Field | Type | Max Length | Description | Location |
Account 1 | Numeric | 19 | Account Number | Body |
CVV 1 | String | 3 | Account CVV | Body |
Track2 2 | String | 50 | Track2 Data (stripe) | Body |
Identifier 3 | String | 30 | Account Alternate Identifier | Body |
Amount | Numeric | 8 | Transaction Amount | Body |
OverrideCVV | Boolean | Override Account CVV | Body | |
InvoiceNo | String | 10 | Unique Transaction Identifier | Body |
OverrideDuplicate | Boolean | Override Duplicate Transaction | Body | |
Promo | Boolean | Promotional Load | Body |
1 Include these fields for manually entered account information.
2 Include this field for swiped account information.
3 Include this field for alternate identifier account information.
Field | Type | Max Length | Description | Location |
RefNo | Numeric | 19 | Transaction RefNo to Void | URL |
Field | Type | Max Length | Description | Location |
Account 1 | Numeric | 19 | Account Number | Body |
CVV 1 | String | 3 | Account CVV | Body |
Track2 2 | String | 50 | Track2 Data (stripe) | Body |
Identifier 3 | String | 30 | Account Alternate Identifier | Body |
Amount | Numeric | 8 | Transaction Amount | Body |
OverrideCVV | Boolean | Override Account CVV | Body | |
InvoiceNo | String | 10 | Unique Transaction Identifier | Body |
OverrideDuplicate | Boolean | Override Duplicate Transaction | Body |
1 Include these fields for manually entered account information.
2 Include this field for swiped account information.
3 Include this field for alternate identifier account information.
Field | Type | Max Length | Description | Location |
RefNo | Numeric | 19 | Transaction RefNo to Void | URL |
Field | Type | Max Length | Description | Location |
Account 1 | Numeric | 19 | Account Number | Body |
CVV 1 | String | 3 | Account CVV | Body |
Track2 2 | String | 50 | Track2 Data (stripe) | Body |
Identifier 3 | String | 30 | Account Alternate Identifier | Body |
OverrideCVV | Boolean | Override Account CVV | Body |
1 Include these fields for manually entered account information.
2 Include this field for swiped account information.
3 Include this field for alternate identifier account information.
Field | Type | Max Length | Description | Location |
Amount | Numeric | 8 | Transaction Amount | Body |
NewIdentifier | String | 30 | New Account Alternate Identifier | Body |
InvoiceNo | String | 10 | Unique Transaction Identifier | Body |
Promo | Boolean | Promotional Create | Body | |
Locked | Boolean | Account Locked | Body | |
CreditLimit | Numeric | 8 | Enable Credit and Set Limit | Body |
Field | Type | Max Length | Description | Location |
Account 1 | Numeric | 19 | Account Number | Body |
CVV 1 | String | 3 | Account CVV | Body |
Track2 2 | String | 50 | Track2 Data (stripe) | Body |
Identifier 3 | String | 30 | Account Alternate Identifier | Body |
OverrideCVV | Boolean | Override Account CVV | Body | |
NewIdentifier 4 | String | 30 | New Account Alternate Identifier | Body |
Locked 4 | Boolean | Account Locked | Body | |
CreditLimit 4 | Numeric | 8 | Enable Credit and Set Limit | Body |
1 Include these fields for manually entered account information.
2 Include this field for swiped account information.
3 Include this field for alternate identifier account information.
4 Must include one or more of these fields.
Replay transaction response by RefNo.
Field | Type | Max Length | Description | Location |
RefNo | String | 19 | Transaction RefNo | URL |
Stored Value transaction response bodies include the following fields:
Field | Type | Max Length | Description |
Status 1 | String | 50 | Transaction Status |
Message | String | 50 | Response Message |
Account | Numeric | 19 | Account Number |
CVV | String | 3 | Account CVV |
Identifier | String | 30 | Account Alternate Identifier |
Amount | Numeric | 8 | Transaction Amount |
Balance | Numeric | 8 | Account Balance |
RefNo | String | 19 | Transaction RefNo |
InvoiceNo | String | 10 | Unique Transaction Identifier |
Promo | Boolean | Promotional Load | |
Locked | Boolean | Account Locked | |
Voided | Boolean | Transaction Voided | |
Code 2 | String | 10 | Account Short Code |
CreditLimit | Numeric | 8 | Credit Limit |
1 Status
values: Approved
, Duplicate
, Declined
, or Error
2 Only returned upon Create.