to be upgraded with image recognition - opencv
a simple python bot created to purchase limited ugc items while user is not present.
for Example, a ugc is released at night, and you have url + time, instead of staying up, simply feed the neccessary info into the script, and run it
works only with windows(any version), and with FIREFOX browser only!
install python3.10 - pip downloaded automatically - if you dont have ---> https://www.python.org/downloads
install pyautogui - enter in terminal ---> pip install pyautogui
download the script
open the file, avatar.py
locate the varible day ---> enter the time release of the ugc item
locate the vaiable night ---> enter time release of ugc item but add 1-2 min, extra
locate the variable url ---> enter the ugc item roblox link
save this to the file
open cmd prompt in the directory of avatar.py
run python avatar.py
thanks to God
#to whosoever this may concern, this project does not go against Roblox term and conditions and if so, we are not liable. All rights to PCMODDER/DESTINY/MIKAHAEL as the license states ---> https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/