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
    $faxMessage->SendTo = "61011111111";
    $faxMessage->SendFrom = "Test Fax";
    $faxMessage->Documents = array($document);
    $faxMessage->Resolution = "normal";

    // // TODO: Setup FaxSendRequest 
    $sendFaxRequest = new MonopondSendFaxRequest();
    $sendFaxRequest->BroadcastRef = "Broadcast-test-1";
    $sendFaxRequest->SendRef = "Send-Ref-1";
    $sendFaxRequest->FaxMessages[] = $faxMessage;

    // // Call send fax method
    $sendRespone = $client->sendFax($sendFaxRequest);

DocMergeData Mergefield Properties:

Name Required Type Description
Key String A unique identifier used to determine which fields need replacing.
Value String The value that replaces the key.

StampMergeData Mergefield Properties:

Name Required Type Description
Key StampMergeFieldKey Contains x and y coordinates where the ImageValue or TextValue should be placed.
TextValue StampMergeFieldTextValue The text value that replaces the key.
ImageValue StampMergeFieldImageValue The image value that replaces the key.

StampMergeFieldKey Properties:

Name Required Type Description
xCoord Int X coordinate.
yCoord Int Y coordinate.

StampMergeFieldTextValue Properties:

Name Required Type Description
fontName String Font name to be used.
fontSize Decimal Font size to be used.

StampMergeFieldImageValue Properties:

Name Required Type Description
fileName String The document filename including extension. This is important as it is used to help identify the document MIME type.
fileData Base64 The document encoded in Base64 format.


The response received from a SendFaxRequest matches the response you receive when calling the FaxStatus method call with a send verbosity level.

SOAP Faults

This function will throw one of the following SOAP faults/exceptions if something went wrong: InvalidArgumentsException, NoMessagesFoundException, DocumentContentTypeNotFoundException, or InternalServerException. You can find more details on these faults here.



This function provides you with a method of retrieving the status, details and results of fax messages sent. While this is a legitimate method of retrieving results we strongly advise that you take advantage of our callback service, which will push these fax results to you as they are completed.

When making a status request, you must provide at least a BroadcastRef, SendRef or MessageRef. The function will also accept a combination of these to further narrow the request query.

  • Limiting by a BroadcastRef allows you to retrieve faxes contained in a group of send requests.
  • Limiting by SendRef allows you to retrieve faxes contained in a single send request.
  • Limiting by MessageRef allows you to retrieve a single fax message.

There are multiple levels of verbosity available in the request; these are explained in detail below.

FaxStatusRequest Properties:

Name Required Type Description
BroadcastRef String User-defined broadcast reference.
SendRef String User-defined send reference.
MessageRef String User-defined message reference.
Verbosity String Verbosity String The level of detail in the status response. Please see below for a list of possible values.

Verbosity Levels:

Value Description
brief Gives you an overall view of the messages. This simply shows very high-level statistics, consisting of counts of how many faxes are at each status (i.e. processing, queued,sending) and totals of the results of these faxes (success, failed, blocked).
send send Includes the results from “brief” while also including an itemised list of each fax message in the request.
details details Includes the results from “send” along with details of the properties used to send the fax messages.
results Includes the results from “send” along with the sending results of the fax messages.
all all Includes the results from both “details” and “results” along with some extra uncommon fields.

Sending a faxStatus Request with “brief” verbosity:

 // TODO: Setup FaxStatusRequest 
 $faxStatusRequest = new MonopondFaxStatusRequest();
 $faxStatusRequest->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
$faxStatusRequest->Verbosity = "brief";
 // Call fax status method
 $faxStatus = $client->faxStatus($faxStatusRequest);

Sending a faxStatus Request with “send” verbosity:

 // TODO: Setup FaxStatusRequest 
 $faxStatusRequest = new MonopondFaxStatusRequest();
 $faxStatusRequest->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
 $faxStatusRequest->Verbosity = "send";
 // Call fax status method
 $faxStatus = $client->faxStatus($faxStatusRequest);

Sending a faxStatus Request with “details” verbosity:

 // TODO: Setup FaxStatusRequest 
 $faxStatusRequest = new MonopondFaxStatusRequest();
 $faxStatusRequest->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
 $faxStatusRequest->Verbosity = "details";
 // Call fax status method
 $faxStatus = $client->faxStatus($faxStatusRequest);

Sending a faxStatus Request with “results” verbosity:

 // TODO: Setup FaxStatusRequest 
 $faxStatusRequest = new MonopondFaxStatusRequest();
 $faxStatusRequest->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
 $faxStatusRequest->Verbosity = "results";
 // Call fax status method
 $faxStatus = $client->faxStatus($faxStatusRequest);


The response received depends entirely on the verbosity level specified.


Name Type Verbosity Description
FaxStatusTotals FaxStatusTotals brief Counts of how many faxes are at each status. See below for more details.
FaxResultsTotals FaxResultsTotals brief FaxResultsTotals FaxResultsTotals brief Totals of the end results of the faxes. See below for more details.
FaxMessages Array of FaxMessage send send List of each fax in the query. See below for more details.


Contains the total count of how many faxes are at each status. To see more information on each fax status, view the FaxStatus table below.

Name Type Verbosity Description
pending Long brief Fax is pending on the system and waiting to be processed.
processing Long brief Fax is in the initial processing stages.
queued Long brief Fax has finished processing and is queued, ready to send out at the send time.
starting Long brief Fax is ready to be sent out.
sending Long brief Fax has been spooled to our servers and is in the process of being sent out.
finalizing Long brief Fax has finished sending and the results are being processed.
done Long brief Fax has completed and no further actions will take place. The detailed results are available at this status.


Contains the total count of how many faxes ended in each result, as well as some additional totals. To view more information on each fax result, view the FaxResults table below.

Name Type Verbosity Description
success Long brief Fax has successfully been delivered to its destination.
blocked Long brief Destination number was found in one of the block lists.
failed Long brief Fax failed getting to its destination.
totalAttempts Long brief Total attempts made in the reference context.
totalFaxDuration Long brief totalFaxDuration Long brief Total time spent on the line in the reference context.
totalPages Long brief Total pages sent in the reference context.


Name Type Verbosity Description
messageRef String send
sendRef String send
broadcastRef String send
sendTo String send
status send The current status of the fax message. See the FaxStatus table above for possible status values.
FaxDetails FaxDetails details Contains the details and settings the fax was sent with. See below for more details.
FaxResults Array of FaxResult results Contains the results of each attempt at sending the fax message and their connection details. See below for more details.


Name Type Verbosity
sendFrom Alphanumeric String details
resolution String details
retries Integer details
busyRetries Integer details
headerFormat String details


Name Type Verbosity Description
attempt Integer results The attempt number of the FaxResult.
result String results The result of the fax message. See the FaxResults table above for all possible results values.
Error FaxError results The fax error code if the fax was not successful. See below for all possible values.
cost BigDecimal results The final cost of the fax message.
pages Integer results Total pages sent to the end fax machine.
scheduledStartTime DateTime results The date and time the fax is scheduled to start.
dateCallStarted DateTime results Date and time the fax started transmitting.
dateCallEnded DateTime results Date and time the fax finished transmitting.


Value Error Name
DOCUMENT_EXCEEDS_PAGE_LIMIT Document exceeds page limit
DOCUMENT_UNSUPPORTED Unsupported document type
DOCUMENT_FAILED_CONVERSION Document failed conversion
FUNDS_INSUFFICIENT Insufficient funds
FUNDS_FAILED Failed to transfer funds
BLOCK_ACCOUNT Number cannot be sent from this account
BLOCK_GLOBAL Number found in the Global blocklist
BLOCK_SMART Number found in the Smart blocklist
BLOCK_DNCR Number found in the DNCR blocklist
BLOCK_CUSTOM Number found in a user specified blocklist
FAX_EARLY_HANGUP Early hang-up on call
FAX_INCOMPATIBLE_MACHINE Incompatible fax machine
FAX_BUSY Phone number busy
FAX_SENDING_FAILED Sending fax failed
FAX_UNKNOWN Unknown fax error

SOAP Faults

This function will throw one of the following SOAP faults/exceptions if something went wrong:

InvalidArgumentsException, NoMessagesFoundException, or InternalServerException. You can find more details on these faults here.



Stops a fax message from sending. This fax message must either be paused, queued, starting or sending. Please note the fax cannot be stopped if the fax is currently in the process of being transmitted to the destination device.

When making a stop request you must provide at least a BroadcastRef, SendRef or MessageRef. The function will also accept a combination of these to further narrow down the request.


StopFaxRequest Properties:

Name Required Type Description
BroadcastRef String User-defined broadcast reference.
SendRef String User-defined send reference.
MessageRef String User-defined message reference.

StopFax Request limiting by BroadcastRef:

// TODO: Setup StopFaxRequest
 $stopFaxRequest = new MonopondStopFaxRequest();
 $stopFaxRequest->BroadcastRef = "Broadcast-test-1";
 $stopFax = $client->stopFax($stopFaxRequest);

StopFax Request limiting by SendRef:

$stopFaxRequest = new MonopondStopFaxRequest();
 $stopFaxRequest->SendRef = "Send-Ref-1";
 $stopFax = $client->stopFax($stopFaxRequest);

StopFax Request limiting by MessageRef:

 // TODO: Setup StopFaxRequest
 $stopFaxRequest = new MonopondStopFaxRequest();
 $stopFaxRequest->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
 $stopFax = $client->stopFax($stopFaxRequest);


The response received from a StopFaxRequest is the same response you would receive when calling the FaxStatus method call with the send verbosity level.

SOAP Faults

This function will throw one of the following SOAP faults/exceptions if something went wrong:

InvalidArgumentsException, NoMessagesFoundException, or InternalServerException. You can find more details on these faults here.



Pauses a fax message before it starts transmitting. This fax message must either be queued, starting or sending. Please note the fax cannot be paused if the message is currently being transmitted to the destination device.

When making a pause request, you must provide at least a BroadcastRef, SendRef or MessageRef. The function will also accept a combination of these to further narrow down the request.


PauseFaxRequest Properties:

Name Required Type Description
BroadcastRef String User-defined broadcast reference.
SendRef String User-defined send reference.
MessageRef String User-defined message reference.

PauseFax Request limiting by BroadcastRef:

// TODO: Setup PauseFaxRequest
 $pauseFaxRequest = new MonopondPauseFaxRequest();
 $pauseFaxRequest->BroadcastRef = "Broadcast-test-1";
 $pauseFax = $client->pauseFax($pauseFaxRequest);

PauseFax Request limiting by SendRef:

 // TODO: Setup PauseFaxRequest
 $pauseFaxRequest = new MonopondPauseFaxRequest();
 $pauseFaxRequest->SendRef = "Send-Ref-1";
 $pauseFax = $client->pauseFax($pauseFaxRequest);

PauseFax Request limiting by MessageRef:

// TODO: Setup PauseFaxRequest
 $pauseFaxRequest = new MonopondPauseFaxRequest();
 $pauseFaxRequest->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
 $pauseFax = $client->pauseFax($pauseFaxRequest);


The response received from a PauseFaxRequest is the same response you would receive when calling the FaxStatus method call with the send verbosity level.

SOAP Faults

This function will throw one of the following SOAP faults/exceptions if something went wrong: InvalidArgumentsException, NoMessagesFoundException, or InternalServerException. You can find more details on these faults in here.


When making a resume request, you must provide at least a BroadcastRef, SendRef or MessageRef. The function will also accept a combination of these to further narrow down the request.


ResumeFaxRequest Properties:

Name Required Type Description
BroadcastRef String User-defined broadcast reference.
SendRef String User-defined send reference.
MessageRef String User-defined message reference.

ResumeFax Request limiting by BroadcastRef:

 // TODO: Setup ResumeFaxRequest
 $resumeFaxRequest = new MonopondResumeFaxRequest();
 $resumeFaxRequest->BroadcastRef = "Broadcast-test-1";
 $resumeFax = $client->resumeFax($resumeFaxRequest);

ResumeFax Request limiting by SendRef:

// TODO: Setup ResumeFaxRequest
 $resumeFaxRequest = new MonopondResumeFaxRequest();
 $resumeFaxRequest->SendRef = "Send-Ref-1";
 $resumeFax = $client->resumeFax($resumeFaxRequest);

ResumeFax Request limiting by MessageRef:

 $resumeFaxRequest = new MonopondResumeFaxRequest();
 $resumeFaxRequest->MessageRef = "Testing-message-1";
 $resumeFax = $client->resumeFax($resumeFaxRequest);


The response received from a ResumeFaxRequest is the same response you would receive when calling the FaxStatus method call with the send verbosity level.

SOAP Faults

This function will throw one of the following SOAP faults/exceptions if something went wrong: InvalidArgumentsException, NoMessagesFoundException, or InternalServerException. You can find more details on these faults here.



This function provides you with a method to generate a preview of a saved document at different resolutions with various dithering settings. It returns a tiff data in base64 along with a page count.

Normal PreviewFaxDocument Request

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest = new MonopondFaxDocumentPreviewRequest();
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->DocumentRef = "hello-space2021";
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->Resolution = "fine";
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->DitheringTechnique = "normal";

    $faxDocumentPreviewResponse = $client->faxDocumentPreview($faxDocumentPreviewRequest);

PreviewFaxDocument Request with StampMergeFieldText

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/document.tiff", "r"), filesize("tests/document.tiff"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);

    $stampFiledata = fread(fopen("tests/stamp.png", "r"), filesize("tests/stamp.png"));
    $stampFiledata = base64_encode($stampFiledata);

    $stampMergeFieldKey = new MonopondStampMergeFieldKey();
    $stampMergeFieldKey->xCoord = "390";
    $stampMergeFieldKey->yCoord = "757";

    $stampMergeFieldTextValue = new MonopondStampMergeFieldTextValue();
    $stampMergeFieldTextValue->fontName = "Bookman-DemiItalic";
    $stampMergeFieldTextValue->Value = "Hello World!";

    $monopondStampMergeField = new MonopondStampMergeField();
    $monopondStampMergeField->StampMergeFieldKey = $stampMergeFieldKey;
    $monopondStampMergeField->TextValue = $stampMergeFieldTextValue;

    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest = new MonopondFaxDocumentPreviewRequest();
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->DocumentRef = "sample-document-ref";
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->Resolution = "fine";
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->DitheringTechnique = "normal";
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->StampMergeData = array($monopondStampMergeField);

    $faxDocumentPreviewResponse = $client->faxDocumentPreview($faxDocumentPreviewRequest);

PreviewFaxDocument Request with StampMergeFieldText

    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/document.tiff", "r"), filesize("tests/document.tiff"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);

    $stampFiledata = fread(fopen("tests/stamp.png", "r"), filesize("tests/stamp.png"));
    $stampFiledata = base64_encode($stampFiledata);

    $stampMergeFieldKey = new MonopondStampMergeFieldKey();
    $stampMergeFieldKey->xCoord = "390";
    $stampMergeFieldKey->yCoord = "757";

    $stampMergeFieldImageValue = new MonopondStampMergeFieldImageValue();
    $stampMergeFieldImageValue->FileName = "hello.png";
    $stampMergeFieldImageValue->FileData = $stampFiledata;
    $stampMergeFieldImageValue->width = "25";
    $stampMergeFieldImageValue->height = "25";

    $stampMergeField = new MonopondStampMergeField();
    $stampMergeField->StampMergeFieldKey = $stampMergeFieldKey;
    $stampMergeField->ImageValue = $stampMergeFieldImageValue;

    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest = new MonopondFaxDocumentPreviewRequest();
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->DocumentRef = "hello-space2021";
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->Resolution = "fine";
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->DitheringTechnique = "normal";
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->StampMergeData = array($stampMergeField);

    $faxDocumentPreviewResponse = $client->faxDocumentPreview($faxDocumentPreviewRequest);

PreviewFaxDocument Request with DocMergeData

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/sample.doc", "r"), filesize("tests/sample.doc"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);

    $mergeField = new MonopondMergeField();
    $mergeField->Key = "field1";
    $mergeField->Value = "Raspberry Pi";

    $mergeField2 = new MonopondMergeField();
    $mergeField2->Key = "field2";
    $mergeField2->Value = "Human";

    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest = new MonopondFaxDocumentPreviewRequest();
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->DocumentRef = "sample-documentref";
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->Resolution = "fine";
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->DitheringTechnique = "normal";
    $faxDocumentPreviewRequest->DocMergeData = array($mergeField, $mergeField2);

    $faxDocumentPreviewResponse = $client->faxDocumentPreview($faxDocumentPreviewRequest);


FaxDocumentPreviewRequest Parameters:

Name Required Type Description Default
Resolution Resolution Resolution setting of the fax document. Refer to the resolution table below for possible resolution values. normal
DitheringTechnique FaxDitheringTechnique Applies a custom dithering method to the fax document before transmission.
DocMergeData Array of DocMergeData MergeFields Each mergefield has a key and a value. The system will look for the keys in a document and replace them with their corresponding value.
StampMergeData Array of StampMergeData MergeFields Each mergefield has a key a corressponding TextValue/ImageValue. The system will look for the keys in a document and replace them with their corresponding value.

DocMergeData Mergefield Parameters:

Name Required Type Description
Key String A unique identifier used to determine which fields need replacing.
Value String The value that replaces the key.

StampMergeData Mergefield Parameters:

Name Required Type Description
Key StampMergeFieldKey Contains x and y coordinates where the ImageValue or TextValue should be placed.
TextValue StampMergeFieldTextValue The text value that replaces the key.
ImageValue StampMergeFieldImageValue The image value that replaces the key.

StampMergeFieldKey Parameters:

Name Required Type Description
xCoord Int X coordinate.
yCoord Int Y coordinate.

StampMergeFieldTextValue Parameters:

Name Required Type Description
fontName String Font name to be used.
fontSize Decimal Font size to be used.

StampMergeFieldImageValue Parameters:

Name Required Type Description
fileName String The document filename including extension. This is important as it is used to help identify the document MIME type.
fileData Base64 The document encoded in Base64 format.


Name Type Description
TiffPreview String A preview version of the document encoded in Base64 format.
NumberOfPages Int Total number of pages in the document preview.

SOAP Faults

This function will throw one of the following SOAP faults/exceptions if something went wrong: DocumentRefDoesNotExistException, InternalServerException, UnsupportedDocumentContentType, MergeFieldDoesNotMatchDocumentTypeException, UnknownHostException. You can find more details on these faults in Section 5 of this document.You can find more details on these faults in the next section of this document.



This function allows you to upload a document and save it under a document reference (DocumentRef) for later use. (Note: These saved documents only last 30 days on the system.)

Sample Request

    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/test.pdf", "r"), filesize("tests/test.pdf"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);

    $saveFaxDocumentRequest = new MonopondSaveFaxDocumentRequest();
    $saveFaxDocumentRequest->DocumentRef = "sample-document-ref";
    $saveFaxDocumentRequest->FileName = "test.pdf";
    $saveFaxDocumentRequest->FileData = $filedata;

    $saveFaxDocumentResponse = $client->saveFaxDocument($saveFaxDocumentRequest);


SaveFaxDocumentRequest Parameters:

Name Required Type Description
DocumentRef X String Unique identifier for the document to be uploaded.
FileName X String The document filename including extension. This is important as it is used to help identify the document MIME type.
FileData X Base64 The document encoded in Base64 format.

SOAP Faults

This function will throw one of the following SOAP faults/exceptions if something went wrong: DocumentRefAlreadyExistsException, DocumentContentTypeNotFoundException, InternalServerException. You can find more details on these faults in Section 5 of this document.You can find more details on these faults in the next section of this document.



This function removes a saved fax document from the system.

Sample Request

    // TODO: Put your file path here
    $filedata = fread(fopen("tests/test.pdf", "r"), filesize("tests/test.pdf"));
    $filedata = base64_encode($filedata);

    $deleteFaxDocumentRequest = new MonopondDeleteFaxDocumentRequest();
    $deleteFaxDocumentRequest->DocumentRef = "sample-document-ref";

    // Call delete FaxDocument method
    $deleteRespone = $client->deleteFaxDocument($deleteFaxDocumentRequest);


DeleteFaxDocumentRequest Parameters:

Name Required Type Description
DocumentRef String Unique identifier for the document to be deleted.
MessageRef String User-defined message reference.
SendRef String User-defined send reference.
BroadcastRef String User-defined broadcast reference.

SOAP Faults

This function will throw one of the following SOAP faults/exceptions if something went wrong: DocumentRefDoesNotExistException, InternalServerException. You can find more details on these faults in Section 5 of this document.You can find more details on these faults in the next section of this document.

More Information

Exceptions/SOAP Faults

If an error occurs during a request on the Monopond Fax API the service will throw a SOAP fault or exception. Each exception is listed in detail below.


One or more of the arguments passed in the request were invalid. Each element that failed validation is included in the fault details along with the reason for failure.


There was an error while decoding the document provided; we were unable to determine its content type.


There is already a document on your account with this DocumentRef.


Content type could not be found for the document.


Based on the references sent in the request no messages could be found that match the criteria.


An unusual error occurred on the platform. If this error occurs please contact support for further instruction.

General Properties and File Formatting

File Encoding

All files are encoded in the Base64 encoding specified in RFC 2045 - MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). The Base64 encoding is designed to represent arbitrary sequences of octets in a form that need not be humanly readable. A 65-character subset ([A-Za-z0-9+/=]) of US-ASCII is used, enabling 6 bits to be represented per printable character. For more information see and


Dates are always passed in ISO-8601 format with time zone. For example: “2012-07-17T19:27:23+08:00”

MonopondSendFaxRequest Properties

Name Required Type Description Default
BroadcastRef String Allows the user to tag all faxes in this request with a user-defined broadcastreference. These faxes can then be retrieved at a later point based on this reference.
SendRef String Similar to the BroadcastRef, this allows the user to tag all faxes in this request with a send reference. The SendRef is used to represent all faxes in this request only, so naturally it must be unique.
FaxMessages X Array of FaxMessage FaxMessages describe each individual fax message and its destination. See below for details.
SendFrom Alphanumeric String A customisable string used to identify the sender of the fax. Also known as the Transmitting Subscriber Identification (TSID). The maximum string length is 32 characters Fax
Documents X Array of apiFaxDocument Each FaxDocument object describes a fax document to be sent. Multiple documents can be defined here which will be concatenated and sent in the same message. See below for details.
Resolution Resolution Resolution setting of the fax document. Refer to the resolution table below for possible resolution values. normal
ScheduledStartTime DateTime The date and time the transmission of the fax will start. Current time (immediate sending)
Blocklists Blocklists The blocklists that will be checked and filtered against before sending the message. See below for details.WARNING: This feature is inactive and non-functional in this (2.1) version of the Fax API.
Retries Unsigned Integer The number of times to retry sending the fax if it fails. Each account has a maximum number of retries that can be changed by consultation with your account manager. Account Default
BusyRetries Unsigned Integer Certain fax errors such as “NO_ANSWER” or “BUSY” are not included in the above retries limit and can be set separately. Each account has a maximum number of busy retries that can be changed by consultation with your account manager. Account default
HeaderFormat String Allows the header format that appears at the top of the transmitted fax to be changed. See below for an explanation of how to format this field. From: X, To: X
MustBeSentBeforeDate DateTime Specifies a time the fax must be delivered by. Once the specified time is reached the fax will be cancelled across the system.
MaxFaxPages Unsigned Integer Sets a limit on the amount of pages allowed in a single fax transmission. Especially useful if the user is blindly submitting their customer's documents to the platform. 20

MonopondFaxMessage Properties

This represents a single fax message being sent to a destination.

Name Required Type Description Default
MessageRef X String A unique user-provided identifier that is used to identify the fax message. This can be used at a later point to retrieve the results of the fax message.
SendTo X String The phone number the fax message will be sent to.
SendFrom Alphanumeric String A customisable string used to identify the sender of the fax. Also known as the Transmitting Subscriber Identification (TSID). The maximum string length is 32 characters Empty
Documents X Array of apiFaxDocument Each FaxDocument object describes a fax document to be sent. Multiple documents can be defined here which will be concatenated and sent in the same message. See below for details.
Resolution Resolution Resolution setting of the fax document. Refer to the resolution table below for possible resolution values. normal
ScheduledStartTime DateTime The date and time the transmission of the fax will start. Start now
Blocklists Blocklists The blocklists that will be checked and filtered against before sending the message. See below for details. WARNING: This feature is inactive and non-functional in this (2.1) version of the Fax API.
Retries Unsigned Integer The number of times to retry sending the fax if it fails. Each account has a maximum number of retries that can be changed by consultation with your account manager. Account Default
BusyRetries Unsigned Integer Certain fax errors such as “NO_ANSWER” or “BUSY” are not included in the above retries limit and can be set separately. Please consult with your account manager in regards to maximum value. account default
HeaderFormat String Allows the header format that appears at the top of the transmitted fax to be changed. See below for an explanation of how to format this field. From: X, To: X
MustBeSentBeforeDate DateTime Specifies a time the fax must be delivered by. Once the specified time is reached the fax will be cancelled across the system.
MaxFaxPages Unsigned Integer Sets a limit on the amount of pages allowed in a single fax transmission. Especially useful if the user is blindly submitting their customer's documents to the platform. 20
CLI String Allows a customer called ID. Note: Must be enabled on the account before it can be used.

MonopondDocument Properties

Represents a fax document to be sent through the system. Supported file types are: PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPG, GIF, TXT, PS, RTF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX.

Name Required Type Description Default
FileName X String The document filename including extension. This is important as it is used to help identify the document MIME type.
FileData X Base64 The document encoded in Base64 format.
Order X Integer If multiple documents are defined on a message this value will determine the order in which they will be transmitted. 0
DocMergeData An Array of MergeFields
StampMergeData An Array of MergeFields

Resolution Levels

Value Description
normal Normal standard resolution (98 scan lines per inch)
fine Fine resolution (196 scan lines per inch)


Value Fax Dithering Technique
none No dithering.
normal Normal dithering.
turbo Turbo dithering.
darken Darken dithering.
darken_more Darken more dithering.
darken_extra Darken extra dithering.
lighten Lighten dithering.
lighten_more Lighten more dithering.
crosshatch Crosshatch dithering.
DETAILED Detailed dithering.

Header Format

Determines the format of the header line that is printed on the top of the transmitted fax message. This is set to **rom %from%, To %to%|%a %b %d %H:%M %Y”**y default which produces the following:

From TSID, To 61022221234 Mon Aug 28 15:32 2012 1 of 1

Value Description
%from% The value of the SendFrom field in the message.
%to% The value of the SendTo field in the message.
%a Weekday name (abbreviated)
%A Weekday name
%b Month name (abbreviated)
%B Month name
%d Day of the month as a decimal (01 – 31)
%m Month as a decimal (01 – 12)
%y Year as a decimal (abbreviated)
%Y Year as a decimal
%H Hour as a decimal using a 24-hour clock (00 – 23)
%I Hour as a decimal using a 12-hour clock (01 – 12)
%M Minute as a decimal (00 – 59)
%S Second as a decimal (00 – 59)
%p AM or PM
%j Day of the year as a decimal (001 – 366)
%U Week of the year as a decimal (Monday as first day of the week) (00 – 53)
%W Day of the year as a decimal (001 – 366)
%w Day of the week as a decimal (0 – 6) (Sunday being 0)
%% A literal % character

TODO: The default value is set to: “From %from%, To %to%|%a %b %d %H:%M %Y”

Blocklists Parameters

Name Required Type Description
smartblock false boolean Blocks sending to a number if it has consistently failed in the past.
fps false boolean Wash numbers against the fps blocklist.
dncr false boolean Wash numbers against the dncr blocklist.