Scraping data from IMDb Top 250 Movies and getting some insights about them
This Poject had 3 phases :
- Scraping data from IMDB
- Creating DataBase using MySQL and mysql.connector
- Analyzing gathered data and get some insights
I used both Selenium and bs4(BeautifulSoup) to scrape data such as :
- title
- year
- parental guide
- runtime(in minutes)
- genre
- director
- writer
- star
- gross us canada
First I cleaned data and then used MySQL and mysql.connector to create following DataBase :
This Phase has 3 parts :
- Based on users input ->
- Filtering by movies release year
- Filtering by movies runtime
- Filtering by movies stars
- Filtering by movies genre
- Static Plots ->
- 10 most selling Movie
- 5 most prolific actors
- Number of Genres
- Number of Parental Guide
- Number of each Genre for each Parental Guide
- User Required Graph (Dynamic Plots) ->
- Top 10 Selling based on input Genre
- Word Cloud of Movies based on input Genre