CSS: quick change timing keyframes
CSS: quick change timing keyframes
CSS: ReBuild Index Animation with goods specs
CSS: ReBuild Index Animation with goods specs
CSS: responsive Skeleton, hero title food store, card index and bug T…
CSS: responsive Skeleton, hero title food store, card index and bug T…
CSS: loader animation on Index page
CSS: loader animation on Index page
CSS: fix some UI things in desktop
CSS: fix some UI things in desktop
Flow: Testing minify options in SASS for styles.css
Flow: Testing minify options in SASS for styles.css
Templating : fix Error html + wrapping main content food store in ske…
Templating : fix Error html + wrapping main content food store in ske…
Responsive: Add class skeleton on Index/Food Store + fix padding + Mi…
Responsive: Add class skeleton on Index/Food Store + fix padding + Mi…
Flow: Change HTML Card Menu Elements + CSS UI Animations on Hover
Flow: Change HTML Card Menu Elements + CSS UI Animations on Hover
Templating: Wrapping Card by Link + modify gitignore
Templating: Wrapping Card by Link + modify gitignore
Templating: changing CSS class body foodstore + index
Templating: changing CSS class body foodstore + index
CSS: Heart Debug animations hover
CSS: Heart Debug animations hover
CSS Header food store without back to index animations
CSS Header food store without back to index animations
CSS Header food store without back to index
CSS Header food store without back to index
Templating: quick fixe lost composant Notice on Index
Templating: quick fixe lost composant Notice on Index
Templating:Food store Menu
Templating:Food store Menu
Templating:New food-store page HTML
Templating:New food-store page HTML