- downloading (on electron and native mobile, possibly neutrino)
- when a song is downloaded, it acts just like a normal song, but with a downloaded icon next to it
- when selected to play, it plays the local file instead of fetching the url
Mobile Web:
- Switch to bottom navigation
- Same as mobile native, but bottom sheet is tap based
- when phone is closed, queue / related songs requests aren't performed
- change platform-specific file structure
- move to folder (e.g. storage/)
- index.js: get environment variable and conditionally export
- index.electron.js, index.browser.js, index.neutrino.js: platform specific
- neutrino and browser can share files
Mobile Native:
- Stylize song item
- downloading?
- playlists
- set app icon
- media controls
- Recover from invalid state
- State updates across versions (like Mercury)
- Cache video data
- Deleting playlist
- Show confirmation (modal?)
- Inconsistent action to open context menu
- Youtube playing: click options icon
- Library: right click
- seeking
- use HTML5 Audio fastSeek()
- right align on all songs is not all aligned if no scroll bar
- the date added header is moved left slightly to line up with items if there's a scroll bar
- with no scroll bar, the header doesn't line up with the song items
- same with playlists in sidebar
- Linux:
- If something else takes control of the media buttons and releases them, the media buttons won't work anymore
- Unify lyra and lyra-native
- Use css-in-js similar to react native's stylesheets (?)
- move variables.scss to constants.js
- move to css modules
- Use css-in-js similar to react native's stylesheets (?)
- mediasession
- use navigator.mediaSession.setPositionState (coming Chrome v81)
- enable media session action handler for 'onseek' (buggy on Chrome mobile)
- Music metadata
- Edit metadata on song add
- Drag and drop
- Add songs to all songs
- Add songs to playlists
- Add songs into playlists
- Youtube
- Pagination
- Open in browser
- Online
- Make account
- Show songs saved online
- Stream songs
- Download songs
- When listening to a Youtube song, download it in the background as a cache
- Future playbacks and actual downloads will fetch from server's cache instead
- Upload songs
- Rooms!
- Several users listening to the same stream
- Captions
- loading circle on play / pause button when loading song
- liked / favourite songs
- add button on song / yt items
- add special playlist for liked / fav songs
- Song row interaction
- Single click does nothing
- Double click to play
- Play button on left
- Single click to play
- Right click to open menu
- Play, Edit
- Edit is same
- Play, Edit
- Download from Youtube
- Server download, since it requires converting to mp3
- Hover over seek bar
- Show time over cursor