In case you want to test locally, follow this guide to set up a local k3d cluster and image registry.
# navigate to deployment dir
cd deployment
# install k3d
wget -q -O - | bash
# or
brew install k3d # for Mac
choco install k3d # for Windows
# create k3d docker registry
k3d registry create monitoring-registry.localhost --port 12345
# Create cluster
k3d cluster create monitoring --registry-use k3d-monitoring-registry.localhost:12345 --image rancher/k3s
# in case you want to stop/delete the cluster
k3d cluster stop monitoring
k3d cluster delete monitoring
# install helm and helmfile
brew install helm # for Mac
brew install helmfile
choco install kubernetes-helm # for Windows
choco install helmfile
# install Kubernetes CLI (see
brew install kubernetes-cli # for Mac
choco install kubernetes-cli # for Windows
# install K9s CLI tool (for administrating a Kubernetes cluster, see
brew install derailed/k9s/k9s # for Mac
choco install k9s # for Windows
# install whole stack via helmfile (from within `deployment` dir)
helmfile apply