In this lab, you will be using the Sakila database of movie rentals. You have been using this database for a couple labs already, but if you need to get the data again, refer to the official installation link.
The database is structured as follows:
Create a Python connection with SQL database and retrieve the results of the following queries as dataframes:
- How many distinct (different) actors' last names are there?
- Add an additional column day_type with values 'weekend' and 'workday' depending on the rental day of the week.
- Get all films with ARMAGEDDON in the title.
- Get 10 the longest films.
- How many films include Behind the Scenes content?
- Which kind of movies (rating) have a mean duration of more than two hours?
- Rank films by length (filter out the rows that have nulls or 0s in length column). In your output, only select the columns title, length, and the rank.