$: helm repo add datawire https://www.getambassador.io
$: helm repo update
# Note: if you see `manifest_sorter.go:175: info: skipping unknown hook: "crd-install"`, don't worry, it's not an error
$: kubectl create namespace K8s-Ambassador-Namespace
$: helm install ambassador --namespace K8s-Ambassador-Namespace datawire/ambassador -f config.yaml # see Research
$: sudo curl -fL https://metriton.datawire.io/downloads/linux/edgectl -o /usr/local/bin/edgectl && sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/edgectl
$: edgectl install
Filters and Authentication
Keycloak SSO and Ambassador
apiVersion: getambassador.io/v2
kind: Mapping
name: Mapping-Name # REQUIRED
namespace: K8s-Ambassador-Namespace
prefix: /url/prefix/ # REQUIRED; https://Ambassador-Hostname/url/prefix/...
service: 'Service-Name.Namespace:Port' # REQUIRED; [Scheme://]Service-Name[.Namespace][:Port]
rewrite: /url/rewrite/ # URL prefix for talking to the service; https://Service-Name.Namespace:Port/url/rewrite/...
503: Service Unavailable
: check if the spec.service
is correct
Did you use spec.rewrite
and changed the base URL? If not, search the system documentation for how to do it.