Forecasts is a nodejs cli that takes parameters from the terminal and makes a fetch request to openweather current api using axios to give the current weather condition of a place in different temperature units.
npm i -g forecasts
Temperature values are in Farhenheit by default.
forecasts lagos
Current temperature in lagos is 91.4°F.
Conditions are currently: light rain.
What you should expect: light rain throughout the day, Tue Feb 16 2021.
Weather was added to your weather tracking file, weather.txt
Pass in Temperature Parameters (Kelvin)
forecasts lagos -k
Current temperature in lagos is 306.15°K.
Conditions are currently: light rain.
What you should expect: light rain throughout the day, Tue Feb 16 2021.
Weather was added to your weather tracking file, weather.txt
Pass in Temperature Parameters (Celcius)
forecasts lagos -c
Current temperature in lagos is 33°C.
Conditions are currently: light rain.
What you should expect: light rain throughout the day, Tue Feb 16 2021.
Weather was added to your weather tracking file, weather.txt
Get all weather report
forecasts report
Current temperature in london is 49.62F.
Conditions are currently: few clouds.
What you should expect: few clouds throughout the day, Tue Feb 16 2021.
Current temperature in london is 282.99K.
Conditions are currently: broken clouds.
What you should expect: broken clouds throughout the day, Tue Feb 16 2021.
Current temperature in lagos is 306.15K.
Conditions are currently: light rain.
What you should expect: light rain throughout the day, Tue Feb 16 2021.
Current temperature in lagos is 91.4F.
Conditions are currently: light rain.
What you should expect: light rain throughout the day, Tue Feb 16 2021.
Current temperature in lagos is 33C.
Conditions are currently: light rain.
What you should expect: light rain throughout the day, Tue Feb 16 2021.
forecasts --help